Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly

For the week of September 21 – 27, 2020 Take a deep breath and stretch wide open with Love to fully embrace all that’s ahead this week.  We’re at the Equinox still point, an equalizing calibration of light and dark reminding us to Be the Light as we explore the shadow…shining warmly and gently through any experience of shadow as …

Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly

For the week of September 14 – 20, 2020 The week ahead offers a powerful calibration, manifesting a higher crystalline version of our current forms and structures.  When the current structures begin to fade, crack, or crumble, it’s time to reinvent and upgrade.  Foundations are meant to support and withstand the expansion of evolutionary growth.  When we find an edge …

Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly

For the week of September 7 – 13, 2020 Get ready for the transformational journey of a lifetime.  This week delivers the Mars station that launches us fully into a retrograde passage unlike any other, currently being described by many as Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey.  We’ve felt this coming for a long time, the passage was initiated by the recent …

Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly

For the week of August 31 – September 6, 2020 The week ahead delivers important activations and alignments of the highest order…the key is to trust the ebb and flow of the limitless ocean and surrender any attachments to perceived limitations.   When we identify ourselves by our perceived limitations, we form structures and barriers within ourselves prohibiting the flow …