Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week


This past week was one of eye-popping and eye-opening disclosures and heart-rending destruction of the Pacific Northwest. The days forward will continue to test our mettle and faith. The Change is truly upon us.   Our Lights, our faith and trust are more important than ever before. Now is the time to dig even deeper, awakening and knowing who you truly are – and believe me, we have barely begun to scratch the surface. We are so identified with the role we play in this one life that we cannot imagine being something more than that. In many cases, we are just beginning to recognize our shadow self and begin to welcome home those unloved parts of ourselves. This work is essential but we all must dig a little deeper, opening the door to our most Sacred Self.
I ask you to spend regular time in the coming days in meditation and hold both humanity and our world in Light and Love. See yourselves connected to all who came to Light the way forward in these dark days. Keep fear at bay, knowing that all is well, that all will be well.
Message from the Mother:
We are gathered here under my welcoming arms to change the world, stripping away all illusion and misconceptions. With alliances old and new working together with the Light of Love, we come as guardians must to clean away the toxic misalliances and abuses that have become so prevalent. As any loving parent would do, I have allowed time/space for mistakes to reveal themselves and corrective action to be taken.   Instead, the addictive love of power has has become the prevailing focus. Power’s heady appeal seduces but like any addictive substance, it becomes its own prison. I will clean house in my own way, assisted by my sisters and brothers.  
I speak to you, from the heart of Hearts. This wanton abuse and desecration of my Creation and my children will be addressed. The rage of the crumbling patriarchy will yet erupt and I implore you to remain in your hearts. Allow the Light of the One to fill your hearts and souls, trusting that all is well. His days are over and he knows it and hates it with all of his being. He has over-identified with the part he was to play and now resists its passing. The blinds are open, the doors thrown wide, and none can be closed again.
All is well, my children, the Awakening is here and the Truth will be delivered.   My Love knows no bounds.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Many times I have written about the dualistic nature of the world in which we live. We are dualistic creatures in a world we define via polarities (right or wrong, man or woman, hot and cold, and so on). We manifest our beliefs within ourselves and project them into the world we see and create. Everything out there is us, remember? It is our projection. And because of the extreme polarities we project, division and divisiveness seem to be the rule of the day, causing great disruption and even violence.
We yearn for a “better” world, one of peace and happiness and enough for all to co-exist in harmony. But the truth is that if we lived in a “perfect” world, whatever that looks like to you, we would not flourish; we would stagnate. No growth, no challenges, no awareness; just same old, same old. We have forgotten that we created this world, exactly as it is, through our own inner chaos and imbalance. Even as we enter the coming new age, our purpose is to see all as unity. Remember?
Chaos in and of itself is not a negative thing, in opposition to harmony. Chaos is simply part of Be-ing. If you visualize a pendulum, you will quickly come to understand that it swings to create balance. Balance is never exact because it is not a destination; it is the process. It takes chaos with this constant rebalancing to provide growth and stimulation to our lives and the world we create around us.
We are afraid of chaos. We have created a world in which rules, laws, and expectations corral and herd our chaotic natures into socially accepted behavior. In this way, we can live in harmony with others and live productive lives.
The truth is that right now chaos is leaking out the sides and our rules and boundaries aren’t working very well. Why? Because over time, the fear of chaos, the fear of knowing ourselves so deeply that we see the chaos within has become so frightening that we have chosen to ignore it, to pretend it doesn’t exist. We are all attempting to control our environments and ourselves in ways that prove to the world and ourselves that there is no chaos. The tighter we hold on, the less all the boundaries work. Our “safe” dualistic world is collapsing around us. Our Shadows are running rampant because they have been denied and ignored for too long.
I have never liked roller coasters. They scare me and I feel hopelessly out of control. They are fraught with the possibility of disaster. They are chaotic. Therefore, I never get on a roller coaster because it is scary and potentially unsafe.
But how is that different from driving a car to work, climbing a flight of stairs, starting a new job or going to the grocery store? Disaster can strike anywhere, any time but we live with the illusion (and illusion it is) that some activities are safer than others. Some are, statistically, but even so, we are deceiving ourselves with an illusion of “safety”, and as long we do this, our blinders will remain intact.
We have cut ourselves off from the true experience of life and our deepest Selves. Our tightly controlled lives, the world we create and our inner selves never reach full expression; we never fully embrace life. We never fully release our wings.
As long as we are fighting ourselves and resisting the chaos within, we will continue to see chaos played out before us and feel victim to a world out of control. We will be stuck waiting for circumstances and life to get “better”.
The truth is that we are not ever going to have a perfectly peaceful world or whatever vision of perfection you hold in your heart. Remember the story The Three Little Pigs? Perhaps we should reread it as a cautionary tale of the denial of chaos…
It is time our focus shifted from wishing for “better” into accepting that the chaos we see is the hidden chaos within. We all carry a vision inside of how we want our lives to be but we can’t get there without allowing ourselves the opportunity to completely know and accept all there is within ourselves.
No one can question how much we have opened, accepted and been willing to face in ourselves and our shadows in these last few years.
Time for the next step. Time to truly acknowledge that everything we see out there is our projection. We must embrace the chaos within and allow it to lead us to our absolute truth.
It is only when we can accept chaos and embrace it as part of our deepest selves that we truly begin to live.
Chaos is who we are. All of us.
And so I am told:
Chaos is the spoon stirring the soup, it is the change of seasons, it is the alchemy of the indrawn breath oxygenating the body. Without chaos, there is nothing. If you perceive it out in the world, then it exists within you. To deny this is to ignore a significant aspect of humankind’s most essential nature. That denial has lead to the karmic circumstances humankind now faces. As always, the choice is yours. Do you stay lost in your denial, seeing chaos as only “out there”, hoping, praying, and expecting rescue?
Or do you open the door and make room at the table for your innermost nature? Befriend your inner chaos and learn not to fear what is within you?
The path forward lies in acceptance of and taking responsibility for who you truly are, which includes all aspects of your most divine nature. The divine nature of chaos is your most secret self and your salvation, for it, partnered with your open heart, will open the gateways to the stars and beyond. The Path forward starts within.
Quote from the movie “Parenthood”:
[Gil has been complaining about his complicated life; Grandma wanders into the room] 
Grandma: You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Gil: Oh?
Grandma: Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!
Gil: What a great story.
Grandma: I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn’t like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Life changes on a dime. In recent weeks alone, there were fires in California, a derecho in Iowa, bloody protests, two hurricanes, two political conventions, extremely high heat in Arizona, and an ongoing and very deadly pandemic… and that is just in the United States. Clearly, “things” are heating up. We knew this was coming and we know more is yet to come. We don’t know what or when or how, but it just “feels” like we are in the middle of whatever this life transforming event is and it is heating up, doesn’t it?
Even if we do have an inkling that more is to come – or not, I think we are all aware that stress is building and everyone seems to feel squeezed. We all want to see a light at the end of the tunnel, right?
Over the years, and particularly this last year, I have begun learning to embrace the idea that there is no point in railing against the timing of events and happenings in my life. When I can approach life with equanimity (after the “oh crud” moment, naturally – we are human after all!), whatever *it* is becomes more manageable. Even more, when I can accept my own responsibility for my life, my heart settles peacefully. Anything becomes infinitely more possible.
Those of us who follow Stephanie’s brilliant teachings have heard her describe 3D reality, our current state of being on this earth, as “either/or”, based on polarity. In 4D, everything is “interesting.” And from a 5D perspective, everything becomes “perfect.”   Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could all approach life embracing an “it’s all perfect” perspective? Just imagine for a minute. We all know by now that anything that happens in life is a manifestation of our birth plan and designed to promote soul growth. What if we opened our arms and welcomed what occurs? What if we embrace everything we face with compassion? The more I think about it, the more remarkable I find the concept. The idea has become more tangible and, well….possible.
Stress loads would become not only smaller, they would fade away, making the impact on us physically, mentally and emotionally commensurately smaller as well. Potential solutions would no longer be sought for, sometimes with great difficulty, but readily at hand, inspired by our open and accepting heart. Harmony and unity would be our foundation. For millennia, we have been fighting fire with fire. It clearly isn’t working.
How about we try something new?
And so I am told:
Humankind is approaching a moment of choice and the significance of that cannot be emphasized enough. One may choose to do what has been familiar and expected, but one has only to gaze around to view the results of that approach. Or one may choose a new path toward unity, unfamiliar perhaps and requiring commitment and perseverance. The choice is yours.
Let go of expectation, fear, even questions and be ready to embrace what you see. You are reaching the Threshold, that moment of choice, and it is unavoidable. All must pass through. Feel the electricity in the air, that palpable shift of imminent change approaching. Allow your hearts to open and stay open, for this creates balance. Do not anticipate, do not expect or look for outcome. All will be made clear. In the Threshold, you meet yourself. Be prepared and willing.
Your heart knows the truth. Your heart knows the way.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week


For many decades, the pendulum of our world has been swinging in ever-deepening arcs. In the most recent decades, the arcs slowed due to their greater reach. More and more extremes in our society have made themselves starkly visible and painful to observe, never mind experience. In our current society, kindness is often hidden by acts of aggression perpetrated against people simply going about their lives, like walking through Central Park.
I think we can all agree that the world is a less kind, more dangerous place right now. And we also have COVID 19, and, in a time when we should be working together, helping each other, standing strong together, we are more divided than ever. The most base instincts of human nature have risen to the surface and greet us on our news with appalling regularity.
When will that pendulum begin to swing back toward the middle, where decency, kindness and unity reign supreme?
Unity. A sacred word if there ever were one. We are all on this planet together and yet it seems as if we live and breathe for separation and personal selfishness. As long as my needs are met, the hell with the rest of you seems to be the mantra of the day.
And yet, I know in my world and the worlds of so many of you, the work of unity continues unabated. Quietly and unassumingly, Union is being created one breath at a time, one step at a time, one prayer at a time, one meditation at a time, one open hand at a time, one step forward at a time.
A pendulum’s return begins incrementally, frustratingly slowly, but it will gather momentum as it progresses. Watching the news, one could be led to believe that the pendulum return still hasn’t begun in but I believe we are instead moments before the momentum explodes back toward the center, toward unity. You can almost feel it getting ready to happen.
Unity is a vision many civilizations have hungered for, fought against and died for over the millennia. Right now is the moment for unity to manifest completely. There is a crack in the world, a breaking that only unity can heal. We must ready to heal it, with all of our Light and Love.
And so I am told:
There are dark days still to navigate but the vision of the age to come will sustain you. Each must continue to clear personal history and unresolved karma, for in this way it is done for all. No more can every choice be simply “me”; it must be more. Consider how your choices affect others and the blessed world around you. Your responsibility in every step you take has never been more important than at this moment. Is it for the good of all? Will it have lasting consequences? Will it create healing or destruction? These are a few of the questions you must begin to ask yourselves as you step forward in your personal expression of life. Find solutions where there seem to be none. Extend a hand when you can. Remember why you are here at this moment in time/space, for each of you are here to birth the coming age.
Be brave, blessed ones.   Have trust and faith in whatever comes and let your light and heart lead the way, for you are the future.
You are not alone and are loved beyond measure.
“The space between you and the rest of the world is not empty. It’s full of the vibrating energy of #LOVE. Love is the highest frequency you can vibrate in and the highest state of consciousness. In the pure frequency of love, there is gratitude, happiness, and unity. #VibrateLove”
From Ronnie Grisham, Astrologer (Thanks, Ronnie!)

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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