Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week


This year has been, as we all know, transformative in every way. Surprises, disappointments, frustrations, changes, disorientation, ups and downs have met us at every turn. This summer is no different, and yet how very different it feels. We are transforming palpably, and it cannot be ignored any longer. With great transformation comes great responsibility. Happy Solstice, everyone.
We are sure by now you have discovered that dropping a figurative mask and armor is not as easy as it sounds, and yet we are compelled to remind you again of the importance. Earth stands at a crossroad and every effort must be given to create open pathways to the New World. It will not land in your lap, as a given. You must participate in its creation. This creation must come from the open heart else you recreate what you have. Ā 
More change comes your way and we ask that you open yourselves up to allow these changes to further open your hearts and minds. That which is hidden must be allowed to rise to the surface and that which is assumed and habitual must be let go.Ā Ā  Nothing less than your true and whole Self must step forward.Ā 
Your Higher Self is your willing partner in this endeavor. Ask for help and it will be given. The time of the Unified and Restored Human is at hand and each of you must not only allow this but actively participate in this unification and restoration. Release your past and step fully into the Wholeness of your Be-ing. Be willing to be seen and known, to yourself and to others. Blessed are you and Blessed you will always be.
You are here not only to stand witness to the birth of the New World but to model, through your own willingness to be transparently open, the New Human. You are Divine indeed.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the authorā€™s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

We speak to you today on a matter of some urgency. While we do not interfere directly into human affairs, we can and do offer guideposts, suggestions, hints and gentle nudging. As the End of the Age has approached, our messages to you have become more prolific and direct. For instance, there can be no mistaking the meaning behind the word ā€œCoronaā€ as in coronavirus. That the pandemic is named for a crown of Light surely must seem significant to you. We leave you to determine the message.
It is also no mistake that masks must be worn to protect each of you from contagion, but consider the mask itself. Do not each of you already wear a mask every day as you present yourselves to the world?
Do you not also see men in authority wear armor of sort, dressed for war against others as they are? These representatives of the dying Patriarchy model the armor of history and karmic responsibility for acts of aggression. Do you not also wear armor each day as you present yourself in the world?
The events on Earth are gathering momentum, as can clearly be seen. The transformation is here and you must come to it open and unguarded. The time to drop your enteric mask and armor is here. All that is hidden and held back within you must be allowed its proper place. You were not designed to appear in your lives as an amalgamation of what you thought you should be and appear as. You are Divine Beings of Light, each of you. The time for armor, masks, deception, self and otherwise, is over. The time of Accounting, Remembering and Be-ing is here. You must be as Spirit made you to enter the New World, else you recreate this world.
Each soul must face its own culpability for this moment in time space. Each soul must embrace its divine nature and all that implies. Each soul must embrace the purity of love from an open and unafraid heart. Each soul must speak up and lay the armor aside. Hiding behind a constructed image must stop. The words that you speak must come from your hearts and soul, no matter how simple and mundane, no matter how powerful.
When emotion arises in you, take the time to allow its expression. Emotion is nothing to hide and ignore. Emotions are designed to move you forward, and as you give them unfettered access to you, you will better understand your divine nature.
Humans have forgotten their ability to see into anotherā€™s heart and soul through their eyes. They forgot in an effort to shield themselves from others and from knowing their selves. This too must stop. Take the time to look into anotherā€™s eyes, to see not only their humanity but their divinity, to see their heart and soul. We promise you, as you do this, you will be changed by it.
When we tell you to be the Light that you are, you understand now perhaps the depth of meaning in those words. We mean for you, the Walkers between Two Worlds, to take your rightful place as the wayshowers, modeling the new human.
When you shake a hand or hug another, take a moment to really experience that person and allow yourself to be experienced and known.
Shifting how you see another will also lead to shift how you see yourself, and your place within the New World.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the authorā€™s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

This was another tough week for our globe, and there will be more to come. The Breaking continues unabated, as it must, and our job, our sacred duty, is to hold the Light. It is no accident that we are all here together now, at this moment, so let the Light pour out of you as big as you can make it.Ā Ā  The world seems a crazy place right now, and emotions and reactions are all over the place. One thing we must keep an eye on is fear.
Fear is a tricky thing. It comes all dolled up in fancy costumes, making wild noises and compels us to dance to its tune. It fills our vision and overtakes our mind. All we can hear is the dizzying sound of ā€œwhat if X happensā€? Paralysis is the end result.
As immobilizing as fear is, it isnā€™t what we are here for, at this moment in time and space. Step back for a moment and see fear for the false messiah of doom that it is. Step back into your heart and breathe.
Do not be distracted by all the flash and circumstances you observe around you. Never before in the history of humankind has it been more important for each of you to remember your divinity and your purpose. You are anchors of Light upon this earth and help create the framework for the New World, simply by being who you are where you are. Your importance is far beyond what you imagine. See yourself as a pillar of Light anchored deeply into the earth and reaching high into the Cosmos, all day, every day, no matter what occurs around you, or what take you might be involved in. Carry this image within your heart. The temptation to feel fear and be discouraged may be overwhelming, but we assure you that all is not completely as it appears. There are many who work with you to support and generate the New World. While there is much at stake, the outcome is assured. Yes, exactly what I said. The Breaking continues and will until it is complete, but the New World arises from the ashes, even now. Your powerful Light is a vehicle for love, and love will always lead the way.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the authorā€™s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Yes, this was a difficult and painful week here in the United States and around the world. The pandemic continues while many turn a blind eye to safety precautions, world leaders continue to spiral out of control and racism has never been more visible and excruciating.
It would be easy to fall back into old hopeless patterns, fears that *nothing* will change, same old, same old thinking, wouldnā€™t it?
And yet, we canā€™t, not for a single minute. We can and should mourn and experience our emotions but we cannot live in them or allow them to reign supreme. The Breaking continues unabated, and it will until it is done. Every dysfunctional system on earth must be broken, forgiven and allowed to disappear into oblivion so the New Earth can truly begin created from the new Heart Mind Union. As the Breaking continues, we are simultaneously beginning to build the new world we want to see. This is why it is so important to leave the past behind.
In actuality, the New Earth is here, and we are paradoxically existing in both realms. Make no mistake though: the past will be left behind in the past. It cannot be carried forward and the more we become citizens of the New Earth, the less we will want to bring dysfunction and outworn patterns of belief and behavior, no matter how familiar they seem, forward with us.
We have learned (for the most part) to dwell in both realms with a degree of comfort, so that gives us an edge when it *all* feels like it is too much. As you take a moment and look around you from your Observerā€™s Perch, you will see quite clearly the delineation between the 3rd dimension and the 5th.
We are being asked to acknowledge and accept our part in the creation and continued implementation of the dysfunctional systems currently running rampant. We are being asked to intensively and honestly examine our hearts and souls, our behaviors and attachments, our loves and our hates. All of it. We are being asked to forgive ourselves and others. We are being asked to not only open our hearts, but to embody Love in its highest vision. We are discovering aspects of ourselves that may seem both new and intensely familiar at the same time. We are welcoming the Divine aspects of our Being.
More and more, we are being asked to step up, step into who we are in the fullest sense. All of our gifts being brought to the fore is essential, including forgotten, overlooked, neglected and undervalued ones.
What we must do is remember as we acknowledge these gifts is to embrace them and utilize them with the deepest love in our heart. Everything we do, everything we are must be offered up as a gift from the heart to others, our world and to ourselves.
For every bit of angst and agony on earth as the Breaking continues, you are each showered with unlimited Love. This is the maelstrom, where up is down and inside out. You cannot rebuild the old so all must be left behind. Your hearts will lead the way, discovering new ways of being and creating. Listen to one another and create together. Collectively, creation can grown exponentially. Feel the earth beneath your feet and hear her words. Open, open, open.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the authorā€™s name and website are included.

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