THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/25/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week


For those of you still believing in coincidence, God is serendipitously speaking to you in this moment. God’s sentiment, Universally and ironically, is that nothing is coincidental. In fact, the word coincidence was invented by a person who lost faith that something greater ALWAYS has its eye on you.

Coincidence, or the concept of it, leaves things to chance. But even Math and mathematicians were created by God, not chance. So what are the chances, then, that coincidence is real, and serendipity just wishful thinking?

Paradoxical, is it not? Yet, we tell you now, nothing is EVER how it seems on the surface. That is, unless your surface is several layers deep to begin with – ha ha! You see, even running into an old high school acquaintance in a parking lot, or seeing them from a distance in that parking lot, is not a coincidence. It is the Universe showing you how far you’ve come in the number of years it’s been since you last saw them. It’s showing you that you were somewhere once, and now you are here. The setup is intended to give you pause. It is a “smell the roses” moment.

That certainly provides a different perspective does it not?

See, even if coincidence was real, and that your life is ALL some probable mathematic equation written down somewhere, isn’t that ALSO powerful. Thinking that big would actually mean “pre-determination” and therefore, by definition, NOT coincidental.

See what we believe is that the world is in for some serious surrender right now. This type of surrender requires the masses to accept without understanding. This kind of processing has a tendency to bring individuals into their hearts and out of the thinking mind. On some level, you’d then have to coincidentally let go of preconceived equations. And that would be serendipitous. But, truly, to have the masses all let go at once of their control and belief in coincidence, or a coincidental world, would lead to momentous serendipity.

You see, it is when you loosen your grip on a prior belief that you create space for the universe to show you the miracle of the New World you could choose to live in instead. It is when you are so tightly wound in your beliefs that you sit waiting ONLY for “that way” to show up that you miss the rest of life. Now is a time to loosen your grip, let go of the need to understand it all, and experience what it feels like to be in potential. For when you let go of expectations you coincidentally allow the delivery of unprecedented serendipity.

And there, you begin to live again.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

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For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/18/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekPROMISES DELIVERED –

Greetings powerful beings of light! Today we bring to you a message of great parallels. As your world shifts and turns, transitioning to a state of higher love, we bring you Cosmic initiations with great fervency.

Yes, the world is shifting toward love. Each of you, and the collective is ever awakening further and further to the God-state of being, of realizations, of self-realization. To this end, your world is seemingly being rocked with violence, stemming from madness. This madness was created by man, or hue-man-ness. To equalize (neutralize) this maddened state, the state of awareness MUST be shown to the masses, so that they can see their own creations. Even when they believe that it is something outside of them creating it, like you once did, there is something inside that knows. It is the lingering truth that resides in each of your Cosmic Blueprints.

To reset the memory of that blueprint in each being, mass overhaul is required. Beings are playing out their roles now to re-awaken humanity to the truth that humanity chose a path that was unnecessary… unnecessary in the human plan that is. All is always perfect in the Divine Plan. They are not the same, the human plan and the Divine one. The human plan works within the realm of Divinity, where humans were given God-realized power without remembering.

However, the shakeup required to remind you of these truths, these upgrades if you will, are not for those weak in the knees. Many choose to transition at these times for various reasons. Either the energy of “human” is too much for their true nature of Divinity, or they contracted to help remind the rest of the planet, or they contracted Cosmically for the sake of the Universe. No matter the matter, they chose it – just as you are choosing your reality in each and every moment, on each and every breath.

The most interesting part in all of this is the Universal parallels playing out. You are being shown promises delivered. You have been told of the changes coming, peace coming from seem chaos. This shift is it. It is on its way. You asked for help from beyond the norm. Well, normal, human consciousness created this issue, but given that the energy that got you here will not suffice in getting you out, super-human (beyond your plane) energy has been, and continues to be sent, to shift you out.

The antenna is up for those few awake like you. Your actions are the examples this world needs to watch in order to change with help from the outskirts of your Universe… other-wise known to you as “the Mystic” – sages, saints, masters of your realm who defeated this less-than humanness by remaining steadfastly devoted to the heart and its only mission – to know and find God.

Mankind took eons to get here. It will not take as long to get out. Since many are realizing the speed at which manifestation occurs now, collectively you are undoing the doing quite a bit speedier than it took to unconsciously arrive here. Why? Because you are doing it with consciousness, not a lack thereof.

So you are being UPgraded WHILE the seeming DOWNfall occurs. Paradoxical, we know. What of the GREATEST of all treasures is not this paradox contained in? Worry not, want not, only be.

This is the GREATEST time in human evolution and you are on the fore-front because you chose it. Now, please enjoy it, and remain in your hearts. You have earned it.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/11/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekALL IS WELL… OF COURAGE –

Hello Wayshowers. Today we deliver a message about “allowing” to you all. It starts with, “All IS well.” Truly it is. Despite what it all may look like on the outside, please remember not to give into the lower self that wants to feed the worry and concern with worry and concern. Instead, do your best to breathe and see all as perfect. After all, it is indeed all perfect.

We understand that to allow when the world “appears” to be burning in front of you, requires real courage. We are sending much of that to you now, and have been for some time. Perhaps what you need to remember most right now, however, is that true courage is derived from an internal flow of it from your built-in well of consciousness.

After all, how is it that you think you have gotten this far? Do you really believe it is because another being, or group of beings – human or other – have actually physically carried you here? No. It is because you have gotten up each and every day and fought the good fight to the best of your ability with the tools you have been graced with. Today, we grace you with the knowledge of yet another powerful tool – your own ability to remember.

Deep within your DNA is buried the WHOLE truth, the highest truth, the only truth… that you are God-beings, each and every one of you. Yes, you have forgotten – that is part of the circle of conscious remembering, which inherently requires trust and faith. In that trust and faith, however, you have practiced some internal system of strength that has you reach for those very tools when you begin to wane. On some very real levels, that is your higher self kicking into gear to bring you back to knowing when you want to give up.

To that end, we commend you for making it this far. The journey has not been easy. But we ask, “Where is the fun in easy?” Honestly, where is it? Your trials and tribulations, and allowing yourself to have them, is where human consciousness exceeds all other forms of existence. It is in your humanness that you find the strength of humility. This humility leads to compassion, and compassion leads to conscious re-awakening.

Yes, being human LEADS to enlightenment! You cannot have it any other way. That is why you chose this, that is why it feels hard sometimes, and that is why you want to forget sometimes, because you chose this. But you did so knowing where it leads you. In that, we ask that you find the compassion required now to forgive YOU.

If you promise to this now, we promise to get behind that promise and lead you to the Promised Land. You’ve worked so hard to get there, and even here, so remember, remember, remember that ALL IS WELL because it flows from within you. There you will find truth once more. There you have self-compassion. There you have the REAL well of courage.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/4/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekLET FREEDOM RING –

Freedom has a vibration, does it not? It does! True freedom, that is. Not the idea of “telling beings they are free and then having them believe it.” But actual freedom – freedom of spirit and of mind – freedom from the illusion (maya) of negative drama and that of a life of entrapment created in material, social consciousness. You may want to read that one more time. If not, feel FREE not to. Ha ha!

So, as was being said, true freedom has a vibration. That vibration is affected by your thoughts and your heart. Actually, it is your heart that determines what lies in the auric field (or aura). The aura, proven now by science, is a measurable energetic, magnetic field around each human being’s body. It is a collection of energy made up of the being’s experiences, good and bad, as well as their current state of heart and mind.

When the mind overruns the heart (NOT the factory default setting by the way), auras tend to become depleted of joy and heart-centered energy. The energy of joy and heart-centeredness would keep you in a resourceful state of potential if regular maintenance was had when in those states. Instead, auras tend to become replete with worry, negativity and lack when constantly subjected to general, social consciousness which contains high contents of fear, lack, and control (negative drama). The objective is to allow the factory override to kick back in where the heart knows best. However, to get there, the vibration of the aura needs to shift.  But how? In a word… GRACE.

A true understanding of grace can begin to shift the spiritual aspirant from slipping out of states of freedom. So let’s take at least a brief look at grace. Grace is what has got you here… in this moment… right now… breathing… and reading this message. Ultimately, by the Grace of  something greater than you – God, the Universe, Universal Life Force, etc – you are here.

However, beyond this basic understanding, grace also begins to take a much higher meaning to the spiritual aspirant in their middle incarnation sets (i.e. mid-level experiences with reincarnation where you’ve been around the block roughly half to three-quarters the number of times it may take for you to fully “get it”). No worries… many lives are often lived within a single life-time, so there is no reason why you cannot fully “get it” this go-’round.

Now, where were we? Oh yes, GRACE. So to the spiritual aspirant (you), somewhere in your middle incarnation sets, you are introduced to the idea that grace is the great awakener that happens in Divine Cosmic and Karmic Accord. (We say “idea”, because before it becomes truth is is merely theology to the spiritual seeker – one that may even take a few lifetimes to be fully absorbed.) So, Divine Cosmic and Karmic Accord is interesting. It is by this Accord that your true grace begins to show up for you. This is when you begin seeing beyond the eyes, knowing beyond the mind, and feeling beyond the touch. This is when serendipity and coincidence begin to fall out of your vocabulary.

True grace interrupts patterns in the aura. It is when an aspirant is introduced to high spiritual teachings, or perhaps an outer spiritual teacher, EVEN if they resist it. True grace can also occur when the Divine Moment strikes and the student’s Inner Teacher fully awakens, or awakens enough to find an outer teacher. These moments cannot be explained. For they are grace at work. This grace is almost designed as a “knock over the head (crown)”.

In this “ah-hah” state, something somehow known, yet dormant, is awoken and a new alphabet and language becomes available to you. In this space you feel more positive and more taken care of than ever before by something BIGGER than you, which you know and understand, yet cannot fully verbalize. Grace… has found you once again. It is that grace that has the ability to TRULY free you from the maya, separate you from separateness, returning you HOME while here (the ascension incarnate).

There is individual grace and Divine and Karmic Accord, then community (or group) grace, and then planetary grace. The individual finds a group, groups find each other, and then those groups lead the planet in a unified front – all in Divine Timing.

As was earlier stated, the key is to not let too much time pass when you are in good spaces to either connect more deeply to your inner practice, or to find a friend or practitioner whom you trust to keep you in healthy graces. Otherwise, you might need to use larger chunks of your grace to bring you to larger venues or events led by true spiritual master teachers that can assist further with this process to keep you from falling back into old patterns. You may not even know that true teachers are running them, but you will still feel called to them. On the contrary, when well-maintained spiritually, you may still seek groups or larger venues to keep you in good company, thereby amplifying your grace.

Whatever your maintenance plan, it is imperative for you to use the tools you have been given by a teacher and/or through a lineage. Whatever or whomever your teacher, lineage or tool, Divine Accord has graced you with methods that have gotten you this far. Whether it is the rosary, prayer, yoga, meditation, mala beads, japa mala, energy healing systems, or any form of grace (divinity tools) that you have, you MUST use them NOW. Stay attuned, keep your energetic systems clear, and maintain your tapped-in vibration that keeps you connected to source. That source within, when well-maintained, keeps the energetic vibration of truth clear in your heart and restores the aura to the tune of truth. That is where further grace can find you… in truth.

We leave you with this… whatever helps you to keep your eyes on God, keep your focus there now, and for the foreseeable future. That will keep your heart ringing to truth. That will keep you connected to us, and being connected to us will continue delivering you to higher and higher ground, and continuing to interrupt untruth, for that is our duty to you. So be free and let that freedom ring within and throughout you. For that vibration is us celebrating you and your glory, and your truest independence.

With so much love in my heart for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at