THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 5/30/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekCREATE AT WILL –

With so much shift and lightning upgrades occurring at record paces within so many of you now, the time to create is upon you. Keep in mind always to check in with your intentions and motivations behind the “desired” outcomes to ensure the cleanest creations possible. Rest assured that creations in service to “we” consciousness will manifest lightyears before creations to the self. But know, there has never been a better time TO create, and you ARE part of the “we”.

These last several months, and quite frankly most of 2016 has been all about lightning upgrades. The likes of which have had many of you feeling the roller coaster of change in various ways. Many ascension symptoms in the physical bodies have returned for the masses: seemingly random dizziness, tingling, lack of sleep, headaches, aches and pains that seem to “just appear”, you name it. Worry not, you are not alone and this is quite normal for the type of service and type of path you have chosen.

Remember that, in order to create new, light must act upon and move through the darkness. To do this within humans, light must move through old patterns in the neuropathways, uncork them like an aged wine, and bring them up for review and/or “simple” excavation and extraction. Be sure not to get caught in the detox catch 22 (read more by clicking), as these patterns must be uncorked in order to bring about new, healthier, stories and patterns, and therefore new neuropathways TO the new you and your newfound happinesses.

It’s actually exciting, if you can see it that way, that all of this is upon you. You were told for years, some of you for decades since the first harmonic convergence in 1987, of the coming age you were being prepared to serve in and where manifestations for your desire to serve would be quickened. You are there now. In essence, it is time to “create at will”, or shall we say, “by will”. Be clear on your willful intentions to serve the greater good, and those intentions will manifest at warp speeds.

Yes, this means that money also will manifest FOR you to do so. Remember, money is energy. When you do the work to get to the place to serve humanity in their mass awakening, ALL forms of positive energies must become available to allow you to do so. Do not ask for it. Know that it is your birthright. for those who literally will serve others with your wares, know that people are now aware you exist for this reason. Then, watch them walk to and through your doors. For those who are awakening to align more with love and peace, know that money will manifest for you to continue this journey. For this is YOU awakening in service to WE.

The world needs more consciousness and it is receiving it. So rest assured your dreams are supported now more than ever in this endeavor. So love what you already have, create from that place of gratitude, and your will and the Divine’s will merge in wondrously amazing ways.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 5/23/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekAND THE CLOUDS DO RISE… –

Nothing is permanent, or lasts forever. After all, forever is forever and that is a long time. But truly, this exponential shift the planet and its habitants have been in, which has caused such a raucous among spiritual aspirants, is leading you to the promised land. For the clouds are rising, showing you the dominance of the light.

The light never fails. It only ever grows and expands. And it encapsulates the dark, you know. What this means is that the wholeness of dark exists inside the light. The light is everything, including the dark (or unmanifest), and the dark’s potential for the light. So while you may feel mired for a time in old patterns, baggage, and discomfort, you must know by now that these feelings are only temporary, and eventually give way to the light.

When dealt with in short doses, there is nothing that cannot be moved through with the breath. What we mean is, for the love of everything sacred, if a woman can birth a human being from her body on the breath, what can you not do on the breath? Interestingly, you too are birthing something every time you move through hardship. You are birthing, and re-birthing you… you are birthing consciousness.

That consciousness, through resilience beyond hardship, learns compassion, love, kindness and, ultimately, a love for humanity that never wanes… even when it doesn’t understand.

And this is what you have been asked to do these past few months – accept without understanding. There is a surrender in that. There is a willingness to move forward without having the map. The purpose in the setup of situations like this for you is simple. When you move forward without knowing, you open up the possibility for ANYTHING in front of you. You step into potential when you stand in front of a seemingly unblazed path.

But know this, just because it appears untraveled, does not make it so. Many have come before you, and have led the charge for you. They would never ask you to do what they have not already accomplished and know to be possible. And, yes, there was a time when no one came before them. So can you imagine the courage your predecessors must have exhibited? You see, just that consideration opens a path of gratitude in you, as well as compassion. It is all a perfect puzzle. Challenging, but perfect no less.

However, times are always changing. So, yes, you are being asked to blaze a trail of sorts… in your time… in this dimension. No one said it would be easy, but the clouds are beginning to part and lift off. They are showing you a clear path once more. For it is your destiny to succeed in this life. To what end you do so as the obstacles rise? Well that is up to your desire to see the new found portion of your path through.

You can do this! Remember to ask for help. It is here for you. In the asking, you acknowledge as much. In the delivery of such help comes packaged courage… courage for asking, courage for continuing to blaze, and courage from both of the previous two.

Now, with this new found courage, as well as with the new information that your path is definitely becoming easier because you are choosing it so, there is NO-THING that you cannot do. So go and do it. The support for you now has you in unchartered and exciting territory. Have fun!

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 5/16/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekDIMENSIONAL LIVING –

When discussing the topic of dimensions, whether or not they exist, and/or dimensional time and space, one may want to consider one VERY powerful truth beyond the fact THAT they exist. Indeed they do.

However, the most human life-altering aspect to dimensions lends itself to your ability to let go of the thinking mind. Much like an M.C. Escher drawing, physics seem to disappear. Given how far one may be interested in traveling down the proverbial “rabbit hole”, you may finally come to realize that dimensions have no beginning and no end. For, truly, they do not. They merely exist… and they are interwoven into one another and layered within themselves.

Another way of thinking of dimensions is a perceived, functional alternate reality. These can be created in various ways: 1) whether by individual perception (i.e. two people perceiving the same event differently), or 2) by the direction of multiple mass consciousnesses simultaneously and collectively projecting varying possibilities, or even 3) the Grand Director creating “breaks in the matrix” that allow possibilities beyond belief that are accessible only to those who can breach their self-inflicted matrix.

All versions of these dimensions are created from the projections of galactic inhabitants… in other words, the minds of those who inhabit the galaxies… humans, and super-humans… create dimensions and dimensional possibilities. And, yes, this begs the question of whether God lives amongst you and is co-creating with you. Ahh, but to respond to this is yet for another day.

Anyway, dimensions can also have, or contain, other dimensions. We know… “Trippy!”

And two humans living in the same country, state, city, town, or even home can co-exist believing that they are co-existing, yet each one individually exists in their own dimensional reality. Yes, this means that dimensions overlap and co-mingle all the time.

Confused? Yes? Good. If not, that is perfectly ok too… and almost better, although truly there is no better than or less than. Ha ha! Remember, confusion ALWAYS occurs JUST before learning.

The entire purpose of the opening of the channel this week was to get you to open up aspects of potential within you. Have you ever had the moment where you realize you are living a limited “reality” based on a belief that is no longer your whole truth? Well, dimensions are no different. When you begin to understand them, or actually begin to let go of your perceived understanding of the physics, astrophysics, and thermodynamics of your world, you begin to lovingly “fall” into the opportunity that no beginnings and no ends has for you.

For example, have an ailment – even, perhaps, a life-long one? What if we told you that tomorrow can literally be a different reality for you if you let go of the perceived belief that you MUST have this ailment the rest of your days simply by re-aligning your truth with Cosmic Mystery? You can. You have actually done this time and again, lifetime after lifetime.

So are you wondering now how you align with mystery? Conceptually, it is easier than you think. You simply let go of believing you understand things. Of course, this requires you not to be a control freak. Ha ha!

But seriously, letting go of believing you KNOW anything is where you begin to fall completely into possibility. And if you are ready for this, a whole new world awaits you in every moment. Things no longer need to be “just so”. Instead, they can be “just SO different!”

So we ask you, “What dimensional space do you find yourself living in? And what dimensional space can you imagine instead?” To that end we say, “Focus on the latter, and let your heart (not your head) be your guide. Here’s to determining the dimensions of your creativity.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 5/9/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week


There is major healing occurring on the planet at this time. What’s more is that there is a desire, a yearning, a fire that has been lit amongst the masses to get to the root cause of individualized suffering. Practices, such as coaching are growing with people turning up to heal past wounds. Why is this?

Well, as with everything, the world is shifting as Mother Earth shifts. These changes have been predicted for some time and gurus and sages have been specifically talking about a polarity shift that would occur from the effects that the 2012 planetary re-alignment was to have on the human race. This “shift” energy is upon you now. To many, it feels like shift without the “f”. However, the “f” actually stands for “forward motion”, and many refuse to bow down now to depression and pharmaceutical solutions. There is this fire that burns to know and understand the truth… the truth about what makes them tick; a desire to live a happier, more fulfilled life – a desire to live, and not simply survive.

This drive for forward motion comes with deep inner knowing that to move forward from past wounds, individuals must face their demons by excavating them. To do so, many have begun life reviews. Not surprisingly, the angels and Archangels respond gleefully to this process, for they know they were created to help the planet and the human race heal through this very process. So as more and more folks awaken to the need to excavate old beliefs that no longer serve, their flames are complimentarily and equally met by the extraordinary support of the spirit realms.

Where human potential and desire to reach it meets Cosmic Order, shift is bound to occur… and “a shifting you will go”.

Many of you have been prepared as wayshowers of this inevitability of the race’s evolution. Though so many of you have been wondering lately why you have been doing MUCH visiting and revisiting of old patterns, we ask you to focus on how well you have been doing through that process. In that place of knowing, you are being reminded of the GREAT wealth of support that undergirds your journey here. Just a few short years ago, it was not nearly as easy to traverse this type of terrain. The reason? Simply put, not enough of you were doing this. Therefore, the groupings of you that were, were processing all of those patterns for the planet – including those who had not awoken yet and were not willing to look at their patterns. Now that more of you exist, it is easier for all of you to process given that so many more across the globe are carrying their own weight. This, in turn, also allows the majority to grow at RAPID speeds now. And this is VERY exciting!

Truly, many of you are learning to unlearn patterns you learned socially that are no longer serving. The state of world affairs on Earth require you to look within AND beyond the old norms. It is forcing new norms. The more you continue to excavate, the more those new norms will become just that and remain sustained for millennia to come. But it requires focus, ownership, feeling and allowing. With your growing awarenesses about yourself, your life, and your processes, you simply need to keep reigning in the thoughts that attempt to drift from you and turn into projection onto others. Reigning all that projection back into ownership of the world you created, and continue to create and project with your own belief systems is ABSOLUTELY requisite now.

You ARE the creators of it all. Accept that, even if you do not understand it, and understanding it will gradually become easier and easier. Where you feel hurt or misunderstood by others, look within from where that hurt and misunderstanding truly resides. Keep looking at you, focus your aim there, and discover how you have given your power away. Then, simply reclaim it through ownership. Accept that you created all of it, including the beauty, and move on… NOW. The faster you are to own, the quicker the healing energy moves through you, neutralizing old programming and putting in place powerful new truths that lead you and the planet to true paradise.

Know this… given the GREAT shift in mass consciousness to want to do this work, NEVER has there been this strong a support system in place for you… cosmically, or in terms of fellow lightworkers at the ready to assist you in the most wondrous and miraculous of ways. For now, trust in this process and allow the miracles to unfold. As you continue to dig up stuff and release patterns of hurt and guilt from the past, you ARE releasing it now and, as a result, you WILL catapult ahead on your path. Have faith in yourself and those who show up to assist you now. After all, you put them there to do so, and they put themselves there to do the same. All of it is coming together so perfectly now, that your human mind cannot even understand that. Regardless, do not miss this opportunity to enjoy your progress. For it is from that space you will continue to create more of it. Well done!

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at