THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 5/2/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekLINEAR vs. POTENTIAL –

If you haven’t yet figured it out, the world does not truly revolve around linear thinking. Perhaps your world doesn’t even revolve at all. You see, potential lies in opening BACK up to the truth that man created linear thinking attempting to produce expected outcomes; and it works… with many things… but the ONE thing it does not work with is the Divine Plan.

Serendipity, magic, clear internal knowing, mystery, and connection are all part of the Divine Plan. Science and formulas are also PART of the Divine Plan… the part that does two things: 1) challenges the Divine Plan… how perfect?! Ha ha!!! and 2) works within the blueprint of THAT Plan to bring about reproducible results for those who need them, when they need them. In fact, Science proves that man is God incarnate. For if Man can “create as if from nothing”, then truly man is God, no?

The only missing ingredient to the above is surrender. Surrender to the workings of the “man behind the curtain”… you see, your mind is not built to understand the workings of the WHOLE show. In this alone, you are required to at least surrender to not knowing what happens the moment you drop your physical form. MANY have theories. Science often tells us that none have returned from the “great beyond” to truly tell their stories. So then, friends, we put this question to those who believe, or KNOW, that they have it figured out, “If you KNOW that science is the ONLY answer, then tell us why it is that science has not yet shown you what occurs when people die?” For if dying is “part of the human process”, then it must have reproducible results, yes? It must be explainable, yes?”

Or maybe no.

See, realizing human (and beyond) potential lies in surrendering the linear expectations that come from linear human thinking. Trippy, we know. But it is true. Your intelligent minds are built to keep you safe WHERE you are. It is the heart that grows in trust and faith and carries the mind beyond the linear to the quantum possible. For this to occur, the mind MUST move out of the way for a time. How? Again… surrender to allowing it to happen.

“But how do you surrender to something you don’t understand and can’t explain?” Well, now, haven’t you just answered your own question?

In order for you to step fully into your potential AS humans, you must first allow yourself to BE completely human by “being present with”, or feeling, ALL of your doubt and fear. When frustration or anger arises that you cannot solve the KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING, a certain surrender comes, does it not? Of course. It must. However, after you surrender some, a certain peace is bound to come over you IF you truly have surrendered to the not knowing.

So why does potential matter? Actually, it doesn’t if it does not matter to you. See, potential (or anything for that “matter”) cannot materialize, or “matter”, if it does not matter to you. So if realizing your full potential as a human is something that does not interest you, or if you think you have already achieved it, well then great! You are ALREADY where you thought you needed to be. But if you are a believer in something greater than what you have already routinely experienced in this human world, and know that you carry a spark of this potential within you, then surrender to the unknown is key to you realizing that very potential.

In fact, to surrender you must play more in the experience of being human. Playing manifests joy. Joy manifests a resonance, frequency, vibration that transcends the thickness of Earthly dimensional time and space. The purpose of being human was to find joy in it. This leads you back to truth and to REAL answers.

If you are a linear thinker, perhaps even a Dr., a lawyer, and the like… fear not. Fear not in the “psycho-spiritual babble”, and fear not that you are far off. Here is the truth. It ONLY takes ONE EXPERIENCE to make a believer in the largest of skeptics. The author of this article was once among you… until he had an experience beyond the linear. So, there IS hope, and just keeping an open mind with possibility in your heart is always the way.

Let us leave you with a secret. Sometimes channels feel like babbling brooks, or wandering streams and rivers. There is intention behind this. Like walking a labyrinth, these messages alter your focus from linear thinking to a focus of bringing you present within your body. This is the key to connecting to the full potential of the Universe “outside” your body. With every channel you read or listen to, you have the opportunity to ignite and align the Universal truth within to the Universe you believe is “out there”. Here’s to potential!!!

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 4/25/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekPURPLE REIGN –

These are powerful times you are in. People shifting out of your dimensional time and space (dying) is not a concept immune to any of you. It is part of the Divine Plan for you all. And when big LOVE is lost, big SADNESS is sure to follow. Prince, as he was so aptly named, is no exception. He was a master in your dimensional time and space. He became a master through his compassion for and devotion to humanity.

When a “star” dies, much like a shooting star, it takes time for many to see the light cast by its existence and eventual demise. Then it streaks the sky and you are left in awe and wonderment.

The legacy that these “stars” leave behind are tremendous. The loss of the likes of humans such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, David Bowie, and now Prince are intended to “shake things up”. They are intended to Heal The World for One Moment in Time, while Changes leave behind the positive effects of Purple Rain… otherwise known as the “Violet Flame”.

Lest we not forget… it is not about singular human lives. It is about saving the race, rocking the boat, and Divinely timed events are intended to do just that. The Earth world’s sadness is intended to remind you all of your humanness.

Why? Because the times call for it. The nature of upheaval is that it tends to galvanize a common cause for healing. The sting tends to call attention to the wound in the collective heart reminding the planet and its inhabitants that there is still much work left to be done. It causes individuals to talk to one another again, and dream of better days ahead.

These masters, your artists, came with the purpose to wake up the world’s throat chakra. After all, the throat is where all manifestation comes from (i.e. God said let there be light, and there was light). They came to heal with art of song, fooling you with the cloak of entertainment, waking up voices that would DEMAND change.

And change you will have…

You have been told of massive planetary shift, solar flares, meteor showers, land masses shaking, and the like. It is upon you, because Mother Earth demands change and a shift from the material BACK to the heart. And these masters represent the collective voice asking for it.

All you need to do is come into your heart and listen a little closer, as you have been so diligently doing doing these past few years, and you will hear the truth. Change is upon you. And sometimes it takes “falling stars” to begin to truly shift a race so that the finish line lands you solely in the heart.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 4/18/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekPIECE BY PIECE TO PEACE –

Perhaps many of you are now aware, if you hadn’t been already, that we are in a new world – one of spiritual evolvement and acceptance. While it has been upon us for some years in the ethers, and those on the front lines and sensitive to energies (lightworkers) have felt the shift in them, mass consciousness is beginning to finally let it take a full foothold within them. And that is exciting.. on all levels.

This shift has been manifesting in various ways. On a planetary level, in the Cosmos, there has been great meteoric and asteroidal activity. This has been an indication of systemic “breakups” in the outer reaches of “space”. Yet it is also an indication of the inter-Universal travel of particles mirroring the spiritual evolution of the Cosmos. In other words, particles have been traveling out of one galaxy and into others. What was once “contained” is being “unleashed”, reflecting that the proverbial “Pandora’s Box” of exploring possibility are finally upon you. The portals that have opened for this are among the most powerful EVER experienced.

In every day life, you see more folks taking risks, living from their hearts, and choosing not to give into social constructs based in fear any longer. It is more of an evolution from “saving for a rainy day”, or “retirement”, to retiring the idea of saving THIS ENERGY NOW and instead putting it to good use for living a full life NOW to see what can be created from living in potential and possibility.

On your plane, you still have Mother Earth doing her thing, shaking things up, and reminding your race that She will continue to shake things up, until you are back fully in your hearts. And, on the political landscape in the United States you FINALLY have an opportunity to see that enough Americans have had it with what has been that non-conventional candidates are reaching the masses and actually stand a legitimate chance of election to make REAL change. While the current President stood and stands for hope for that change, the next election will be about the potential for instituting it.

You see, it is all happening in pieces. Piece by piece, that which has been prophesied for millennia is beginning to take to fertile soil, eventually leading to true peace on and within the planet.

All of this, of course, is a simple mirror for the Path of the Spiritual Warriors who have been fighting the good fight of reigning in the ego and its negative counterparts, cleansing it, and returning us once more to the heart-centeredness that WAS the Cosmos when it all began. This is what you had signed up for. It has returned, and there is no greater time than now to GET the FINAL pieces to your personal journey and live the life you want in PEACE and blaze the trail once more for all of those who desire the same.

Your ONLY job now is to focus on the light and love in your hearts. Let them be the guiding frequencies to personal mastery and success in ALL ways. Ensure you are living in the WE consciousness by remembering that service is the WAY. Manifest for you what you manifest for the masses, and abundance consciousness can be had by all who have been seeking. NOW, you can just simply receive.

Reach interdimensionally into the unknown to create. It IS possible, but you MUST NOW throw concern to the wind. Use your breath, and know that other-worldly energy is finally NOW here to support your desire to live and create from the heart. For what these other dimensional meteoric particles tell us is that Earth and its inhabitants (those that are ready) are finally up to the task of coming into alignment with the I AM through the interdimensional portals of LOVE throughout ALL galaxies. This LOVE is the love that created it all, and it is yours for the receiving and creating. All you must do is focus on that which you want in unity and abundance consciousness, for it is and always was your birthright.

Wishing you peace in uncovering the remainder of the pieces.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 4/11/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekQUANTUM –

What is quantum? It is the sub-atomic field where matter is acted upon by force to bring about the manifest, or material creations. This occurs through the melding of the vibration or frequency of the acting force simultanouesly with the frequency of the seeming dormant unmanifest sub-atomic particles.

So the quantum field, then, is the place (or  s p a c e ) where EVERYTHING is possible. It is where dreams and reality meet, meld, and manifest anew. The quantum field is where everything you desire is possible.

The key to accessing it is not as complicated as you may think. You see, you access the quantum field all the time. You just don’t realize that you are doing it because it is occurring mostly in the subconscious mind and its actions and reactions. But if you learned properly how to access it consciously, just think what you could create.

But careful what you wish for, because you might just get it and then some you didn’t want or “ask for”. You see, Golden Access (there are different levels granted) to the Quantum Field comes with the grace of walking the Spiritual Path of “Service to Others is Service to God”. For if you are to be the acting force upon the unmanifest quantum sub-particles, to ensure greatest dharma (right path) and karma (action/non-action) for all involved, you must desire (vibrate) to the level of greatest outcome for all in WE consciousness.

This is why great, genuine spiritual masters can manifest at will from the Quantum Field for others any object desired. The manifestor, in this case the guru, desires only to deliver for the student. But not just for any reason. You see, the great masters manifest for the student’s highest purpose. They create from the space that would awaken greatest humble service in a student when they see the potential reach for the masses of that awakening.

So, too, should be your desire if you are going to begin to play in this Quantum Field with the mechanics of desire. Otherwise, your mechanics can resonate at the vibration of greed and destruction, where what you create has a negative (negative number) sub-atomic vibration that can destroy 10-1,000,000 times more than the energy used to create it and from it.

So, you see, this game of creation can be destructive. Quite the paradox is it not? Ha ha!

But once you begin to resonate at the vibration of love, if you are lucky enough to meet a true spiritual sage or teacher, or have your inner teacher (or Spirit) awaken enough, that teacher will begin to show you the magnificence of your potential by giving you hints and tips at how to create. They will only do this when the collective students’ minds are vibrating at love, not greed. This takes years of grinding away at the negative ego and desires to polish out lower desires of the material world.

But once the collective creative consciousness of the student enters the heart-space, they are capable of stepping inside the Kingdom of Creation so that it may resonate mass creation at the frequency of love. The Teacher, or Spirit, will teach you how to alter your consciousness, or your present state… with meditations and the like. They will show you to tame the mind, and create from the TRUTH that exists inside you that DESIRES TO AWAKEN EVERY MAN AND WOMAN to their innate goodness, humbleness and graces.

The Teacher and Spirit subtly teach you how the subtle works. They show you that to act upon the quantum with greed creates more of it, and the karma that will prevent you from getting back to this place for MANY lifetimes. They show you, too, that to act upon the quantum from service IS service because it is time for you to be OF service with your creations.

True masters train you to change your vibration before acting upon, and melding with, the unmanifest. In so doing, you become that which you desire to create more of… love. But should you act upon the unmanifest with fear, you will create a deeper pattern of it. So your teachers also teach you to trust in trust, have faith in faith, and KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE TEACHER.

So I ask you, can you reach into your heart of trust to create more of it and understand that what you need is given in every moment? And that sometimes what is not given is a blessing because of what it could create for you should you get your lower vibrational wish? Can you trust the Teacher? Do you trust the nature of Spirit within you that has awoken enough now?

If so, step with me into truth. Love yourself continually so that your vibration of love does not wane. For to create in Spirit, YOUR spirit must not waiver. ONLY then, you cannot falter.

With so much love in my heart for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at