Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Hiraeth, a Welsh word that means a homesickness for a home you cannot return to, or that maybe never was; it means nostalgia and yearning and grief for lost places. 
The Story of Arthur Truluv
Elizabeth Berg
As the seasonal holidays begin, people are facing more isolation from loved ones.  It has been a hard year for so many, and the winter is likely to continue that way. Many hunger for a return to quieter days, a “normal” way of being but the reality is that those days were a mirage hiding the truth of humanity and our world, and that hard truth is being exposed daily on the news.
Perhaps what we truly hunger for is the mission for which we were born – to help create a more peaceful and loving co-existence with others based on a framework of unity.  Many of us have been actively co-creating a pathway to this new way of being, some on the frontlines and some quietly at home shining that light of theirs so brightly.  Both are equally important.  This was a long hard year but we found hidden strengths and for many, a deeper commitment to right living.
I find I am approaching the holidays with a deeper reverence and sense of the holy.  Not in any particular religious or traditional way, but from a place deeply within my heart that whispers to me softly of rightness and timeliness.
And so I am told:
In the coming days, you will find yourselves being called to take new pathways that might at first feel unfamiliar.  You will quickly realize these pathways lead you exactly to your designed destination.  Your steadiness and commitment to the Light will carry you through this next phase.  While the world around you may appear to be chaotic still, each will know within their heart that the foundation of the new age is strong and continues to manifest.  We who guide and watch offer our appreciation and admiration for the dedication you have exhibited through this time of trials.  We see strength and compassion and unbridled commitment to creating a new and more authentic world for all who inhabit Earth.  Those who resist will continue to do so but their efforts will meet with disdain and indifference, and their desire for power will, over time, lessen. They will become irrelevant.  Occasionally, others like them will rear their heads, but only to remind you of the cost of power and greed. 
The divine nature of humanity is awakening and soon will be apparent to many more of you. 
Imagine how difficult it has been to hide your true divine nature through many lifetimes so that all may learn the power and grace of love. Imagine how free you will now feel to be entirely you, shining as you were born to do.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

2020 continues to astound and amaze, doesn’t it? We have grown so much this year, learning to balance the horrifying with the angelic and to trust that we are headed in our own best direction. We have faced hurdles we never expected and we know we still have hurdles ahead.
This week we enter the “sideways elevator”, as Stephanie calls an eclipse passage, a process of delivering us to the exact place we are supposed to be via a shortcut of sorts through time and space. I am writing this days before, but the energies associated with this season of eclipses are palpable. What particularly strikes me about this upcoming eclipse and beyond is that the incoming energy is both powerful and carries great dignity.
I am told that this is because we have been through the extreme polarities of experience this last year, and before, and it is time to begin the process of active Wholing again.
After all, Wholing is merely the mirrored reflection of breaking, is it not so? Time to “see” the Whole picture. A harvest of sorts begins, as the consequences of actions and thought forms become manifest and apparent, less in a karmic way, and more of a balancing and restoring passage. Awakening will continue, in the form of sudden and unexpected happenings, but all will occur to move balance forward and restore order and harmony.   Many are discovering hidden depths within and many more will begin to awaken, even among those who have chosen other pathways. Each has played their designated role, and those will begin to lose their allure as the need and desire for Wholing becomes significantly more important.
The Mother carries the Heart of all living things and the Father restores balanced order. Together their united hearts and vision will bathe the earth in light and love, imbuing every living creature with a restorative reset. The Master of Transmutation leads the way, opening the passage to Wholing. All will be cleared before the Mother and Father, that their light and vision will bless all living creatures including the blessed planet on which each reside. Open your hearts and welcome the coming golden days ahead. Allow He who transmutes to cleanse the path ahead, open eyes that are shuttered and awaken hearts that are closed or resistant. There is much work yet to be done and it will require the involvement of all. Each will be called according to skill, inclination and desire. The Light of each beating heart provides fuel and impetus, for this is the Divine Directive. Each beating heart is nothing without the other, for indeed and truly, all are each an aspect of the One.
Let Gratitude be your constant companion, and Truth the monitor of words and thoughts. Let every action be based in integrity. Care for one another and self with wholehearted commitment.   Make considered and compassionate choices about your health and the health of others. Breathe the Light of the One deeply into your heart for it refreshes and restores. Allow your Light to blaze forth, undeterred by current events and past wounds. Prepare to embrace that for which you were born.
(For those of you who reside in the States, I hope you had a blessed and safe Thanksgiving. To all of you, I send my love and continued appreciation. We still have hard days before us. Let each step you take forward be one of considered safety for all. We can do this.)

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

At this juncture, it seems as if we are all surrounded by strife, upheaval and a fair amount of fear.  Our world seems like an uncertain place right now.  Covid cases are soaring, many people are resistant to the very measures needed to keep everyone safe and the United States is awash in political chaos. Seems about right for 2020, doesn’t it? Keeping our chins up has become a decision that must be made over and over as the news continues to dismay and disgust.
We cannot forget that we are also surrounded by hope, promise and remarkable gifts of compassion.   While they may not be as visible as the bad news imparted by social media and news outlets, they none the less exist and inspire.  And let us not forget that where Light shines, it multiplies.
We here in the United States are about to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday that has a questionable past but nonetheless represents an opportunity for people to gather in gratitude for life’s blessings.  This year the concept of gathering has become a flashpoint. Many will continue to gather, in spite of the surging cases of Covid and safety recommendations, and many others will spend holidays apart from loved ones, in isolation for safety’s sake, but hearts made sore by the separation.
As Thanksgiving approaches,  I have found myself giving a great deal of thought to gratitude.  And so I am told:
Rejoice in gratitude for it leads the way.  It opens doors within your self and in your external world.  Most importantly, you must know that gratitude is first cousin to love.  Love cannot exist without it.
Gratitude facilitates healing and Wholing.  Immerse yourselves in it, let your hearts well up and overflow with gratitude.
Gratitude is essential to your spiritual growth.
Gratitude serves to clear blockages, as it opens closed and shuttered places within.
Gratitude allows human vibration to rise. It increases your ability to connect heart to heart with others.
Gratitude affects the energy of others, allowing them to experience an expansion of their own heart fields. 
Gratitude creates illumination from within, setting your energy field alight.
Do you begin to see how closely aligned gratitude is with love? Do you begin to understand why?  We ask you to explore these thoughts and seek their similarity in your own hearts. We cannot stress how important this is as you move through this time of transmutation.  In every moment of time/space, there is reason for gratitude. Let this be your walking, breathing mantra and allow thanksgiving to be who you are with every breath.
The passage through which you travel will not last forever, no matter the hardship entailed.  This journey is necessary to facilitate the upcoming birth and transformation of your world. Eliminating that which does not work or is hurtful is essential. This clearing of space within creates room for the heart to expand. 
Gratitude is not an emotion; it is a state of being, like unto grace. Breathe it into your heart, your very center and allow it to fill every cell of your being so that you become gratitude in every breathing moment.
(This offering may seem familiar to some of you. I published it last year but was firmly redirected from what I had thought to write for this upcoming week to this one instead. Did some updating and was directed to add some portions.)
This week I wanted to take the opportunity to speak to all you directly from my heart to yours. We are entering the holiday season for many of us, which, as we all know can be equal parts stress and joy, especially this year.  I urge you, once again, to put self-care at the top of your list of “to do’s”, along with staying safe and healthy.  It has never been as important as it is right now.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this column, and for the emails and messages you send me.  You mean the world to me, and fill my heart with gratitude.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week


Polarization is exhausting, isn’t it? All over the world, there are the pro-masks and anti-masks, pro-lockdown and anti, never mind the extremes in our governments. We all have strong feelings about *something* but wouldn’t it be nice if we could find a way to just take a breath and calm down? Find a way to let the dust settle?
We are now entering a wormhole, as Stephanie refers to an eclipse passage, and many of us are familiar with this process of surrender as we move through an accelerated period of transformation. Yes, I know, 2020 has been one long transformation of sorts. But are we getting anywhere or are we still dividing, polarizing?
This wormhole delivers us to 2021 and with it, ourselves. Chaos continues but if you listen very carefully, you might hear something in the wind. Anticipation? Hope? Healing? Allow yourselves the time to go within and experience these wondrous energies that make their way into our lives throughout the coming months. Find them in spite of what you perceive “out there”. They exist within you, and as we make them tangible inside ourselves, so they will manifest without.
What happens when polarization reaches its furthest point? Does it spring back to the center and start over… or does it break free from the extreme tension and just slowly dissipate, fading away into the cautionary tales of the future?
I come back to a question I have asked many times over the last year: who are we? Who am I?
And so I am told:
Prepared or not, change comes for all beings. Some will resist, others will breathe a sigh of relief. Transformation is the greatest of all changes, a sacred endeavor, allowing you to access the deepest depth of your Be-ing. When the I Am presence calls, the soul must answer.
The caterpillar dies to become the butterfly. The seed dies to become the plant. All that is required is that each surrender to process, trusting that all will be well, that the soul knows the path forward. 
Ego may attempt to interfere but must be pressed aside. Only the soul may direct from here. As world events illustrate, ego misleads and misdirects. Your heart is the voice of your soul and must be heeded as you surrender to your greatest truth.  
(The following is from this week last year and seemed particularly timely so I am including it in this week’s offering.)
I woke up this morning with the words “pay attention” reverberating in my head. As I made my way to the kitchen for coffee, the words continued. I fed the dogs, did some laundry, planned my day, and still I heard the words “pay attention”.
So I stopped. I sat down, got quiet and I listened to the world around me. I. Got. Quiet. I felt my heartbeat. I listened to my breath and I began to feel the rhythm of my body. Tight muscles began to relax and a sense of well being filled my body. I felt my breath slow and I began to settle back into my body with a sense of coming home.
Those who guide me tell me that those moments when we turn inward and pay attention help us connect not only with our inner selves, but also more deeply with Mother Earth and each other. We must learn to live consciously, paying attention in every moment. The need for this becoming extremely important, I am told. In my mind’s eye, I am shown a fishnet-like framework, with each of us as the points of connection, and this framework surrounds the earth.
And they tell me that our simple act of paying attention creates this framework. This simple? I asked incredulously. And with all the love with which they surround me, they replied resoundingly: Yes. Just this simple. It has always been thus. The inner world creates the outer world. But it must begin with paying attention to your own inner world.
We cannot forget that we are changing with the world, and that change must be supported and nourished. Pay attention to the thoughts you tell yourself, the decisions and choices you make. Reach out to others for support if you need it. Most of all, pay attention to that inner self with which you are blessed. I am told that we must be vigilant in this pursuit because it will become increasingly more important. Everyone I talk to is struggling in some way and it is important that we who can create a safe haven within for ourselves and for others. A global community is consciously arising and we must be members in good standing so that we may create a powerful foundation for all of us.
So I say to you Pay Attention. The single most important thing you can do for yourself every day is simply pay attention to your inner self. Allow yourself moments to reboot, to check in with yourself and see what you need. So go on, go sit down and just breathe.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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