Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Hiraeth, a Welsh word that means a homesickness for a home you cannot return to, or that maybe never was; it means nostalgia and yearning and grief for lost places. 
The Story of Arthur Truluv
Elizabeth Berg
As the seasonal holidays begin, people are facing more isolation from loved ones.  It has been a hard year for so many, and the winter is likely to continue that way. Many hunger for a return to quieter days, a “normal” way of being but the reality is that those days were a mirage hiding the truth of humanity and our world, and that hard truth is being exposed daily on the news.
Perhaps what we truly hunger for is the mission for which we were born – to help create a more peaceful and loving co-existence with others based on a framework of unity.  Many of us have been actively co-creating a pathway to this new way of being, some on the frontlines and some quietly at home shining that light of theirs so brightly.  Both are equally important.  This was a long hard year but we found hidden strengths and for many, a deeper commitment to right living.
I find I am approaching the holidays with a deeper reverence and sense of the holy.  Not in any particular religious or traditional way, but from a place deeply within my heart that whispers to me softly of rightness and timeliness.
And so I am told:
In the coming days, you will find yourselves being called to take new pathways that might at first feel unfamiliar.  You will quickly realize these pathways lead you exactly to your designed destination.  Your steadiness and commitment to the Light will carry you through this next phase.  While the world around you may appear to be chaotic still, each will know within their heart that the foundation of the new age is strong and continues to manifest.  We who guide and watch offer our appreciation and admiration for the dedication you have exhibited through this time of trials.  We see strength and compassion and unbridled commitment to creating a new and more authentic world for all who inhabit Earth.  Those who resist will continue to do so but their efforts will meet with disdain and indifference, and their desire for power will, over time, lessen. They will become irrelevant.  Occasionally, others like them will rear their heads, but only to remind you of the cost of power and greed. 
The divine nature of humanity is awakening and soon will be apparent to many more of you. 
Imagine how difficult it has been to hide your true divine nature through many lifetimes so that all may learn the power and grace of love. Imagine how free you will now feel to be entirely you, shining as you were born to do.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.