Listed below are the aspects, starting with the smallest degree of separation between the planets and moving to the largest. Classifications for all aspects (Major or Minor, Hard or Easy) are given after the description of its effects.
Conjunction (0 degrees): Power and Emphasis. The conjunction occurs when two planets are at the same degree of the zodiac at the same time. It is the division of the circle by 1. One is the number of wholeness. Where there is one there is a strength that cannot be denied or overlooked. A conjunction produces power and emphasis that is defined by the combination of the two (or more) planets that are participating in the aspect. A conjunction can also be interpreted as the beginning of a larger cycle (much like a new moon) that occurs between the two planets involved each time they come together. It represents the planting of the seed that will result in a flowering of the energies of the participating planets, as received and processed by any individual. (Major, Hard)
Semisextile (30 degrees): Connection, Intimacy. The semisextile occurs when two planets are 30 degrees (or one full sign) apart from each other. It is the division of the circle by 12. The semisextile produces both the desire and the capacity to bring the two planetary energies involved very close to one another. There is so much closeness produced that a long hard look becomes possible and intimacy can be achieved. Intimacy is a very difficult thing for a lot of people to approach, and so this aspect can be experienced as positive or negative, hard or easy. (Minor)
Semisquare (45 degrees): Agitation, Seeds of Conflict. The semisquare occurs when two planets are 45 degrees (one and a half signs) apart. It is the division of the circle by 8. This aspect produces a stressful disruptive influence between the two planets’ energies and often lays the foundation for an all out conflict to erupt so that the issues that come up can be resolved. Depending on how the disruptive tendencies of this aspect are handled by the parties involved, it may or may not cause significant distress. But it always produces agitation. (Minor)
Sextile (60 degrees): Productivity, Creative Results. The sextile occurs when two planets are 60 degrees (two signs) apart from each other. It is the division of the circle by 6. It produces an energy that allows for creativity and positive results to happen. It makes for the efficient and productive use of the energies involved and there is always something very fruitful about its process. (Minor, Easy)
Square (90 degrees): Inner Conflict, Identity Crisis. The square occurs when two planets are 90 degrees (three signs) apart from each other. It is the division of the circle by 4. Four is the number of hard work that produces concrete results. The square produces an inner or outer crisis that must be resolved. There is conflict on all sides and the efficient working out of the resulting disharmony leads to growth and change that could otherwise never be achieved. The square, when experienced inwardly (separating square, or the square after the conjunction has occurred), becomes an identity crisis. When experienced outwardly (applying square, or the square before the conjunction occurs), it becomes a crisis that requires a battle of wills. It always leads to growth. (Major, Hard)
Trine (120 degrees): Harmony, Flow. The trine occurs when two planets are 120 degrees (4 signs) from each other. It is the division of the circle by 3. Three is the number that brings things together and leads to completion. The trine brings with it a harmonious blending of energies that makes everything come together as if by luck or some other magical force. It’s results come about effortlessly. Because of this, situations brought about by the trine’s energies are often unappreciated or taken for granted. (Major, Easy)
Sesquisquare (or Sesquiquadrate) (135 degrees): Stressful Antagonism. The sesquiquadrate occurs when two planets are 135 degrees (4 and a half signs) apart from each other. It is the division of the circle by 2.666. Where there is a sesquisquare, one planet’s energy is “stressing” the other one’s out. There is antagonism and an underlying disharmony that will eventually lead to the need to make decisions that will help to work things through. (Minor)
Inconjunct (or Quincunx) (150 degrees): the Great Eliminator, Fork in the Road. The inconjunct occurs when two planets are 150 degrees (or 5 signs) apart from on another. It is the division of the circle by 2.4. The inconjunct is half way between a trine and an opposition. It’s effects are similar. This aspect always represents a fork in the road, the need to choose one’s path carefully. In choosing a way to go, the other way has to be eliminated as a choice, once and for all. In general, one choice is a trine (a harmonious flow), and the other is an opposition (the need to come to terms with duality). Both paths have their pros and cons, and the decision is never a simple one. (Minor, Hard)
Opposition (180 degrees): Duality or Polarity, Separation or Transcendence. The opposition occurs when two planets are 180 degrees (or six signs) apart from each other. It is the division of the circle by 2. Because the opposition represents two completely opposite sides of a particular issue (defined by the two planets involved), there is often a relationship in the life that corresponds to a particular polarity or duality as symbolized by the planets involved. In dealing with or coming to terms with this issue, one must embrace completely what he or she is NOT or else make the decision to separate from it. This is never easy, as opposites attract due to the polarity they create. The willingness and capacity to embrace the other leads to transcendence of the entire issue. (Major, Hard)