REGISTRATION IS OPEN for my SPRING EQUINOX TELECONFERENCE, Sunday March 20, 4-5:30pm EDT, 1-2:30pm PDT, 8-9:30pm GT. Stephanie offers a channeled message that provides all the Cosmic Consciousness there is to share about the game changing season ahead. CLICK HERE to register. Exchange: $25
CheckĀ out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, andĀ Sylviane Gianina!
Everyone is feeling it. The Neptune ruled 2016 Spring Worm Hole opens tonight when the Pisces new Moon occurs. Neptune, ruler of dreams and opener of the way to Enlightenment is in attendance. There will be 6 planets in the limitless realm of Pisces tonight, and Venus will arrive in a few days, and more than anything else this means that we are accessing every possible option that could ever be available to us, and we have the life altering opportunity to learn to open and receive our greatest most cherished dreams.
The success that is available now is made possible when we learn to stay the center of the fine line between the masculine ‘doing’ and the feminine ‘being’. These next 4 weeks are as much a time to be still and open to the energies that are permeating our energy fields, as they are to be open-hearted and so liberated from fear that we freely move wherever our hearts are resonating.