2021 Pisces New Moon

Beth NolteMoon Report

March 13, 2021

New Moon 23 Pisces 03

2:21am PT; 5:21am EST; 10:21am GMT

Looks like all the planets are gathered up and ready to go!
It is not a race…though it kinda feels like it. It is Spring energy. All the planets in the solar system are going direct.  AND this is the day that Mercury recovers his shadow (going back to January when the retrograde journey began). Mercury, the avatar of the new divine masculine, begins another new cycle at 27 Aquarius, in the last degrees of the Spiritual Love hour. So here we are again, except this time our inner operating systems are upgraded and ready to rip.

We have all the big energy of a big new cycle. The Sun and Moon come together at 23 Pisces, and Venus and Neptune are at 20 and 21 Pisces, coming together at the end of the day.
Pisces energy is of the infinite ocean, oneness and in Cosmic Consciousness, it’s the Spiritual Wisdom hour of our consciousness. A Wisdom hour is where we bring Love and Compassion together. Just after this New Moon – New Cycle we will cross the portal into our mental body. In these last degrees of the limitless realm of Pisces, we can use the energy to create the new beginnings that we need. Nourish all parts of our soul. Let go of fear.
Venus and Neptune in a new cycle with the New Moon feels like our hearts are immersed with chaos & faith – Neptune, the depositor of Pisces is swimming in the deep waters of his home sign, conjunct the New Moon. These combined energies feel like evidence that we are ok. All the support we need is there for us. It really is true…the universe is Love.
I keep remembering swimming lessons. I see myself clinging to my blue buoyant Styrofoam kickboard. Wet and shivering (I wasn’t a natural in the water). I’m among a flotilla of small bodies coaxed out to the deep end of the pool. The water is way over my head!! I feel panic rising. But wait! My wise self enters the moment. I hear the words relax. float. trust. The spirit of my adult self joins in the pool too and assures the young me that I do not drown…relax. float. trust.   
How do we hold the paradox of “relax. float. trust” with the reality of power and fear? Last year on this day police killed Breonna Taylor in her home in Louisville Kentucky. How is it possible, given our resistance to addressing broken systems, that this transformation to a new human is even possible? At the core of our beliefs, do we even believe we are worthy of the transformation? Who do we need to become in order to live by the higher Laws of Love?
If we are going to move the whole, we must believe and behave as if we are worthy, even when there seems to be much proof that says otherwise. It is almost too easy to just focus on the world outside, like another addiction. We have a chance with the New Moon in Pisces to get to the core and bring Love to what hurts. This is an inside job.
There are at least two aspects helping us to align our core beliefs with our new human potential. The New Moon makes a great eliminator (150Âș) with Haumea and Arcturus in Libra, and there is a new cycle (0Âș) between Ceres and Chiron at 8 Aries.
Haumea and Arcturus represent wholeness, unity and breakthrough technology. This is the technology of our own thinking. As for the great eliminator, what are we moving past or releasing? What choices are we making? This New Moon is a chance to check in with our core beliefs, especially the ones that keep us locked into repeating tired patterns. If we can shift the space around where we hold those beliefs to an air of possibility, then those energetic knots can be undone, transformed, Loved and released. Remember our Mercury upgrade – we are now better at receiving and receptivity than ever before. Go with it.
The Ceres and Chiron new cycle is nothing short of our own glorious rebirth. Ceres has a 4.5-year orbit and today she connects with Chiron, midwifing our inner master healer teacher. Yes, this is the stuff that comes from our wounds. Pay attention when you feel the panic, the tightness. Connect there but from the wise-self perspective. Ask questions that have growth potential. Stand in a place of empathy and expansiveness, knowing and trusting in our divine place in the world – this is the consciousness of Venus & Neptune in harmony. Our hearts are held safely in the cosmic snot. Not everything that is real can be seen.
There are also two intimacy (30Âș) aspects related to the new Moon: a Venus-Jupiter intimacy and a New Moon-Eris intimacy. These represent subtle energies. Look for kind and gentle heart expansion and as well as inner awakenings.
relax. float. trust.
Much love to you on the new Moon in Pisces!

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