Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

As I observe a world that still seems stubbornly polarized in so many ways, I have wondered how we humans will ever learn to place Unity before the need to be right.  Reflecting on human history, I know that behaviors, ideals, beliefs, rights, and laws all can and do change to reflect the changes within our society.  We have all experienced many such changes in our lifetimes but it seems natural to me that we will learn Union most personally in our individual lives, in the ways we interact with those around us.  Will we keep doing the same things over and over, or learn new ways of interacting?
And so I am told:
Patterns of behavior ebb and flow, so that those who participate and those who observe can learn.  Lessons are powerfully reinforced through repetition and observation.  They also act as milestones so that awakening can be measured, so to speak.  When one repeats a certain pattern of behavior, one can then ask oneself: is my reaction similar, better, worse or non-existent this time? What have I learned??  Consider an argument with another that one has argued with before.  How is your reaction different from other arguments? Or similar to other arguments? How has your interaction changed – or not changed?
Why do we mention this?  We seek to bring your attention to the quieter times between activity, that you begin to may allow your Awakened Self to regard and direct your life rather than your Ego.  This conscious participation in your life allows you to both direct your steps forward and to maintain balance in all things.  Reacting to a given situation limits your responsiveness.  The conscious act of observing and processing a situation allows you to choose if, how, when or whether you participate.
In the days yet to come, this skill will become ever more important as you learn to adapt to a unified world.  Unity must become the foundation of all you think and do.  Each person before you is both a part of the Whole and a mirrored form of your beliefs and patterns of thought. With this in mind, it makes the “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” lesson more profound, does it not?  As you treat others, so you treat yourself with the same lack of or abundance of love and acceptance.  Unity must begin within each heart.


***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

On Saturday last, Stephanie’s Cosmic Consciousness Daily blog included a profound meditation for the degree of Mercury’s station by the incredible Ellias Lonsdale.  During her Master Class later that day, she read the meditation aloud, and I believe it bears repeating here.  Normally, I would write about whatever is up for me but this message is so important and profound that I want to make sure all of you have access to it.
We all know how divided the US, and indeed the world, are right now, and many feel helpless and frustrated by the situation.  I have written about Unity countless times and how important it is that unity become our focus, our commitment and our future. This meditation offers a powerful way forward.

Aquarius 12: A heated argument turns to laughter.

“Both sides in every dispute feed each other lines, make each other go, can’t do without their opposite pole in its karmic position of being so far other.  Both sides are desperate to perpetuate the dispute in order to have an ego existence, in order to know where they are, who they are and why they are.
Yet both sides are the polar expression of a third dynamic, a third force.  Everything waits upon the third force coming into play. Only when it is fully there, actively acknowledged by both sides, can the third force do its deep work in the situation as intended, as prearranged.
The third force is the evolutionary power of synthesis, of integration, of wholeness, of co-creation. It is the multidimensional future dynamic at work. Here this is spontaneously forthcoming as soon as we have exhausted our fascination with the polarities. Then it comes right in and shows us the true greater pictures which encompasses and bring peace and understanding.
When we do hear, feel and attend to the third force, what we have been carrying forever is stripped down and shown a different way to be.  This can then extend itself into a far-flung series of poised experiences thematically woven.  We forget and remember, get distracted and then come upon what we needed to see all along.
This mental energy defines the evolutionary edge of the collective. It is a timely intervention. That which is was too narrowly conceived, too rigidly held, opens up its doors and lets light in. This contained entity, the ego-mind loses so all of us can win. The result is inevitable, the process gripping.”
Incredible, right?  Later that day, I watched a tv show that introduced to me the concept of restorative justice, which is a theory of justice designed to repair the harm caused by criminal behavior.  The emphasis is placed on accountability, the making of amends, and potentially includes facilitated meetings between victims, offenders and others.  It is a cooperative process for healing. (See
This is exactly what Mr. Lonsdale’s meditation is expressing.  And it is what numerology has been telling us for as long as we have had numerology: When two singularities come together, they create the possibility of the Divine Third.  Think two parents creating a child.  Or two polarities creating a third way…..  The possibilities are endless.  The potential is, frankly, mind blowing.
And so I am told:
For Union to occur, the singularity must accept that it contains within it the possibility of everything.  The human ego has, throughout time/space, over-identified with the individual, forgetting that it is part of the Whole. The search for completion was set aside and replaced with the search for pleasure. The Ego, which was meant to be a tool for individuation, replaced the Heart Mind with its insatiable drive for pleasure. The Ego expected to find wholeness in pleasure, which lead to addictive behaviors because the Ego can never be satisfied.  It seeks to control its environment by limiting exposure and openness to change. The more it rejects anger, fear and anything other than pleasure, the more those very concepts express themselves, thus creating a never ending cycle of desperation.
 The Heart Mind is complete unto itself, and knows itself to be part of All That Is, of which pleasure is only a small part.  It does not seek to lose itself in the pursuit of pleasure, as the Ego does, but to re-member itself as Whole.  This Unity is its purpose, its drive and its teaching. 
Humankind might see this as the original fall from Grace, but all must know that humans chose this path in order to more fully experience the physical realm. The pursuit of pleasure, of which the need to be “right” is a part, became the common goal and the higher truths became obscured.  The Heart Mind was silenced in most.
In this time of awakening, and with awareness and commitment, the Heart Mind can be restored to its proper place.  Many already hear its sacred voice and are re-membering their divine nature; many who seek a new and better way forward, toward Unity. This path is open to all.
(NOTE: The meditation “Aquarius 12” by Ellias Lonsdale is reprinted by permission from the author’s book Star Sparks.)

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Truth is an interesting concept, isn’t it? As I watched the impeachment trial this week, I was struck by all the many ways we each see any situation.  We are each convinced that our version is THE truth, right? But given how complex each of us are, with our individual beliefs, experiences, ethics, and values, how could we ever possibly agree on what the “truth” is in any given situation?
I think of arguments I have had in the past, 100% certain of the truth of my position, and so busy defending that place that I could not hear the words and emotions of the person with whom I was arguing.  There was never any possibility of us finding common ground.  Usually, later, cooler heads prevailed and more open communication was possible.  Usually.  I certainly know that in those long-ago arguments, I was more interested in being right than in finding a way forward together.  I was considerably less capable of seeing my own responsibilities and owning them.
This trial, as most trials do, had opposing views of the truth. Nothing unexpected there.  But this particular trial was a visible example of where many of us residents of this earth are right now.  We seem to be divided between those who desire a more unified world and those who want to retain or increase their power and authority.
Now, that is not particularly surprising.  I have written many times before about the decline and fall of the patriarchy and restoring the balance between the Divine Male and Divine Female principles.  We are watching this play out before us and among us.  Life seems both very encouraging and very fraught right now, doesn’t it? Hard to know which end is up sometimes.
Historically, we have swung back and forth between patriarchy and matriarchy; long periods have existed of each.  The current period of patriarchy has been active for a very very long time.  We know we are moving toward the center, given all the many unifying changes we have seen in the last century alone.  But for every step forward, it often feels like two steps back.
Back and forth, a pendulum begins with wide, slow arcs, out to one side and back to the opposite side.  In the middle lies Union, a place where both sides become one.  As the pendulum slows,  the arcs become shorter and change quicker – moving back and forth rapidly.  That is the process we are currently experiencing. We know that a New Age is beginning bit the birth pains continue. Many call it the dawn of a new Golden Age, but it sure feels uncomfortable right now, doesn’t it, as we move back and forth, each side defining their truth with fervor?
And yet…
If a pendulum continues its back and forth motion, eventually it reaches the center where it slows and finally stops.  All growth and experience stop in that moment.
Anyone who has ever played with a pendulum knows that they don’t just go back and forth, opposite to opposite. They also make circles, sometimes small and sometimes very large. The circles don’t move back and forth; they seem to keep going on and on and on.  All Truth and possibilities live within that circle.
And so I am told:
The Circle of Life is called that not only because it contains all of life from beginning to end, but because it represents and contains all possibility in perfect Union.  Once this is understood, every experience, thought, feeling, and insight make perfect sense, does it not?  There lies within the circle the possibility to exist in perfect balance, experiencing fully all of life without the temptation to identify with the experience to the extent that all perspective is lost, such as you all see played out before you and within you daily.  Your purpose is to exist within the center of that circle in perfect balance. The Truth of who you are lies within your heart, the center of your own circle, and that Truth should and must inform the Truth at play in the world around you.  You may only project onto that world you see before you that which lies within you.  That simple truth should both alarm and delight you, and impress upon you the need for scrupulous honesty and clarity within your heart, for until you know yourself and acknowledge the Truth of who you are in entirety, you will continue to see and experience all unacknowledged and mis-qualified energies, beliefs, and patterns within you. 
Having faced all that is within you, and what you see within you is acceptance and Love, then acceptance and Love is all you will see before you. Let that be your guide, your prayer and your truth. 
A man who is unconscious of himself acts in a blind, instinctive way and is in addition fooled by all the illusions that arise when he sees everything that he is not conscious of in himself coming to meet him from outside as projections upon his neighbour.
— Carl Jung
“The shadow is needed now more than ever. We heal the world when we heal ourselves, and hope shines brightest when it illuminates the dark.”
― Sasha Graham

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Safety. What is safety?  This last year has rocked our foundations. Everything we believed to be true has been shaken and twisted and sometimes dismantled. Many of us don’t even have the luxury of loved ones to cling to.  Just when vaccines seem like a possibility, we now have variants which may or may not be more lethal.  And then there is the availability of vaccines with which to contend…and jobs and housing and…and…..
I read an article today about “pandemic fatigue”.  People are overwhelmed and beaten down. Many I know feel like they are carrying very heavy loads, loads that are becoming too heavy.  And that little voice in the back of our heads, that tells us we “can’t”, that we aren’t strong enough, that our burdens are too heavy, just become louder and louder…..
So safety. What is it?  How do we find it? What does it look like?  What does it feel like? Is it even real?
Physical safety is, of course, an illusion. We say that not to cause concern but to reassure you.  Your physical incarnation is a bridge between the sum of you and the individual lessons you must learn.  Therefore, all you see before you is the lesson plan you and your Higher Self have planned for this lifetime.  Your Souls and Higher Selves are immortal for they are Light Incarnate and a living aspect of the One. So yes, all are safe, even knowing that physical life ends, the body is no more, but that which is the “heart” of you, lives on and is forever Light. 
A reminder again, that concern about safety is an indication that fear is undermining the foundations of trust and faith.  Face the fear with an open and loving heart, accepting all the comes with peace.  Humankind walks the blurred boundary between endings and beginnings. One must be discerning and pay attention. Beginnings and endings are mirrored faces of one whole. In Union, all answers are found, and it is Union you are here to remember.
(A reminder from me:  if you are struggling right now, please reach out to a friend, family member, this community or professional.  Times are tough right now, but no one should struggle alone.  I send love and hugs to all. We can do this. )

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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