January 2025 Full Moon in Cancer- January 13, 2025

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report Leave a Comment

Written by Cari Campbell








Cancer Full Moon

January 13, 2025

5:27am EST

23 Cancer 59

Happy New Year and welcome to the first full moon of 2025!  This full moon, known as the Wolf Moon, occurs in Cancer and is communing with retrograde Mars.  Mars isn’t very comfortable in Cancer which can add to the emotional power of this time, not to mention that the Moon is in her own sign.  This lunation can offer plenty of opportunities to review the ways in which we take action around our home, families, and most importantly, ourselves.  Cancer is the sign of “the Mother”, and also the seat of emotional power.  A full moon in Cancer, even without the added bonus of Mars, is a time to complete cycles in which we neglect ourselves for the sake of others (a classic “Mother” theme!).  A nurturing home and family life starts with a mother who takes care of herself.  It also is vital that the Mother has a healthy relationship to emotion, and knows not only how to feel and let go, but to allow those around her to feel what they are feeling without judgment, shame, or attachment to an outcome.  

Does this sound like a lot to unpack?  Well, most of the cosmos are conspiring to assist with understanding this theme.  This lunation features a Grand Resource, a Grand Crossroads, and the lunar nodes have just shifted into Virgo and Pisces.   The Grand Resource includes a Juno/Uranus bridge and the Nodes, with the Soul Star Chakra (North Node) communing with Neptune.  Pluto is in resource with the Soul Star and manifesting with the Earth Star (South Node).   The Grand Crossroads involves the Moon/Mars and the Sun on one axis, and Chiron/Eris and the Fixed Star Arcturus on the other.  Obviously the Chiron/Eris bridge with Arcturus is long lasting but the Full Moon is bringing it very much into focus.

The Grand Resource can bring flashes of insight and/or surprises (Uranus) around what we need to commit to (Juno).  The Soul Star and Neptune in Pisces bring a spiritual focus while the Earth Star in Virgo may show us where we’ve held on too long to perfectionism, criticism, and other overly nit-picky ways of being.  Are you doing just for the sake of doing?  Yes, we get those dopamine hits when we cross of items on our to-do list, but what is the meaning and intention behind those actions?  How we are showing up energetically (Being) is just as important as our actions.  The Soul Star and Neptune can guide you in regards to being in energetic alignment with your values and higher self.

Indulge in your dreamy side during this full moon. Sit in meditation, or go stand under the Moon and listen to what she has to say.  Involve water in some way- a bath, a cleansing shower, going near a body of water if they aren’t all frozen near you…Embrace the watery energy of this time and work with the water element instead of resisting where it wants to you to go.  

The Grand Cardinal Crossroads allows for a very cosmic consciousness (Arcturus) to shed new understanding on core wounds and inner discomfort (Chiron/Eris).  How does this relate back to themes coming up for you around how you Mother yourself and those around you, and the conversation around emotional power?  That this is occurring in the Cardinal signs indicates that this is a time to notice where we give our power away, and reclaim it.  Move out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness.  What would it look like if our wounds were a source of empowerment?  How would it feel if we nurtured and cared for ourselves with the same loving kindness we extend to others?

Finally, Venus and Saturn are forming a stepping stone with Jupiter, and Venus and Saturn will start a new cycle in less than a week.  We have an opportunity to stand tall in our commitments to what matters most to us. Saturn is the Inner Guru and in Pisces, this is a fabulous time to work with our higher selves and create routines and habits that keep us connected to our higher consciousness.  Jupiter may be making it feel bigger than is really is, but stepping stones are designed to create friction that will provide the impetus to create change.  Venus is asking, “What matters most to you?  What are your values?” while Saturn wants to know “how are you going to show up in a way that aligns with these values?”

A final thought for this potent time-When emotion comes up, practice “reparenting” yourself.  If you were raised in an environment where you were not always treated with empathy or compassion, or where your emotions were invalidated, you may have a difficult time nurturing yourself.  When you are deep in any emotional state, practice treating yourself the way  you would treat a small, innocent child who is having a very hard time.  Give yourself the gift of empathy and kindness.  Be the safe space for yourself that you deserve.  This allows you to slowly heal the patterns of emotional suppression and self-judgment that you may be unknowingly carrying.

Many blessings!


December 15, 2024 Full Moon in Gemini

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell

The Full Moon occurs at 24 degrees Gemini, lighting up the themes of communication, learning/teaching, and most profoundly, the balance of the mind/heart/body/spirit.  According to Stephanie, in cosmic consciousness Gemini represents the transcendence of duality. Stephanie writes, “Main Purpose (of Gemini): Where you allow Love and only Love to motivate everything you do, thereby achieving transcendence of duality.”

What, then, can we make of this lunation?  Quite simply, it’s an opportunity to complete a cycle of fear-based thinking/acting (thoughts lead to emotions which lead to actions).  It’s a time where we can consciously choose to function from a place of love instead of fear or lack. It’s a time to be in the observer’s perspective and get a wider view.

Neptune in Pisces is forming an intersection with the Moon and the Sun, so this lends an incredibly spiritual, watery feel to this very Mercurial Moon.  I say “Mercurial Moon” because the Moon is disposed by Mercury, who is stationing to go direct at 6 Sagittarius.  (More on that below.)   The dreamy vibe from Neptune can be agitating against the air and fire from the Gemini/Sagittarius energies but more importantly, there is the opportunity for balance.  Remember how the theme of Gemini is balance; to transcend duality?  How can you balance Mind (Gemini), Spirit (Neptune/Pisces), Emotions (Moon), and our personality (Sun)?  

The Moon is in resource with Chiron and in intimacy with Uranus, so the Sun is manifesting with Chiron and forming a great eliminator with Uranus. Our wounds are more subtle this time, gently informing us but not overpowering with pain.  Uranus may offer insights or jolts that enlighten us regarding what we need to release.  Remember that full moons are times of completion.  Sagittarius energy is physical, and according to Stephanie, the main purpose of Sag is “where we resolve the habits that keep you from evolving.”    This energy is ripe for releasing old patterns and creating upgrades!

Mercury is forming a lot of harmonious aspects: Manifesting with Mars and the Soul Star Chakra (North Node), forming resources with Venus, Ceres, and the Earth Chakra (S. Node).   Sometimes when Mercury stations is can be disorienting, so be gentle with yourself and don’t push mentally.  These aspects all the energy to flow, so allow for that energy.

Jupiter, who is disposing the Sun right now, is forming a stepping stone with Saturn.  Orcus, Juno and Astraea are also forming aspects with Saturn and Jupiter, with Jupiter creating an intersection between Saturn and Orcus, and Juno/Astraea manifesting with Saturn and creating a great eliminator with Jupiter.  Orcus was active in the last Full Moon as Saturn was stationing direct so this is a continuation of a theme.  Our inner guru (Saturn), knows what to do; Saturn is the Executive Director.  “Executive functioning skills” is a term that is prevalent these days, and that is very Saturnian.  Saturn governs our discipline…our ability to get things done.  He connects us to our ability to find habits and structures that support our highest good.   So again we have an aspect that supports releasing habits and structures that do no support our soul’s mission and making room for upgrades to our routines.  

With Juno and Astraea, we are called to commit (Juno) to what is balanced (Astraea). There is that word, “balance” again.  The manifestation with Saturn means the necessary discipline will feel natural.  The great eliminator with Jupiter may make it very obvious what needs to be eliminated.  Jupiter is expansive, and honestly, not always gentle.  But rest assured, whatever shows up is for our highest good.  Jupiter in Gemini likely may highlight thought patterns that are keeping us stuck in fear-based consciousness.  Simultaneously, keep in mind that Saturn is in Pisces, so this may be a spiritual discipline that we are called towards- meditation, kundalini yoga, nature walks, etc.   This is about balancing the external thought world with our spiritual world, and then taking aligned action from that balance point.  

It’s amazing how all the aspects support the overarching theme of this Full Moon!  Our marching orders form the cosmos are clear.  Taking time to get clear about where we want to go, how we want to get there, and what is holding us back would probably be useful at this time.

In peace,



Full Moon Report November 15, 2024

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell


Full Moon at 24 degrees Taurus, November 15, 2024 4:29PM EST

The November Full Moon occurs at 24 degrees Taurus, conjunct Uranus, the Great Awakener. It is also the last Supermoon of the year.  This means it’s time to stay awake!  Keep your eyes wide open, ready to receive the lightning bolts of insight, truth, and awakening that Uranus will deliver.  In Taurus, this could easily translate to intuitive hits about your physicality and/or material security.  

This is not the time to disassociate!

Neptune and Pluto continue their dance with Uranus during these Full Moons, with Neptune creating a resource to the Moon/Uranus and Pluto, and Pluto manifesting with the Moon/Uranus.  With the three outer planets continuing to harmonize with one another it is clear that consciousness is shifting and will continue to shift.  It may not look or feel that way now, however with Pluto preparing to move into Aquarius on November 19th, change will happen.  Keep in mind that Pluto transits initially make us very uncomfortable, and even disempowered. Sounds about right!  It’s up to us to continue to align with our higher selves to do our part to raise the consciousness on this planet and trust that transformation will come.

Venus, currently in Capricorn, disposes this lunation.  Capricorn is the sign of the Executive Director, so Venus here means that she is the dedication, drive and authority to follow the heart’s will.  The heart is in charge!  Remember, too, that Venus also aligns with our material desires, as does Taurus.  This is a great time to focus on what you want to manifest.  What do you need to feel supported right now?  What could you call to you that would greatly improve your life? What smalls steps of action can you take that would improve your energy around these themes of physical and material security?

Venus is forming an intersection with the Nodes and also a great eliminator with Mars; what actions need to be eliminated to support Venus’s agenda?  Consider letting go of any habitual ways of being that drain your energy, such as mindless phone scrolling, constant multi-tasking, drinking too much, etc.  What small changes could you make that would free up your energy and increase your life force?  Mars is forming a manifestation with the Soul Star (N. Node) and a resource with the Earth Star (S. Node), so we have a harmonious flow that can unlock inspired action that supports our evolution.

Mercury, Saturn (currently stationing to go direct), Jupiter and Orcus are forming a grand crossroads.  Orcus is the immortal part of ourselves that we carry through each lifetime, and can represent the oath we took before we came into our present incarnation.  Mercury in Sagittarius may indicate freedom-leaning thoughts, while Saturn wants to apply discipline to our endeavors.  Jupiter in Gemini may also create friction with the Saturn and Orcus themes, as your social calendar may be quite full, or you are brimming with opportunities, ideas and plans!  As always with a grand crossroads, find balance by returning to center.  Then take inspired, balanced action from that center point.  How can the expansiveness of Mercury and Jupiter foster new insights and ideas that support your oath (Orcus) and commitments (Saturn)?  

Full Moons often lead to heightened emotions, especially with Uranus conjunct the Moon.   It is vital to stay centered.  Connect with that part of yourself that knows how to access your wisdom and ability to trust.  If you struggle with this, you can place your hands on your heart and speak directly to your heart.  You can say “hello, Heart.  I am now dropping my consciousness into my heart.  I ask that you, my higher heart, lead me today.”  Another option is to just offer up this invitation- “I ask my small self to step aside and let my Higher Self navigate.  I AM letting my Higher Self and Higher Heart be in control.”  Given that Venus is disposing the Full Moon, it feels right to bring the heart into any invocations.

In Peace,


October 17, 2024 Full Super Moon Report

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report






Written by Cari Campbell

October 17, 2024 Full “Hunter” Super Moon in Aries


This lunation in Aries is set to be a big adventure as we continue through the tail end of the wormhole!  The Moon and Sun are forming a grand crossroads with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in the final degree of Capricorn, with Pluto preparing to exit Capricorn for the final time in our lifetime.  We are still in the worm hole until November 1st, and it’s important to stay as centered as possible during this time, especially if you feel confused or overwhelmed.

The Moon and the Sun are not traveling alone this month.  The Moon is bracketed by Chiron and Eris, while the Sun in communing with Juno and the fixed star Arcturus.  The Sun in communion with Arcturus allows us access to cosmic consciousness, while Juno brings the energy of partnership and commitment.  The Moon with Chiron and Eris likely will feel disruptive and frankly, it may hurt.  However it is worth remembering that Chiron (the Wounded Healer) and Eris (the Inner Disruptor) bring us what we need to serve our highest good.  Said another way, it helps to remember that what occurs is occurring for us, not something happening to us.   Something is being brought to the surface with this crossroads.  Transformation and inspired action (Pluto and Mars) are available if you can stay centered and aligned with your higher truth.  As Pluto exits Capricorn, how have you transformed already?  Are you ready to take a bold step in the direction that your higher self is calling you?

Besides the grand crossroads (occurring in the Cardinal signs), every major planet except Mercury is resonating with this full Moon, creating a Star of David formation (two grand manifestations that overlap to look like a star).  The Moon and the Sun bisect this star.  The grand manifestations are Venus, Mars and Neptune, and Vesta, Uranus and Pluto.  This indicates that the whole of the cosmos are working together to support us and our higher good.  Let’s explore deeper:

Venus is in a great eliminator with the Moon, in intimacy with the Sun, forming a grand manifestation with Mars and Neptune, a bridge with Uranus, and in resource with Pluto.   Whatever is occurring for you, make sure your heart is leading the way.  Meaning, are you letting doubts and fears dictate your thoughts and actions, or are you trusting in your heart?

Vesta, Uranus and Pluto are forming a grand manifestation.  Something transformative and awakening is requesting your devotion.  

Jupiter, recently having begun retrograde motion, is in resource with the Moon and forming a manifestation with the Sun, and also in intimacy with Mars and forming a stepping stone with Vesta.   Full Moons are times of completion, and with Jupiter assisting us in the cosmic review process, it may be time to let go of outdated beliefs, ways of being, relationships, jobs…whatever is holding you back from evolving.  Eris and Chiron are supporting this process (remember, they are communing with the Moon) by highlighting what does not feel good.  What still needs to be resolved?  Where is it time to just move on?  Maybe it’s time to move on from all the old wounds that hold you back.  We all have wounds and our pain isn’t to be discounted, AND we can still move forward with life.  How have your wounds helped you? Can we thank them, and then also move towards our next right step?

In addition to the grand manifestation that Neptune is in with Mars and Venus, Neptune is also in a bridge with Vesta and of course, still aspecting Uranus and Pluto, forming resources with both.  We may feel very uncertain, however with the Vesta bridge, our uncertainty may always be there until we go for it and just commit.  Devote yourself to your transformation and awakening.  Devote yourself towards moving in the direction of your higher good.   Allow the flow of Venus (your desires) and Mars (inspired action) to hurtle you past your self-doubts and egoic fears.  Remember that our mind and ego want to keep us safe, and that means staying comfortable and small.  That is not what the Soul wants.

This is truly a grand culmination, leading to a new beginning.  Pluto is leaving Capricorn.  The wormhole is coming to a close.  How will you launch this new chapter, knowing that you are completely and lovingly supported by the cosmos?