Full Moon Report July 21 2024

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report Leave a Comment

Written by Carli Campbell 

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 21, 2024 6:17am EDT





This is the second full Moon in Capricorn, this time occurring at 29 degrees (the Full Moon in June was at 1 degree Capricorn).  If you thought last month’s lunation was intense, then buckle your seatbelt and prepare for a ride.

This time, the lunation doesn’t just occur at the powerful 29th degree, but includes the following:

The Moon is conjunct Pluto, in resource with Neptune, manifesting with Mars and Uranus, Great eliminator with Mercury.

The Sun is in intimacy with Mercury, in resource with Mars and Uranus and manifesting with Neptune.

AND- the Moon and the Sun are creating an intersection with Chiron and Eris (23 and 25 degrees Aries) and another one with Haumea at 0 degrees Scorpio.   Phew!

This lunation continues the themes that began at last month’s full Moon, completing something that showed up at the time along the themes of the Cancer/Capricorn axis.  You can review last month’s report and/or your journal to remember what was showing up at that time.  Recall that Capricorn is the sign of the Executive Director and Cancer is the sign of the Mother.    The Moon is also still disposed by Saturn in Pisces.  Consider this- are there emotional wounds, especially from childhood (Cancer energy) that are being illuminated by the Sun?  Are those wounds preventing you from claiming rightful ownership of your life, your goals, your dreams?  

Mercury in a stepping stone with Uranus promises flashes of insight, although those insights may not feel comfortable.   The upside to discomfort is that it can be very motivating.  Let yourself be moved!  Old patterns of thinking and behaving serve to keep you in your comfort zone, but is it serving your highest good?

Mars and Uranus are manifesting with the Moon and Pluto and when these two come together it is always very powerful.  Pluto is always pushing for transformation and rebirth, and Mars is lending his energy to make way for something more in alignment with your higher self.  This could also feel very big (Pluto), sudden (Uranus) and possibly overwhelming (Moon).   Remember to give yourself plenty of self-love, compassion and empathy.   Re-parent yourself by giving yourself the attention and empathy you deserve, but may not have been given as a child. Said another way, showing up for yourself may feel very foreign to you, but it’s important to do so.  Hold space for yourself without judgment.  This allows you to bridge the Cancer energy of the Mother with these powerful Capricorn energies and use it to serve your highest path instead of holding you back.

Mercury is forming a Finger of God with Neptune and the Moon/Pluto.   The tension between emotional transformation (Moon/Pluto) and enlightenment or illusions (Neptune) points to  thoughts/beliefs (Mercury).  So practice awareness of those thoughts and beliefs and remember to consider how those thoughts and beliefs serve your highest good.  The work of Byron Katie is coming to mind right now.  You can ask yourself, “Is this true?”  “Who would I be if I didn’t believe these thoughts?”  (I’m paraphrasing Byron Katie but you can look her up if you want a deeper dive.)

Finally, let’s discuss the intersections (one could argue it’s a crossroads but Eris and Haumea are a bit far apart).  We have Eris, the inner disruptor, dancing with Chiron, the wounded healer.  Inner pain is informing this lunation. On the other side the powerful 5D creatrix, Haumea, insists that something magical can be made here.   So which direction to choose?  Remember that old wounds can be healed and we can move forward.   Old, repetitive cycles can be transcended.   Pluto is practically demanding it.

This is an incredibly powerful, transformative Full Moon. Give yourself plenty of space to be in this energy.  Remember that love transcends fear, and focus on what you love. What do you want your legacy to be?  What is Pluto demanding of you at this time?  Can you take one small step forward?  And another?  And then another?

Let’s all take a collective deep breath, with hands on our hearts.  The energy is huge right now.  As I am writing this, I am sending all of you love and peace.  Let’s all send that energy out into the world.  It is needed.  And all is well.  

2024 Capricorn Full Moon Report- June 21, 2024

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

2024 Capricorn Full Moon

June 21, 2024

9:07pm EDT

1 Capricorn 06

By Cari Campbell


The Full Moon occurs at the 1st degree of Capricorn, the sign of the Executive Director.  The Moon is conjunct two 5D planets- Ixion at 5 degrees and Quaoar at 9 degrees.  Bridging this is the Sun, of course, as well as Venus at 6 degrees and Mercury at 10 degrees Cancer, the sign of The Mother.   Capricorn is pragmatic, focused and diligent; it’s the sign of Divine Power, while Cancer is emotional, nurturing, and protective; it’s the sign of Emotional Power.  With the additional bridges between Ixion and Quaoar to Venus and Mercury, it’s a potent opportunity to let the Divine inspire us and align our emotional power towards expansion and our highest path at this time.  According to Stephanie Azaria, Ixion represents the promise our Soul made when it entered this lifetime.  Quaoar is the higher octave of Mercury, which allows us to channel new, expansive thoughts from the 5D.  These two 5D planets in cohort with the Moon in Capricorn can really open us up to new, powerful, divine action that supports our mission in this lifetime.

The Moon is currently disposed by Saturn in Pisces, and with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Cancer, there is definitely a watery (emotional) component to this Full Moon.  Allow yourself to flow- remember that emotions are Energy in Motion (E-motion).  Our emotional state can power us or hinder us, depending on how deeply we allow and understand our feelings.  At this time, it will be helpful to feel our feelings without the attached story and just allow them to pass through.  For example, if there is something aspirational we want to create (Capricorn), is our emotional state supporting us, or holding us back?  If we feel fear and attach a story of self-doubt to that fear, then our emotions can effectively stop us from moving forward along our path.  Use the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer to illuminate emotional desires, and to understand that it is possible to feel emotions without letting them take over and stop forward movement.  Instead, let us allow our emotions to inform as to what needs attention and possible healing.  Cancer, being The Mother and also representing “home”, can show us where we tend to stay safe and comfortable.  Staying safe and comfortable is not truly living our Soul’s path.  The key is to bridge (get it?  Sun/Moon Full Moon bridge) the distance between our emotional comfort zone and our soul’s desires and balance the two.  It’s not about blindly pushing forward and ignoring our inner state, nor is it about letting our inner state rule us and prohibit forward movement.

Neptune is creating an intersection (otherwise known as a T-square between the Moon and the Sun at the very end of Pisces.   This can add some uncertainty or confusion as you move towards this balance.    With Neptune, the confusion will remain until we get very clear and make an aligned choice.  What is an aligned choice? One that balances the Soul’s calling and the heart’s desires.  Ask yourself, “What are my dreams?  What do I truly desire to create in this lifetime?  What am I being called towards?”  Use this Neptune energy to help you clarify what you are being called towards at this time. 


Mars in Taurus is still reverberating from his recent manifestation with the Moon and in an exact manifestation with Quaoar, while in resource with Venus and Mercury.   This lends a grounded, earthy energy to this lunar event.  We can take aligned actions that will support our growth and our soul-led plans.  The aligned action doesn’t have to be all about attaining material rewards (a very Taurus expression).  It can be about how to comfort yourself (also Taurean) as you move into new territory.   It can also allow the 5D expressions from Ixion and Quaoar to take shape in the physical, 3D world.

Remember that a life lived without feeling isn’t a life truly lived.  Welcome it all and release it all.  It’s all here for you.  Let any fear wash over you and wash away- it does not have to define or confine you.  Happy Full Moon!

April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell
April 23, 2023
4 Scorpio 18

Are you ready for the Full Moon in Scorpio?  No matter, as it is ready for you!  Pluto is forming an intersection with the Moon and Sun, so transformation is here whether you like it or not.  Coming on the heels of the new cycle with Jupiter and Uranus, this is the time to allow yourself to unfurl into your next stage of growth.

As if that weren’t enough (it isn’t!), we are still in the eclipse wormhole, so surprises abound.  Are you flowing with it, or are you resisting?  How can you move from friction to flow?  Consider taking at least some small steps each day to move with the energy of your life rather than fighting it.

Back to Pluto for a moment…that intersection is actually a grand cross with Varuna at 7 Leo.  Varuna represents the ability to see the bigger picture from our higher self’s perspective.  Keep in mind that Pluto doesn’t transform just for the sake of torturing us…it’s part of our higher path.  With Varuna here, what larger purpose is calling?  How can our transformation serve this purpose?

There is a major Aries stellium happening right now, with Salacia, the Soul Star (North Node), Mercury, Chiron, Venus, and of course Eris all taking up residence.  Aries is the “Divine Spark of Creation” and this is perfect energy to support whatever it is we are birthing and/or transforming right now.  This is the energy that supports us in aligning with our higher selves and creating from that higher vantage point.

This all fits together like a beautiful puzzle.  The Jupiter/Uranus new cycle is bringing something new and beautiful into creation.  The Full Moon and Pluto are assisting us in releasing and transforming so that we are able to create this new thing, and the Aries stellium is providing the energetic support for us to do the work.

Finally, Ceres is in a bridge with Astraea, with Chiron forming an intersection.  This speaks to an opportunity for healing a matter surrounding balance and nurturing.  Astraea in Cancer and Ceres in Capricorn are interesting, with Astraea potentially over-giving and not letting go, and Ceres in Capricorn  being more practical in her nurturing.  However it is manifesting in your life, Chiron can bring the awareness of the imbalance and help you step into the center of that Astraea/Ceres bridge.  Fitting this into our puzzle, this transit can help us see where we are out of balance- either through over-giving or refusing to let go of something that no longer serves our highest good, and then we can move into a more balanced state, freeing up energy to focus on our highest good and next right path.

This is an extremely powerful time; stay present and allow it all to unfold naturally, so that we may flow and transform into our next highest form.

Happy Full Moon!


March 2024 Libra Full Moon and Solar Eclipse

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell

Welcome to the Full Moon in Libra with a Lunar Eclipse! This is the third full moon in a row that occurs at 5 degrees, completing this three-month period of honing in on our heart’s desire and what we are manifesting. This our time to harmonize with our vision and purpose, and the solar eclipse is assisting us by allowing us to up-level our consciousness. Stephanie Azaria describes a lunar eclipse as a “reboot of emotions”…this gives us the space, if we allow it, to step forward into new emotional territory. The key
is to stay present and to allow. Watch for habitual, knee-jerk reactions and instead, breathe and practice acceptance. What within us makes us say “no” to something? What stories hold us back? Can we allow in a new perspective, and say “yes” to something that may be scary but may also take us on an entirely new, transformative path?

The Sun is conjunct Salacia, and Moon is conjunct Makemake. Salacia is considered to be Neptune’s feminine counterpart, and Makemake is the higher octave of Saturn. This makes 5D downloads more accessible to us during this lunar event. Given that both Neptune and Saturn are in nebulous Pisces, these downloads may help us make more sense of the higher impact of those planets and their transits at this time.

Pluto is an ally during this lunar event as he is manifesting with the Moon and in resource with the Sun. This lends power and purpose to our transformation. Pluto IS transformation, and it flows easily between the Moon and the Sun. Added to the power of the eclipse, and we have an amazing opportunity to transcend old habits, beliefs and emotional patterns that limit us. A grand reboot, indeed!

The Nodes are forming a boomerang yod with Jupiter in Taurus and Venus/Saturn in Pisces. The Soul Star (North Node) is still in communion with Chiron, and is the release point of this yod (meaning, it sits between the resource formed by Jupiter and Venus/Saturn, and across from the Earth Star/South Node). What has been coming up for you the past few weeks as the Soul Star and Chiron have been connected? Remember that painful memories, old habits, and stuck patterns show themselves so that we can be aware of them and then accept it and heal. Taking time to sit in awareness of our pain (rather than avoiding it or distracting ourselves) lets us move forward toward our dharma (the path of the North Node). Distracting keeps us in the energy of Karma (South Node).

The Nodes are also forming a crossroad (grand cross) with Ceres in Capricorn and the fixed star Sirius (always in Cancer). If we can get balanced and find our center, we can access the wisdom and consciousness of Sirius as well as the nurturing and birthing energies of Ceres. With no major planets in retrograde at this time, things are moving quickly, and it is always important to know how to find your center, so that you can choose wisely and from your higher self. Working with any opposition (in this case with the crossroads, we have two oppositions) requires us to get balanced and harmonize with all sides of the equation. The good news is that the Moon in balanced, harmonious Libra is supporting usto find that center point.

It’s worth pointing out that Libra is the sign of the mirrored self, which means what we see out there is our own reflection. This Libra Moon is ripe with opportunity to view our emotional triggers, our relationships, and how we care for ourselves with the clarity that we are solely responsible for ourselves, our reactions, and our self-love. If you don’t like what you are seeing in the mirror (through your relationship with the world), then ask yourself how your internal state is contributing to that
reflection. Are you giving yourself the respect, care and attention you need? Are you showing up for yourself? What is being reflected back to you that you love and enjoy? How can you cultivate more of what you want to see in the mirror? This lunar eclipse grants us the opportunity to view emotional triggers in a new, more harmonious light.

Pisces Stellium
Venus and Saturn just started a new cycle in Pisces, and Mars has just entered Pisces as well, with Neptune sitting at 28 degrees. Pisces is where we explore our spirituality, our inner self, and attune to the state of Oneness. With Venus and Saturn, we can ground our heart’s desires in a very committed, structured way, and it starts with our internal self. Saturn is our inner Executive Director, and in Pisces we can go deep in the fathoms to discover what our soul really wants to manifest. What are we committing to? Where and how are we willing to apply ourselves, and persevere? This new cycle isn’t about fleeting inspiration that fizzles out, but a deep, lasting commitment to something. Mars entering Pisces can be supportive and really help anchor what we are creating through meaningful action, but perhaps may not be as fast-moving as we would like.
Remember that Venus and Saturn are part of the Boomerang Yod with the Nodes and Jupiter, so this commitment of yours is heavily supported by Jupiter. This is part of your path of evolution. If you are wanting to get something off the ground that is spiritual or soul-centered in nature then you are very heavily supported at this time.

Remember that eclipses can be intense, but trust that it is all serving your highest good. We don’t evolve and transcend limitations on our best days. Our best days are a reward for staying present and allowing during the hard days; the “hard” days are when we do the work to accept ourselves and harmonize with spirit, our heart, and our higher mind. It’s when our growth occurs.

Wishing you a very transformative and harmonizing Full Moon!