Written by Cari Campbell
Cancer Full Moon
January 13, 2025
5:27am EST
23 Cancer 59
Happy New Year and welcome to the first full moon of 2025! This full moon, known as the Wolf Moon, occurs in Cancer and is communing with retrograde Mars. Mars isn’t very comfortable in Cancer which can add to the emotional power of this time, not to mention that the Moon is in her own sign. This lunation can offer plenty of opportunities to review the ways in which we take action around our home, families, and most importantly, ourselves. Cancer is the sign of “the Mother”, and also the seat of emotional power. A full moon in Cancer, even without the added bonus of Mars, is a time to complete cycles in which we neglect ourselves for the sake of others (a classic “Mother” theme!). A nurturing home and family life starts with a mother who takes care of herself. It also is vital that the Mother has a healthy relationship to emotion, and knows not only how to feel and let go, but to allow those around her to feel what they are feeling without judgment, shame, or attachment to an outcome.
Does this sound like a lot to unpack? Well, most of the cosmos are conspiring to assist with understanding this theme. This lunation features a Grand Resource, a Grand Crossroads, and the lunar nodes have just shifted into Virgo and Pisces. The Grand Resource includes a Juno/Uranus bridge and the Nodes, with the Soul Star Chakra (North Node) communing with Neptune. Pluto is in resource with the Soul Star and manifesting with the Earth Star (South Node). The Grand Crossroads involves the Moon/Mars and the Sun on one axis, and Chiron/Eris and the Fixed Star Arcturus on the other. Obviously the Chiron/Eris bridge with Arcturus is long lasting but the Full Moon is bringing it very much into focus.
The Grand Resource can bring flashes of insight and/or surprises (Uranus) around what we need to commit to (Juno). The Soul Star and Neptune in Pisces bring a spiritual focus while the Earth Star in Virgo may show us where we’ve held on too long to perfectionism, criticism, and other overly nit-picky ways of being. Are you doing just for the sake of doing? Yes, we get those dopamine hits when we cross of items on our to-do list, but what is the meaning and intention behind those actions? How we are showing up energetically (Being) is just as important as our actions. The Soul Star and Neptune can guide you in regards to being in energetic alignment with your values and higher self.
Indulge in your dreamy side during this full moon. Sit in meditation, or go stand under the Moon and listen to what she has to say. Involve water in some way- a bath, a cleansing shower, going near a body of water if they aren’t all frozen near you…Embrace the watery energy of this time and work with the water element instead of resisting where it wants to you to go.
The Grand Cardinal Crossroads allows for a very cosmic consciousness (Arcturus) to shed new understanding on core wounds and inner discomfort (Chiron/Eris). How does this relate back to themes coming up for you around how you Mother yourself and those around you, and the conversation around emotional power? That this is occurring in the Cardinal signs indicates that this is a time to notice where we give our power away, and reclaim it. Move out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness. What would it look like if our wounds were a source of empowerment? How would it feel if we nurtured and cared for ourselves with the same loving kindness we extend to others?
Finally, Venus and Saturn are forming a stepping stone with Jupiter, and Venus and Saturn will start a new cycle in less than a week. We have an opportunity to stand tall in our commitments to what matters most to us. Saturn is the Inner Guru and in Pisces, this is a fabulous time to work with our higher selves and create routines and habits that keep us connected to our higher consciousness. Jupiter may be making it feel bigger than is really is, but stepping stones are designed to create friction that will provide the impetus to create change. Venus is asking, “What matters most to you? What are your values?” while Saturn wants to know “how are you going to show up in a way that aligns with these values?”
A final thought for this potent time-When emotion comes up, practice “reparenting” yourself. If you were raised in an environment where you were not always treated with empathy or compassion, or where your emotions were invalidated, you may have a difficult time nurturing yourself. When you are deep in any emotional state, practice treating yourself the way you would treat a small, innocent child who is having a very hard time. Give yourself the gift of empathy and kindness. Be the safe space for yourself that you deserve. This allows you to slowly heal the patterns of emotional suppression and self-judgment that you may be unknowingly carrying.
Many blessings!