Full Moon Report-December 2023 Cancer Full Moon

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell

December 2023 Cancer Full Moon

This lunar event features a cradle formation, which is formed between the Moon, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn.   A cradle is four points separated by three resources (sextiles), two manifestations (trines), and with the first and last points (the Moon and Sun in this case) forming a bridge.

A cradle offers a gift- this one brought about by Jupiter and strengthened by Saturn.  Saturn can provide the structure and diligence to bring this gift fully to fruition.  The Moon in Cancer is family, home and loved ones.  This is a great energy for nurturing and loving family during the holidays, but can also bring lots of emotion around nostalgia, loved ones, etc.  The holidays are ripe with this every year, and this Cancer Moon is amplifying our emotions.

With the Sun in a bridge in Capricorn, we are likely feeling pulled towards responsibilities, goals, and our routines.  The key with a bridge is to balance this feminine (Moon in Cancer) and masculine energy (Sun in Capricorn) and reside somewhere in the middle.  We can love and nurture ourselves and our loved ones, and still carry on with some responsibilities. Take time for both!

The Moon in also conjunct Astraea, whose energy is all about balance, justice and feminine energy, so balance is definitely called for during this time.

Retrograde Mercury and Mars are in communion in Sagittarius and in a stepping stone with Neptune in Pisces.    This means this is the second of three stepping stones that Mercury will have with Neptune- we are covering old ground and with the Mars communion we may be feeling feisty about something.  Mars could provide a push to do something towards a long-held dream, or on the flip side Mars may be adding fiery energy when we are meant to keep reviewing (for now, while Mercury completes his retrograde cycle).  The final stepping stone between Mercury and Neptune will occur on January 8th, and Mercury and Mars will start their new cycle on January 27th, so whatever is coming up now likely isn’t the final version.

Chiron is stationing direct, so if something hurts right now, trust that it is being shown to you so that you can integrate and accept it.  We don’t “heal” our Chiron wounds, we learn to love and accept these parts of ourselves.  As we do that, we “whole” ourselves.    

This is a great time to practice loving ourselves fully and wholly and turn, we love others more authentically and we allow others to love us back.

Happy Holidays!


November 2023 Gemini Full Moon Report

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report


November 2023 Gemini Full Moon

Monday 11 27 23 at 4:16am EST

4 Gemini 51

Written by Cari Campbell

The Sun, recently having entered Sagittarius, is conjunct Mars and Ceres.  The Sun and Mars in a fire sign can bring a lot of energy and passion, and Ceres can help balance that with her grounded, nurturing energy.  Take care during this lunar cycle to communicate with care (Ceres) what we are passionate about.  With Saturn forming an intersection at 1 Pisces, it may feel like we have limits on being able to say what we want to say.  The Moon in Gemini is exacerbating this feeling of wanting to speak up, so again, be mindful of what and how you are speaking your truth.  You can speak truthfully while still being compassionate and considerate of others.  Saturn can be your friend or foe in this lunar cycle- if you are mindful of your boundaries and those of others, then you can step into your mastery around mindful communication.  Otherwise, Saturn may impose his limits on you to help you learn more about how to communicate skillfully.

Mercury in Sagittarius is in a stepping stone with Neptune in Pisces, so we may be thinking and perceiving in unusual ways right now.  Remember to utilize your critical thinking skills during this time and question which reality you are tapping into.  Neptune in Pisces is exceptionally dreamy so it’s a great time to creatively dream up your heart’s desires.  But again, given the energetic dynamic with Saturn creating an intersection with the Moon and Sun, it’s worth mentioning that everyone perceives differently.  We all live in our own versions of reality. Taking an attitude of curiosity around others and ourselves will help us navigate any potential issues around communication.   Mercury entered his shadow at 22 Sagittarius, so anything Mercurian that is occurring now will get to be revisited and corrected, if needed.

All of the above mentioned cosmic activity is occurring in mutable signs, so there may be a restless energy during this lunar cycle.  Stay focused on what is most important and try not to overwhelm yourself. 

Many blessings to you- have a great month!

October 2023 Taurus Full Moon Report – Lunar Eclipse

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

October 2023 Taurus Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse
October 28, 2023
4:24pm ET, 1:24pm PT, 8:24pm GT
5 Taurus 09
Written by Cari Campbell


The full Moon occurs at 4:24pm, EDT, at 5 Taurus. Venus rules this lunation and Venus is currently being disposed by Chiron (Venus is in Virgo). This is also a lunar eclipse, which means there is great emotional wholing available right now.

The term “wholing” versus “healing” seems much more fitting to how you can work with your emotions. Ultimately, you can Love and accept yourself as you are, instead of rejecting parts of yourself that “feels” a certain way that you don’t want to feel. When you bring all parts of yourself back home to your heart, you are whole. That is the work of Chiron in your lives. All parts of yourself want to be acknowledged and accepted.

Something very interesting about this lunar event is that all major planetary bodies are in either Earth or Water signs! This could feel heavy, intense, or overwhelming, but it can also be very grounding. Water and Earth constitute the feminine signs. That reveals that no matter how intense things get, the real potential here is that the movement of your emotions (water) can free you from something that has seemed immovable (earth). Alternatively, your emotions can be nourishing something that you hold dear and want to ground.

The Taurus stellium includes the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus (both retrograde) while the Scorpio stellium includes Haumea, the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Ceres. It’s a very interesting play between your desires in the physical, material world (Taurus) and metaphysical transformation (Scorpio). Ultimately it is the alchemy that can deliver you to your heart’s desires. So what do you really want? What is showing up for you right now that is calling you out of your comfort zone? And where are you keeping yourself small, playing it safe, and possibly finding yourself stuck? Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs, so it is
useful at this time to pay attention to where we may be resistant to moving past your current limits. Is that serving you right now?

This is the last eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis until 2031. The Nodes are stationing and the Soul Star (North Node) is still in communion (conjunct) with Eris. Additionally, the intersection (T-square) with Pluto is still very much active, so there is an important, rare choice to be made.

Venus is in Virgo, the sign of the Divine Mother. 

This is what Stephanie writes about Virgo in the 5D:

In 5D, Virgo is known as ‘The Divine Mother’, the Divine Feminine Creator of all. As such, Virgo is a progenitor sign, it represents Mother Mary. The purpose of every Virgo is to purify the heart so fully that it can birth the Christed (Self-Realized) Self. Chiron, the Master Healer/Teacher, serves Virgo well in this purifying capacity. It is service to others that becomes the main motivating force for Virgo. In 5D, The alignment of your own spirit, mind, heart and body is where your focus needs to be. When you make use of your healing wisdom to remember that you are whole, you become the natural “wholer” of all. A soul who is whole serves as the example for all to realize their own state of wholeness. What is clear is that there is a great opportunity, with Venus in Virgo, to whole our heart. From that place, we can clearly identify our heart’s desires and then move forward with whatever opportunities this Full Moon/Eclipse brings your way. Don’t resist the transformation and see what gifts await you on the other side!

Many blessings!

Full Moon Report-September Full Moon in Aries

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

By Cari Campbell

Friday, 9/29/23 at 5:57am ET
6 Aries 00

The Full Moon occurs at 5:57 am EDT on September 29 th , at 6 degrees Aries. That means this lunation is disposed by Mars. Mars, interestingly enough, sits in Libra (the same sign as the Sun right now), in a new cycle (conjunct) with the Earth Star (South Node), and bridging (opposing) the Soul Star (North Node), Eris, and Chiron in Aries.

Mercury, Venus/Juno, Mars/S. Node, Uranus, Pluto, Soul Star (N. Node)/Eris, are all between 20-27 degrees of their respective signs. There is simply so much going on here and it’s all connected. This lunation is ripe with opportunity for healing. Before we get into this, let’s discuss the Moon.

The Moon and the Sun are at 6 degrees Aries and Libra. The Sun is approaching a new cycle (conjunct) with Pallas Athena and MakeMake, and the Moon is approaching a new cycle with Salacia. The only major planet that is aspecting the Full Moon is Saturn retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces in intimacy (semisextile) with the Moon and forming a great eliminator (inconjunct) with the Sun. MakeMake is the higher octave of Saturn, providing an opportunity to transcend your Saturn limitations and govern your Self from the Heart. This is the time to allow your emotions to guide you to what you truly want for your Self
not what you *think* you want. What stories have you told your Self about how your life should look? This could be about your job, finances, how your day-to-day lives should be run
now what does your higher Self (MakeMake) say? What feels good and right?


Because the Full Moon isn’t directly making contacting with the other major planets and involves new cycles with 5D planets, it is a time to go inward and access your higher wisdom. Meditate, dance, walk, do breath work, whatever helps you access that Divine part of you. The Sun and the Moon are highlighting something different, and that will lead you outside of the box you have put yourself in and onto the path of your higher Heart.


Speaking of the heart, let’s get back to Venus. She is conjunct Juno and is making her third and final stepping stone (square) to Uranus in Taurus. The last two stepping stones occurred on July 2 nd /3 rd and August 9 th . Can you connect any themes from these days, or did anything happen that sent a shockwave to your heart? What cycle are you ready to complete now? Venus is a big part of what we value, and also how we see and Love ourselves. What has shifted for you along those lines?


What about Mars forming a new cycle with the Earth Star, in a bridge with the Soul Star, Eris and Chiron? Mars is in Libra, the sign of the mirrored self. This bridge is likely activating our core wounds and it’s important to understand that whatever is painful (Chiron/Eris in Aries) is a reflection. Anything that triggers you at this time is useful information that you are meant to focus back on your Self for integration. Remember that Mars disposes Aries and this Full Moon- take care not to project onto others or take action from a triggered place. With Mars approaching a new cycle with the Earth Star, watch for the tendency to repeat old behaviors in relationships. There is a balance here that can be found, and the inner turmoil is showing you a new path (Eris/Soul Star new cycle).


Venus/Juno are also manifesting with the Soul Star and Eris and in resource with Mars so again, pay attention to your heart. Which path leads to more Self-Love? How can you use any reflections (Mars in Libra) to move towards the path of your higher Heart? Your committed partnerships (Juno) likely provide insight here.


To add more nuance to all of this, Venus/Juno and Mars/Earth Star are forming a Finger of God with Neptune! Focus on your dreams, and how you want to achieve them. Don’t get lost in the fog. If you are confused, ask your higher Self for clarity. Focus on what you want your life to look like a few years from now, and then work back towards whatever actions, values and beliefs will put you in alignment with your dreams.

And finally, Venus/Juno is forming a great eliminator with Pluto while Mars is approaching a stepping stone with Pluto (exact on Oct 8 th ). The Nodes are continuing their stepping stone dance with Pluto as well. Something is ready for transformation- the stepping stone to Mars is likely providing enough friction to inspire you to action. Again, listen to your Heart. The great eliminator implies that it is time to let something go so you can have a re-birth. Maybe it’s a repeating pattern in the way you show up in
relationships, or certain triggers around your wounds are causing you to close your heart instead of diving deep into the hurt and listening to what your pain wants to tell you.


This is an action-oriented full Moon, and it’s all about taking Heart-led action. Take some time to really be present with yourself and your emotions so that you can get in touch with what you truly want and need, and then from that higher vantage point you can take action.