November 2023 Gemini Full Moon Report

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report


November 2023 Gemini Full Moon

Monday 11 27 23 at 4:16am EST

4 Gemini 51

Written by Cari Campbell

The Sun, recently having entered Sagittarius, is conjunct Mars and Ceres.  The Sun and Mars in a fire sign can bring a lot of energy and passion, and Ceres can help balance that with her grounded, nurturing energy.  Take care during this lunar cycle to communicate with care (Ceres) what we are passionate about.  With Saturn forming an intersection at 1 Pisces, it may feel like we have limits on being able to say what we want to say.  The Moon in Gemini is exacerbating this feeling of wanting to speak up, so again, be mindful of what and how you are speaking your truth.  You can speak truthfully while still being compassionate and considerate of others.  Saturn can be your friend or foe in this lunar cycle- if you are mindful of your boundaries and those of others, then you can step into your mastery around mindful communication.  Otherwise, Saturn may impose his limits on you to help you learn more about how to communicate skillfully.

Mercury in Sagittarius is in a stepping stone with Neptune in Pisces, so we may be thinking and perceiving in unusual ways right now.  Remember to utilize your critical thinking skills during this time and question which reality you are tapping into.  Neptune in Pisces is exceptionally dreamy so it’s a great time to creatively dream up your heart’s desires.  But again, given the energetic dynamic with Saturn creating an intersection with the Moon and Sun, it’s worth mentioning that everyone perceives differently.  We all live in our own versions of reality. Taking an attitude of curiosity around others and ourselves will help us navigate any potential issues around communication.   Mercury entered his shadow at 22 Sagittarius, so anything Mercurian that is occurring now will get to be revisited and corrected, if needed.

All of the above mentioned cosmic activity is occurring in mutable signs, so there may be a restless energy during this lunar cycle.  Stay focused on what is most important and try not to overwhelm yourself. 

Many blessings to you- have a great month!