Capricorn New Moon Report- December 30, 2024

Christine ClemmerMoon Report, New Moon Report

The final lunar event of 2024 is the New Moon in Capricorn on 12/30/2024, occurring at 5:27pmET/ 2:27pmPT.  New Moons always usher in new consciousness and a new beginning, and this particular New Moon facilitates the completion of an “8” vibration year and the transitional doorway that delivers a brand new year.  The upcoming “9” vibration year of 2025 signifies endings and completions of a profound nature, facilitating radical evolutionary change and quantum leaps into a new beginning.  Higher consciousness takes us to higher ground, and the New Earth is a manifestation of the quantum leaps we’re each navigating now.  The active choice points at every step reveal the alchemical nature of this moment in time.  

In the 5D Cosmic Consciousness System, Capricorn represents new beginnings, new cycles, and the downloads of divine directive from Source, delivering a higher intention, higher purpose, and higher calling.  When we start something new based on the ego’s agenda of success, or our personal attachments to preferred outcomes, we limit ourselves…often defining ourselves by our results.  

When we align our personal will with Divine Will, we begin to access a higher soul calling, and a higher seat of power.  Capricorn brings us into relationship with Divine Power, and the connection to Source through our crown chakra.  When we believe we are connected to that divine seat of power, our communion and communication with Source/Soul is crystal clear.  We don’t need to map out a linear goal sheet of accomplishments based on the ego’s assessment, we simply dial into Source and listen for the calling, purpose, and intention.  That kind of elevated union yields a higher perspective and unleashes a greater realization of the power that’s present in any new beginning. 

The truth is, every ending delivers a new beginning…a blank slate, a portal of Truth that integrates the wisdom accrued from past experiences with the inspired beginning of a brand new journey.  When we make it our business to journey well, we begin to capitalize on our experiential learning from the past.  Whether we liked the outcomes or not, every ending reveals wisdom that can be elevated and applied to our next chapter…if we’re conscious.  When we release any attachments to the past – including past labels, identities, roles, and outcomes – we free ourselves up to be fully available and accessible to the new beginning.  

Disposed by Saturn, Capricorn can initiate us by a challenge or a test of faith.  Letting go of our personal attachments to social identity, we may find ourselves being called forth to step into our greatness, or to expand beyond what we’ve known up until now.  When we define ourselves by past experiences, we limit what we believe is possible moving forward.  When we honor the calling and trust in our divine power, we begin to expand beyond old structures, definitions, or boundaries. 

Life defining moments can challenge us to rise up and step into committed action, without any evidence, proof, or examples of what’s possible.  Leaps of faith guided by a higher calling can deliver a full blown soul awareness of who we are and why we’re here.  Saturn is participating in an ongoing stepping stone with Jupiter, and a greater Grand Wisdom Cross with Mercury and Orcus.  When we allow our inner messenger to reveal the truth of who we are, we can step up through any challenge and rise up to a higher recognition and contribution.  That elevated quantum leap contributes to the alchemical transformation of our social fabric of consciousness, taking us into new territory, manifesting new possibilities.   

The New Moon in Capricorn includes a stellium with Ixion, Quaoar, Pallas, the Sun and Moon, providing a T-square/intersection of the ongoing Salacia/MakeMake bridge.  The choices we’re making from a higher awareness of our soul’s calling and divine blueprint reveal the infinite nature of our presence in this moment in time, and the power of our conscious actions moment too moment.  When we align ourselves with a higher orchestration and divine timing, we find ourselves aligned and in sync with a greater movement that benefits all.  

The nature of this new beginning into 2025 is the ending that births radical change on the planet, on behalf of all.  It’s time to fully awaken to the Truth of oneness, Love, and Unity consciousness…initiating a radical shift in the current fabric of our shared reality.  This is the moment we came for..

*** Please join Christine for the New Moon in Capricorn LIVE Lunar Calibration Event

On Monday 12/30/2024 at 5pmPT/ 8pmET.  CLICK HERE to register for this FREE Live Event!

New Moon in Sagittarius December 1, 2024

Christine ClemmerMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Christine Clemmer

The New Moon at 9’33 Sagittarius occurs at 1:21amET, delivering a radical moment of Truth that begins a new cycle of evolutionary growth and expansion.  In Cosmic Consciousness, Sagittarius represents Physical Wisdom the final hour of completion, and the transitional doorway to new beginnings.  Every ending reveals a bridge of higher wisdom and experiential learning, elevating us to higher ground for a brand new beginning.  The practice of conscious endings (death/dying) is actually an invitation to conscious living…with freedom through a wise open heart.  

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, a social consciousness planet representing our capacity for expansion, benevolent creativity, and our relationship with current limits and boundaries.  The moment we find ourselves at an edge of limitation, we always have a choice…we can collapse/resign, or we can expand, evolve, and grow.  It’s in our expansion that we discover our greatness, beyond what we’ve known before.  It’s in our mastery that we unleash our limitless potential for evolutionary growth, magic, and creative potential.  Meeting the current edge (and then transcending it) requires a holistic embrace of anything that stretches us beyond our perceived maximum capacity.  Finding ourselves on the other side of limitation is where new possibilities begin.  

All of our experiences invite us to grow and evolve, and yet we don’t always choose to see it that way, or surrender ourselves to the experience.  If we find ourselves repetitively collapsing into historic narratives, core wounds, or karmic patterning, we may be resisting the higher calling to step outside of those narratives, expand our wings, and fly free.  The choice is ours, moment to moment.  We either repeat the past for another round, or we elevate, transcend, and fly free for a brand new beginning, manifesting on higher ground.

This New Moon in Sagittarius is part of a massive grand fire manifestation, overlapped by a massive grand air manifestation, resulting in a brilliant Star of David, revealing the wholeness of fire and air signs (divine masculine).  In any epic choice point, the moment of truth reflects the wholeness of our choices and outcomes, and our relationship with those results, and the potential for evolutionary growth through the process.  The meanings we make, the interpretations of ourselves, our actions, and our outcomes, matters.  If we disconnect, avoid, leave it all behind and walk away, we may not get the full value of wisdom that comes from a formal debrief, review, and reflection.  In hindsight, what matters most is what we learn from any experience we choose to manifest for ourselves.  

Holding ourselves accountable, we can begin to look through the pieces and parts, embracing the wholeness of our experiences (light and dark), and surrendering our ego’s attachments to what could have/should have been.  The final action required is forgiveness, the full blown release…letting go and finding freedom through communion with Soul/Source.  The Truth sets us free, clears our voice, and releases divine spirit from the physical matter we’ve created.  New cycle, new chapter, blank slate…anything is possible.

This New Moon offers a new beginning in the journey towards Truth – the Truth of Soul that reminds us why we chose this journey of embodiment, why we’re here, and what really matters.  Every new beginning is a chance to start again, on a blank slate, on higher ground…if we choose it.  Every inhale and exhale, every sunrise and sunset offer a brand new beginning, if we choose it.  We purify ourselves with every conscious acceptance of what is, and with every conscious release of what was…maintaining our divine presence in the continuum of Love, as Love, fully available in the current moment.  From that continuum, all things are possible, always.  From that gateway of divine Oneness, there is only infinite Love.

Sagittarius brings us into the sacred ceremonial bonfire, honoring the full circle of life.  Wisdom gained from higher learning (hindsight) can be purified and offered as divine medicine through the greater community of Oneness.  The seasons and cycles of life invite us to transcend the illusion of separation consciousness, transcending karmic patterns and cycles of suffering.  There is immense value in this portal of completion, offering soul integration, evolutionary growth, and conscious expansion.  The events and people in our lives facilitate these invitations to wake up, elevate, transcend, forgive, and start again…on higher ground.  

The practice of forgiveness involves right action through the doorway of completion.  If we harbor resentments, remorse, suppressed anger or unresolved conflicts through any transitional endings/new beginnings, we will ultimately carry that forward into the next new cycle, only to be reviewed and reconciled through our upcoming experiences.  The only way out of that repetitive cycle of pain and suffering is through the integration of Higher Wisdom, Divine Love, and Universal Truth.  The ancient Hawaiian Hoʻoponopono prayer is an excellent resource that facilitates reconciliation and forgiveness, along with the violet flame and the transmutational bonfire ceremony of completion.  

In the end, what matters most is 

How well you lived…

How well you loved..

And how well you learned to let go.”  ~Buddha 

When we let go of our battles and open our heart to things as they are, then we come to rest in the present moment.” 

― Jack Kornfield, A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life

Be a lamp unto yourself, make of yourself a light’ were the last words of the Buddha. no teacher or outside authority can give us the truth or take it away. in the end, we will find that our heart holds the simple wisdom and unshakable compassion that we have sought all along.” 

― Jack Kornfield, After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path

***Please Christine for the New Moon in Sagittarius LIVE Lunar Calibration Event on Sunday 12/1 at 5pmPT/ 8pmET.  CLICK HERE to register for this FREE event!  

 Visit for more info including the Weekly Navigation Report, Daily Calibrations, and to schedule a 1:1 session.

New Moon Report 11/1/24

Christine ClemmerMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Christine Clemmer

The Scorpio New Moon on 11/1 ends the wormhole and opens the birth canal for radical transformation, alchemy, and shape shifting through the awakened presence of Divine Love.  When we navigate moments of uncertainty or darkness, Love is the Light that illuminates the way.  When we find ourselves bumping up against the status quo of historic limitations and surface level appearances, Love is the mechanism that unlocks the holding patterns and releases our visionary channels into deeper currents, for an awakened lens of vision that can see into the true potential that’s waiting to manifest.  When we find ourselves traversing the deepest shadows of all that has been suppressed, locked up, forgotten, or held hostage, Love is the frequency that facilitates the divine surrender and release, and the possibility for a new day, a new vision, and a new possibility.


The only way to navigate Scorpio energy is through the awakened heart…with Love, as Love.  We don’t have to know the answers or analyze the situation….we only need to choose Awakened Love, again and again.  Love is the facilitator, the healer, the visionary lens, the attunement, and the mechanism…always.

The New Moon occurs at 5:46amPT/ 8:46amET at 9 Scorpio 35’.  Disposed by Pluto, the New Moon in Scorpio is highly transformational, alchemical, and even deconstructive.  When we release and let go of our attachments to labels, identities, and the skin we’ve been living in, we can be fully released, reborn and reconfigured, manifesting as the highest vision, making good use of all of our hidden potential, even the shadows.  When all that we are, and all that has been buried, suppressed, and hidden within us, is finally free to be seen, brought to life, and brought to Light, there is a new expression of infinite magic and mystical reverence.

What lives in the shadows is not just the darkness we carry, but also the divine Light that is hidden and held in sacred seclusion, for safe keeping.  We hide what we don’t like, what we fear to be seen….and we also hide our valuables, what we cherish, what we would die for protecting.  After lifetimes and lifetimes of suppression of the sacred, it’s time to uncover, unlock, and set free.  That kind of sacred reveal is intimate, and requires the ultimate safety and reverence to emerge. 

Pluto thins the veils, allowing us to see the parts of ourselves, at the soul level, that exist beyond the illusion of time/space, form/structure, lifetimes/storylines.  As we allow and honor the unveiling of such magnitude, we are then reminded of the immense value and integrity in our commitment to being here, in this moment in time, in this particular lifetime and incarnation.  There’s a reason why we’re here, and a higher purpose beyond the surface level appearances.  It’s important to honor that revelation, and diligently embody our alignment with devotional grace and reverence.   

Pluto activates a grand earth manifestation with Uranus and Vesta, the great awakener and the fire of devotion.   There may be a powerful unearthing and untethering of our old status quo reference points and assumptions as we free ourselves up to stand powerfully in the highest attunement of our soul purpose.  Pluto is also in a bridge with Mars, who activates a grand water manifestation with Mercury and Neptune.  At the cellular level, we are being awakened and transformed, restructured and recalibrated according to the highest manifestation of our soul blueprint and divine purpose.  The water within our physicality is a divine messenger, holding the memory of our sacred design and highest intention. 

The New Moon in Scorpio holds a powerful balance point, or intersection, in the Varuna/Chariklo bridge.  To the degree that we feel safe, we can begin to open a higher channel of vision that reveals the new codes and highest intentions, not yet fully visible or tangible at surface level appearances.  We must be coming from Love, from the awakened heart, in order to access this visionary lens of universal integrity.  Like a seer through hidden dimensions, we’re seeing into the invisible realms, of the highest order, to manifest the highest vision, on behalf of All.  Letting go of our old orientation points and attachments to 3D anchors, we can unearth ourselves, positioning our seat of awareness through a higher dimension of Love, ushering new consciousness into the Earth for a brand new beginning, a brand new manifestation. 

Transformation must be honored; not pushed, premeditated, or manipulated.  The caterpillar doesn’t “try” to become a butterfly; the divine alchemical process yields epic transformation that is truly breathtaking and unimaginable.  There’s no going back..

***Join Christine for the New Moon in Scorpio LIVE Lunar Calibration Event on Friday 11/1 at 5pmPT/ 8pmET.  CLICK HERE to register for this FREE event. 

Visit to access the Weekly Navigation Report, Daily Calibrations, and 1:1 sessions.

“Ring of Fire” New Moon Report

Meladie StarMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Meladie Star 

Libra 10 03’48”  “Ring o’Fire” Annular SoUlar Eclipse/New Moon on 

02 October’24 @ 08:49:12 HST (14:49:12 EST)

Image Artist: Unknown






We are a month inside of the final  Wormhole/Eclipse Portal of 2024, closing on 02 November. This is also the last eclipse in Libra until 2033! During a Solar Eclipse, the Sun & Moon are in the same sign, and the Moon is on the same Horizontal plane as the Earth. During this eclipse, the Moon will pass directly between the Earth & Sun, casting a shadow onto the Earth. This is an Annular Solar eclipse therefore the shadow casted will leave a “Ring o’Fire”, meaning a ring of Solar rays will be seen. This event is a Dynamic Reset of the Sun’s energy. The Sun represents our Truest Sense of Self, the Soul. Hence, SoUlar Eclipse.

This eclipse is in a new cycle with the South Node of the Moon, which signifies “Endings”. 

The South Node represents the Earth Star, aka the Karmic Node. In ancient times, the South Node is also described as the swaying Dragon’s Tail. The swaying tail to aid in the sloughing off that which no longer serves. 

Libra is the aspect of Consciousness that reminds Self that everything perceived in the Mirrored Reflections of All is the Reflection of Self. The Mirrored-Self. 

The Mirror is reflecting the past, present, & future on levels that are the beginning of the next new wave of self-love, unity consciousness, & soular frequencies. All reflections are to teach, guide, & support Self in stepping into the next phase. Which may require a letting go of what is holding Self back from fully expressing the potentially of what the Soul came here to BE. 

The need to let go & what to let go of can show up in a variety of ways, in this moment. Being that this New Cycle is in Libra, symptoms may be showing up in the physical body more than the spiritual, mental, or emotional bodies. Libra is the first initiation into the physical body. Libra is also directly connected to the Heart Chakra. The heart is considered to be the House of the Soul. The Heart contains the electricity to maintain the physical body. The physical body is where Self first experiences duality. And, ultimately, Duality is a teacher for self to realize 

“I AM You and You are Me.” 

Besides, the Sun, the Moon, & the South Node in a new cycle in the Consciousness of Libra with this SoUlar eclipse/New Moon, we also have Mercury, Juno, Astraea, Black Moon Lilith, & MakeMake. This massive stellium is providing incredible support for Self to commit to letting go of what is causing disharmony, keeping self from experiencing truth authentically, & to fully embody the Soul into the Physical.   

This eclipse is also in a bridge with the Dharmic node/North Node in Aries. A bridge provides access to the opposite side. Dharma/North Node is the evolutionary process that the soul is here to experience. Karma/South Node is also a part of this process, the karmic lessons are guiding the soul to the threshold of great change and transformation.

With Eclipses, a Sideways Elevator may approach. It is up to Self to choose to take the Ride to the Unknown or Let it Pass By. 

#soulareclipse #mirroredself #cosmicconsciousness #unifiedfield