2024 Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse

Meladie StarMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by: Meladie Star

Super New Moon/Total SoUlar Eclipse 19°24â€Č1” @8:20:47HST (14:20:47EST)
Eclipse begins @5:42:10—Max @8:17:16—ends @10:52:14 HST

“We are in a Massive & Epic Portal of Unification
Self-Identity is going through Major shifts Personally & Collectively around the Ego (Sub & Unconscious Minds). There is a strength that is Rising within the One Mind, SuperConsciousness. Many EGOs are experiencing a New Phase of Strength & Courage as the choices to STOP  various Loops & Patterns that are Fear-Biased are being Halted! The Ego is experiencing a Level of Power that it has been Hungry for even though the choices are New & Radikal versus what it has known!
This is an Aries Solar Eclipse
Aries is the Archetype of Consciousness that is based on Self REAL-ization. The EGO is Bored! with the Conditioned Perceptions, Judgements, Limitations.
As the SELF realizes & awakens to its Soul Energy..SELF begins to attune to the UNIFIED FIELD of ONENESS. Each Soul is a Drop of Divine Essence that is a part of the Limitless Eternal Realm of Existence.”

As the UNIVERSE, So the SOUL.

image:VW Pics / Contributor / Getty Images


2024 Aquarius New Moon

Stephanie AzariaMoon Report, New Moon Report






We are currently without a writer for the New Moon article… For information about the Aquarius New Moon, which occurred on Friday February 9, 2024, please see Shelly Leal’s Monthly column and Lisa Zimmerman’s Weekly column.

We hope to find a writer very soon. Anyone interested must have knowledge of the Cosmic Consciousness system, as taught by Stephanie. That is, any student or former student is what we’re looking for. Please contact Stephanie to let her know you’re interested..


Happy Year of the Dragon!

TheCosmicPath Team

New Moon Report- January 11, 2024

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report








Written by Beth Nolte

January 11, 2024; 6:58am EST

New Moon at 20 Capricorn 44

HEY! Happy new year. 

Here’s to the New Moon at 20 Capricorn 44!

Feel like you’re standing at an epic crossroads, while giving birth? 

That’s what it is.

Fun fact: In 2020, when Saturn and Pluto came together at 22 Capricorn, Ceres, the cosmic midwife, powerful feminine archetype was at this very spot of the Capricorn New Moon (20 Capricorn).

You’ve been here before, but it was totally different. You were totally different. 

Just to show you how different things are now, imagine this year, Saturn, whose home is Capricorn, invites you to a vision board party. Even if vision boarding is not your thing, you accept. Of course. It’s Saturn. 

It happens at the crossroads, you’re still in labor, Saturn shows up wearing fuzzy slippers and hauling every magazine under the sun. You can cut out any image you want. There’s gel pens, glitter, all the stuff. 

As the archetype of form and structure, Saturn knows that to do the work, the vision has to inspire. What’s the feeling you’re gonna go back to when the work gets hard? 

What kind of beingness are you striving to become? 

YOU – in your full divine power. What’s it feel like? How will you celebrate?

In this moment you merge the energy of striving and being. The duality between the masculine and feminine blurs; the sacred union is alive in you. 

Feel more clarity around your actions. There’s higher alignments coming through – archetypes of soul level purpose and new thought paradigms (Ixion and Quaoar) are on either side of Mars. Mercury hangs out at 27 Sagittarius, the degree of the Galactic Center, streaming the downloads of truth you need to succeed. 

Saturn in Pisces, your host for this party, sits at the center of two near perfect sextiles; one to Mars, action/motivation in Capricorn and the other to Jupiter, expansion/growth in Taurus. You’re both resourced and resourceful. 

Saturn raises their cup to you and asks, What’s the best part about being the universe embodied? 

The New Moon resets collective consciousness. On January 11, this event happens in a square to the Moon’s opposing South and North nodes, creating a stepping stone between karma/dharma, Earth Star/Soul Star energetic portals and transpersonal bridge of root/source.

Duality starts and ends and begins again. 

Capricorn is the energy of your inner guru. Inner guru equals inner work. Is it your inner work; your participation in the collective death-rebirth cycle; your ability to ride the contractions and tune into the glory coming through; your joy at being; or anything else?

What’s the best part about being the universe embodied? 

Happy new year! So glad you’re here. EmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji

**Picture used Source**(https://www.russh.com/new-moon-in-capricorn-january-2024/)

New Moon Report-December 12,2023

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written By Beth Nolte

Dec 12, 2023
6:31 PM EST

New Moon 20Âș Sagittarius 40’


What if all the gods chipped in this year and got you a gift? It would be this New Moon on 12/12 at 21 Sagittarius! 🙂

There’s a zap of awakening in the air. What are your new insights? Moving towards liberation, what do you release next?

The New Moon makes a great eliminator/quincunx aspect to Uranus. Even if you don’t have a great view of the fireworks, the epiphanies are still gold.

Tis the season for meeting and greeting worn out self-concepts. These ghosts from the past seek attention and ultimately, reinvention. Just like in the movies! Let them show you. Maybe try not to kick them out.

Lucky for you, Mercury starts a retrograde period eight hours after the New Moon on 12/13 EST. The Messenger rolls back to 22 Sagittarius, moving forward on Jan 2. By Jan 20 Mercury is back to it’s current position. All that to say, you have support for all the actions starting with RE. Reunited! Readjusted. Re

Here’s a chance to observe reactions, across the board.

Mercury in Capricorn says, please keep planting the seeds of tangible results. Whatever is moving forward, perhaps you call it a project, first run or research, if you create the mindset and structure you need to experiment, it’s a time of growth.

Jupiter is the archetype of growth and the capacity to expand in partnership with others.

Jupiter’s home is Sagittarius (the sign of the New Moon). Jupiter, aka, the cosmic YES, is moving through Taurus along with Uranus. If you could eat it, this New Moon has a warm, earthy flavor with a little zing.

There’s a New Moon square to Neptune – it’s your stepping stone to oneness and big Love. The New Moon and Neptune alignment calls in a world beyond the material realm. You might be taking action to up level your connection with spirit.

Back to that gift the gods got you

It’s a mystic rectangle!

What the woo woo is a mystic rectangle?

This is an Everybody-look-under-your-chairs moment
.Behold, a shimmering portal to higher consciousness is there.

If you’re planning to go 5D this season, here’s your ticket. A rectangle shape is made from trines on the long edges and sextiles on the short. Consider yourself manifesting and resourced. Each opposite corner creates a light bridge. You got some easy flowing aspects and the challenge to do better. Perfect set up.

So, what’s in the box? Let yourself get in. Some features you’ll find are: 1) the depths of your heart steeped in all it’s wisdom; 2) an operating system, running on the most evolved thought patterns available and ready to receive upgrades; and 3) feminine power, concentrated.

Do you Love it?

It looks great on you!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Sagittarius New Moon!

Mystic rectangle points:
Venus and Pallas Athena, 10 Scorpio
Mercury and Quaoar, 8 Capricorn
Jupiter, 6 Taurus
Astraea ASC, 9 Cancer

For extra dazzle and witnessing your wholeness:
Mercury Venus midpoint = Mars Ceres midpoint, 9-10 Sagittarius

All the wrapping:
Sun and Moon, 21 Sagittarius
Uranus, 20 Taurus
Neptune, 25 Pisces