The final lunar event of 2024 is the New Moon in Capricorn on 12/30/2024, occurring at 5:27pmET/ 2:27pmPT. New Moons always usher in new consciousness and a new beginning, and this particular New Moon facilitates the completion of an “8” vibration year and the transitional doorway that delivers a brand new year. The upcoming “9” vibration year of 2025 signifies endings and completions of a profound nature, facilitating radical evolutionary change and quantum leaps into a new beginning. Higher consciousness takes us to higher ground, and the New Earth is a manifestation of the quantum leaps we’re each navigating now. The active choice points at every step reveal the alchemical nature of this moment in time.
In the 5D Cosmic Consciousness System, Capricorn represents new beginnings, new cycles, and the downloads of divine directive from Source, delivering a higher intention, higher purpose, and higher calling. When we start something new based on the ego’s agenda of success, or our personal attachments to preferred outcomes, we limit ourselves…often defining ourselves by our results.
When we align our personal will with Divine Will, we begin to access a higher soul calling, and a higher seat of power. Capricorn brings us into relationship with Divine Power, and the connection to Source through our crown chakra. When we believe we are connected to that divine seat of power, our communion and communication with Source/Soul is crystal clear. We don’t need to map out a linear goal sheet of accomplishments based on the ego’s assessment, we simply dial into Source and listen for the calling, purpose, and intention. That kind of elevated union yields a higher perspective and unleashes a greater realization of the power that’s present in any new beginning.
The truth is, every ending delivers a new beginning…a blank slate, a portal of Truth that integrates the wisdom accrued from past experiences with the inspired beginning of a brand new journey. When we make it our business to journey well, we begin to capitalize on our experiential learning from the past. Whether we liked the outcomes or not, every ending reveals wisdom that can be elevated and applied to our next chapter…if we’re conscious. When we release any attachments to the past – including past labels, identities, roles, and outcomes – we free ourselves up to be fully available and accessible to the new beginning.
Disposed by Saturn, Capricorn can initiate us by a challenge or a test of faith. Letting go of our personal attachments to social identity, we may find ourselves being called forth to step into our greatness, or to expand beyond what we’ve known up until now. When we define ourselves by past experiences, we limit what we believe is possible moving forward. When we honor the calling and trust in our divine power, we begin to expand beyond old structures, definitions, or boundaries.
Life defining moments can challenge us to rise up and step into committed action, without any evidence, proof, or examples of what’s possible. Leaps of faith guided by a higher calling can deliver a full blown soul awareness of who we are and why we’re here. Saturn is participating in an ongoing stepping stone with Jupiter, and a greater Grand Wisdom Cross with Mercury and Orcus. When we allow our inner messenger to reveal the truth of who we are, we can step up through any challenge and rise up to a higher recognition and contribution. That elevated quantum leap contributes to the alchemical transformation of our social fabric of consciousness, taking us into new territory, manifesting new possibilities.
The New Moon in Capricorn includes a stellium with Ixion, Quaoar, Pallas, the Sun and Moon, providing a T-square/intersection of the ongoing Salacia/MakeMake bridge. The choices we’re making from a higher awareness of our soul’s calling and divine blueprint reveal the infinite nature of our presence in this moment in time, and the power of our conscious actions moment too moment. When we align ourselves with a higher orchestration and divine timing, we find ourselves aligned and in sync with a greater movement that benefits all.
The nature of this new beginning into 2025 is the ending that births radical change on the planet, on behalf of all. It’s time to fully awaken to the Truth of oneness, Love, and Unity consciousness…initiating a radical shift in the current fabric of our shared reality. This is the moment we came for..
*** Please join Christine for the New Moon in Capricorn LIVE Lunar Calibration Event
On Monday 12/30/2024 at 5pmPT/ 8pmET. CLICK HERE to register for this FREE Live Event!