Andie SantoPietro

It’s a Challenging Time on Earth

Many beautiful beings of Light here today in HUman form are in need of a safe, supportive connection where they can emotionally and spiritually make sense of their lives, find community, and learn to navigate the often cray-cray reality of “Living in a 3D World as an evolved 5D HUman”. 

Traditionally trained as a Social Worker, for the past 40 years, I have been a Healer of both ‘Soul and Space’ in service as a Psycho-Spiritual Therapist, 5D Ascension Guide, Feng Shui Expert, Teacher, and Best-Selling Author & International Lecturer. Through both my spoken and written words, I act as a conduit for Source-Light Energies and have ushered hundreds of individuals world-wide through their 5D Ascension process.

The Soul is Genderless

As a 5D Trans-Dimensional Being, I embody a 6th dimensional gender, the “Divine Gender”.

Although I vibrate to equal blends of both “divine masculine and

divine feminine energies,”  in my 2nd incarnation here, I currently                          

present as a male 5D HUman. 


                                                                                                I Am Here in Service                                                                                   

I am also a MultiDimensional being, moving in and out of frequencies and multiple levels of 3D – 6D Consciousness. I work directly with the invisible “energy constructs” that surround people, places, words, emotions, thought forms and experiences assisting my clients with transmuting outgrown programming, old story lines, 3D limitations and circumstances into more expansive heart-based choices, soul desires and new realities. 


 I carry a deep compassion for the HUman condition, and hold a sacred understanding of the “bigger picture” for both the personal and collective journey that our souls are here to experience.  My abilities as an emotional intuit quickly help get to the crux of the matter, but my light, love, and humor have always been the main cornerstones of my multi-dimensional healing work.

Andie SantoPietro 

TransDimensional Healer/5D Guide

Author of The new 5D HUman; Feng Shui & Health: The Anatomy of a Home; Feng Shui: Harmony By Design

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