Recalibrating the Mirror to Oneness

Christine ClemmerRecalibrating the Mirror to Oneness: Solstice and Equinox

September Equinox 2024


Written by Christine Clemmer

The universe manifests through cycles, seasons, and transitions, and the most noticeable cycles of yin/yang balance and wholeness are experienced through the Solstices and Equinoxes.  Like clockwork, seasons change.  And like clockwork, our relationship with Yin/Yang energies through our 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) creates our experience of reality perceived through our relationship axis and the lens of our world view.  

When we understand the nature of light and dark as the duality found in a yin/yang symbol, we can begin to appreciate the wholeness of seasons and the cycles of change.  Periods of extreme Light calibrate our yang energy, and periods of prolonged darkness calibrate our yin energy.  Similar to the balanced wholeness of nervous system health, it’s important to access the sympathetic and parasympathetic qualities, equally.  In fact, our overall health and wellness depends on it. 

Finding power in the stillness, in the restful states of hibernation and sleep, our bodies are allowed the spaciousness to rest, digest, heal, restore, dream, and transform at the deepest alchemical dimensions, at the core of our being.  In periods of Light, we bring that restorative potential into action, full blown expression, and active creation/manifestation.  Dreams manifest, flowers bloom, grass grows, nature expresses….and then everything shifts, fading and falling back to the Earth for recycling and replenishment, for a new cycle, a new expression.  Unified wholeness exists through the contrast of light and dark, through the cycles of change.  

The Equinox points bring us back into balance, finding a zero point calibration of equality.  An opportunity to purify the mirror, recalibrate the scales, and return to a blank slate of equanimity and possibility.  Removing our judgments, attachments, projections, and assumptions in order to find the balanced still point of Truth.  When we come home to the balanced wholeness within ourselves, humanity, and all of nature, there is only Oneness.  

***This Autumn Equinox delivers the transition of Fall that brings us closer to Winter (in the Northern Hemisphere), including the deliverance of an upcoming Solar Eclipse on 10/2, an upcoming election event on 11/5, and a deepening into our alchemical transformation of social change.  The 00 Libra calibration conjunct Astraea is manifesting with Sedna, the cosmic record keeper and crystalline library, and Pluto, the agent of transformation that deep dives into the unseen spaces to remember the suppressed hidden aspects that hold untapped potential for healing, resurrection, reincarnation, and alchemical transcendence.  There is new consciousness being birthed through this zero point activation, and that higher consciousness has the power to unify, elevate, and restore the spirit of Oneness.  

When we restore a healthy relationship with the mirror, we begin to see into the current reality and examine the surface level appearances, the deeper dimensions, and the highest vision.  That kind of visionary “seeing” requires neutrality, equanimity, and a balanced mind/heart union that transcends personal attachments, judgments, projections, or assumptions.  Seeing the current results of “what is” with discerning accuracy, while seeing the possibility of “what can be” with crystalline clarity, then reconciling both without collapsing into either/or is key.  The gifted prolific visionary dreamer who can keep their feet on the ground, in relationship with current results and current reality is a change maker, a progressive agent of transformation, and a way-shower for evolutionary expansion.  

The truth is, we see what we want to see, and oftentimes, we can only see what reminds us of ourselves, what we can relate to or identify with.  Or, we see clearly the resistance and opposition of what we can’t embrace, can’t understand, can’t accept.  Rarely do we actually see the fullness of divine potential and yin/yang wholeness in every scenario that’s unfolding, and the invitation to awaken/activate the Truth in that potential.  When we learn to see the world through the eyes of the awakened heart, we begin to see through the eyes of Unity – bridging polarities, unifying extremes, and celebrating the diversity within the wholeness, honoring the Oneness through the natural expression of beauty.  We begin to see ourselves in everything, realizing there’s nothing we can’t relate to.  How we are relating to the current moment reveals aspects of ourselves, brought to Light for Self awareness, purification, healing, and wholeness.  

In order to see a world of beauty, Love, and Unity, we must begin to see ourselves through that lens, and unify the pieces and parts of ourselves with the infinite resilience of Unconditional Love.  Not just seeing the parts we want to see, but learning to bear witness to all of it, without judgment.  As we restore our relationship with the mirror, we find the courage to keep our hearts open to whatever we’re seeing in our active reflection, and whatever is arising within us and around us.  When our unconditional response is Love, no matter what we’re seeing, the veils begin to thin, diminishing the illusion of separation, purifying the mirror, and revealing the universal Oneness that is yin/yang wholeness.   

Inside of the Virgo wormhole/eclipse passage, this Autumn Equinox offers a profound opportunity to heal our relationship with the mirror by honoring our wholeness – within and without, beyond the polarizing conversations “Us and Them”, remembering that We are One.  Peace and Lovingkindness on Earth require peace within the heart of the individual looking into the mirror of All.

The upcoming Solar Eclipse includes the New Moon at 10 Libra, conjunct the South Node (karmic), Astraea, Black Moon, MakeMake, and Mercury….all in a bridge with Salacia and the North Node (dharmic), and intersected by the Mars/Sirius bridge with Ceres/Quaoar/Ixion as part of a greater Grand Power Cross that has been building and amplifying through this entire wormhole passage.  The horizontal axis – relationship axis – can shift our fabric of reality on a dime when we take ownership of our personal and collective power to access and embody a higher lens of vision and a higher seat of consciousness, to be responsible for our actions and reactions, and to see ourselves in the mirror at every crossroads and epic moment of choice.   When we become the crystalline shamanic seers of Truth, we begin to see ourselves in action, the deeper current that’s motivating our actions, and the ripple effects of those actions manifesting and propelling a greater movement of creation.  When we learn to see into the cause/effect and karma/dharma of every choice point, we become the powerful initiator of change.  We are powerful beyond measure, and it’s time to wake up to see clearly the future impact of our conscious and unconscious actions, and the potential for a quantum leaps when we choose it.  

“We are the mirror, as well as the face in it.
We are tasting the taste of eternity this minute.
We are pain and what cures pain.
We are the sweet cold water and the jar that pours.
Soul of the world, no life, nor world remain,
no beautiful women and men longing.
Only this ancient love circling the holy black stone of nothing.
Where the lover is the loved, the horizon and everything within it.” 

― Rumi

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Summer Solstice 2024

Bernice KadatzRecalibrating the Mirror to Oneness: Solstice and Equinox

Summer Solstice 2024

June 20, 2024

Sun 0° Cancer

4:51 P.M. EDT NY, NY

Bernice Kadatz

I am not sure if it is just me, but it feels like everything is intensifying no matter what it is. This year and especially this last month there has been a significant amount of sun activity in the form of solar flares, coronal mass ejections and filament releases. Some have been directed toward the earth while others served a glancing blow and then there were entire misses. However, the misses will generally impact another member of our solar family which can have indirect connections to the earth.  Regardless, it feels like everything is speeding up faster and faster which can at times make one feel very chaotic or unsteady and everything ends up being a blur. Not only does the energy from the sun affect us but also the astrological connections and the Summer Solstice takes everything to the next level.



How we navigate this time in our history creates our experience. Reviewing the astrological chart for the solstice assists us by giving us a heads up of what is about to be right in front of us and what is coming around the corner. On the solstice this year we have many story lines with two significant players, Neptune at 29° Pisces and Pluto at 1° Aquarius. Neptune in a Steppingstone with the Sun is about being able to get a crystal-clear understanding from the confusion, escapism, delusion and deception that is going on all around us. The conflict that we engage with can lead to irritation but with the conscious awareness that things happen for reasons it ultimately leads us to the understanding we seek. Pluto in a Great Eliminator with the Sun amplifies the Neptunian energy forcing us to transform. The only way to get through these types of challenges coming our way is to turn inward and upward. The Aquarian energy surrounding Pluto reminds us that calm and clarity comes from loving your Self as unconditionally as Source does. If you find things getting out of control take time to ground yourself by being in nature, hugging a tree, meditating, reading poetry or listening to soothing music and most of all, become aware of your breathe to bring you back to a position of centeredness. You can also create calmness in situations by taking on more of an observer mode or role if possible. When it comes to making choices take the road less travelled and turn you back on fear.

Mercury and Venus are in conjunctions with the Sun. We are learning that not everything appears to be as it seems and in order to find the truth we need to be in balance between our head and our heart. Both the head and the heart have the capacity to control the situation individually but if it is the truth we seek, we need to master balancing these two powerful energies. I am not exactly sure how it happens, but I do know when it happens you not only feel it, you also know it and it is an unwavering knowing.

Another set of very interesting aspects on the 2024 Summer Solstice chart are the manifestations the Sun creates with Haumea (0° Scorpio) and Gonggong (5° Pisces). The manifestation aspect ALWAYS manifests something new into physical form. Haumea is the archetype of wholeness and unity and is in Scorpio, where we learn to lift our focus to its highest perspective and create from that space. Gonggong is all about energy, has a focus on the bigger picture and is in the expansive energetic sign of Pisces. Haumea also sits on the world axis meaning whatever manifests will be Global in nature…..I say: “Hang on folks things are about to ramp up in a HUGE way”.

Three equally important subtle aspects are also present on this Summer Solstice chart, an Adjustment (Semisquare) with Astraea (16° Leo) and Albion (15° Taurus) plus a Self-Control (Sequisquare) with Chariklo (17° Aquarius). In addition, these subtle aspects are also situated on the world axis. The Adjustment aspect creates strain and or conflict necessitating refocused action.  Astraea in the sign of Leo reminds us that the divine feminine is within and in order to reveal her subtle nature and guidance we must remain positive that allows our inner light to shine. Albion in the sign of Taurus compliments Astraea’s presence by reminding us that when we are refocusing our action to tune into our inner guidance and trust our decisions especially when they are outside of our normal. Chariklo situated near the top of the chart feels like it is in an overseer role suppling a stabilizing energy to the massive changes that are on our horizon when we choose love-based action over fear of change.

The 2024 summer solstice chart is jam packed with information preparing us for very explosive start to our summer season. Our journey is about to get very real….. Happy Solstice!

Spring Equinox 2024

Bernice KadatzRecalibrating the Mirror to Oneness: Solstice and Equinox

Spring Equinox 2024

March 19, 2024

Sun 00 Aries 00

11:07 EDT NY, NY

Written by Bernice Kadatz


This year the day in which the Sun sits directly over the celestial equator also known as the Spring Equinox we find ourselves in somewhat a unique astrological situation. First thing we notice on the astrological chart is that we have not only one but two significant stelliums of planets travelling with the Sun. One stellium is in the sign of Pisces (Neptune, Part of Fortune, Saturn, Venus & Gonggong) and the other is in Aries (Salacia, North Node, Mercury, Chiron and Eris). The next observation is that all of the planets are moving in a forward direction. Planets that are in a retrograde motion will tend to slow things down but that is not the case this year. To top it off we are currently in a wormhole. A plethora of new information and situations are continually dropping upon us. More than ever we will need to tap into or connect with our higher selves to navigate our journey through the wormhole. I am going to attempt to unpack what I see represented in the two stelliums surrounding the Sun on this Equinox chart.


To begin, at times it can feel like we are in a free fall situation and the ground is closing in fast and then at other times it can feel like we are on a highspeed freeway travelling at an amazing speed with things coming at us or moving around us. The situation we find ourselves in as we launch into spring this year requires us to be very aware of what is both coming and going. The only way to do this with ease and grace is to make wise and conscious choices.


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In the sign of Pisces, we work on expanding more and more fully into our self until universal consciousness is reached. The planets in the Pisces stellium prove clues on how to achieve this very goal. First, we must have the thought (Neptune) that there is a pathway to self-fulfillment (Part of Fortune). The pathway is an internal journey (Saturn) where we discover self-love (Venus). This can be very intense and emotional (Gonggong).


In the sign of Aries, we allow the powerful energic of the love frequency in to activate and fuel the higher mind. More clues lie in the Aries stellium to assist us. First, we must look at both sides, light and shadow aspects (Salacia) to determine our path or destiny (North Node). Next we will be required to communicate (Mercury) this feeling throughout our body so we may whole or repair (Chiron) broken fragments or discard what no longer serves us. The process will continue to be activated by an inner disruption mechanism (Eris) until it is complete. It is from this position we will be able to navigate the remainder of the wormhole and launch into a whole new version of ourselves.


As we continuing to unpack the Sun’s aspects on the Equinox astrological chart, we find the Sun in Resource with Pluto. Pluto symbolizes rebirth and transformation from one state to another which is precisely what spring represents – new growth and transformation from winter. In addition, globally we find ourselves moving into a new age leaving old energy and ways behind while at the same time discovering and creating new systems for all aspects in our lives. Sedna also in resource with the Sun, brings to our conscious awareness the energy of the divine feminine must be balanced or in harmony to create the ease and grace we seek in times of transformation.


The Moon’s relationship to the Sun at the equinox is about manifestation. A tremendous amount of energy is being pumped in to bring about the require change to ourselves and our world. To ensure the energy is used to its highest potential Varuna’s influence of seeing things from a higher perspective is also facilitating the transformation process.


Looking just a bit deeper into the Equinox chart we can see three Great Eliminators, YOD’s or sometimes called Fingers of God: (1) Sun, Sedna & Haumea (2) Varuna, Quaoar & Gonggong, (3) Gonggong, Varuna & MakeMake. Basically, the Great Eliminators are choice points and this is my interpretation of the choices before us: To achieve wholeness and unity we need to include the energy of the divine feminine (Haumea) We do not need to find it rather remember that it has always been with us (Sedna). The second Great Eliminator shows in order to see things from a higher vantage point (Varuna) we must first open ourselves up to perceive entirely new thoughts and beliefs to manifest a new world (Quaoar). If at first, we don’t succeed we will need to try again (Gonggong). The last Great Eliminator points to the Kuiper belt object, Gonggong. Gonggong is associated with water and I feel that the greater message (Varuna) here is that it is universal knowledge (MakeMake) water is a key element that binds the physical to the other aspects of our being.


The equinox chart is jam packed with information signaling for some very exciting events starting this spring. Our journey is about to get very real….. Happy Equinox!


Winter Solstice -December 21,2023

Bernice KadatzRecalibrating the Mirror to Oneness: Solstice and Equinox

Winter Solstice
December 21, 2023
Sun ° Capricorn 00°
22:27 EST
Written by Bernice Kadatz

The winter solstice marks the start of winter and is the shortest day of the calendar year. This is all thanks to Earth’s tilted axis, which makes it so that one-half of Earth is pointed away from the Sun, and the other half is pointed towards it at the exact time of the solstice. The tilt also causes the Sun’s path across the sky to be at its lowest. If you stand outside at noon on a bright day and look at your shadow, it will be the longest shadow that you’ll cast all year!



We often think of the winter solstice as an event that spans an entire calendar day, but the solstice actually lasts only a moment. When we look at this solstice moment through the lens of consciousness, we have the opportunity to see what continues to linger in the shadows plus choose our path for the next year. Immediately after the solstice moment the amount of light coming to us increases and we enter into a period of growth.

Not only do the astrological aspects on the solstice provide us guidance or waypoints for our journey they also serve as gentle reminders for the adjustments we require to incorporate the all the new energies from the past year. The first reminder that stands out for me in the solstice chart is the Sun Mercury new cycle in the sign of Capricorn. This dynamic aspect highlights the need for us to work from our unified mind and heart to be in the higher frequencies. In addition, Mercury is retrograde which serves as a reminder to review all the connections and communications we have experienced over the last few months and integrate them into our daily lives as we strive to perfect the quality of our connection to source.

The energy around the solstice gains strength from the Sun Haumea resource aspect. Haumea reminds us that it is normal for us to be in unity consciousness. The sign of Scorpio further augments the energy by lifting our focus to its highest perspective and striving to live from there. The Sun-Moon manifestation aspect amplifies with easy the expansive energy of Jupiter in Taurus. Taurus an earth sign, is where we learn, to be in the higher frequencies requires us to tune into our inner guidance and learn to trust it.

The top of the solstice chart emanates a combined powerful Divine Feminine energy. On one side of the Midheaven the Sun forms a Great Eliminator aspect with Sedna and the fixed star Alcyone. Sedna is known as the cosmic Librarian, the record keeper for the Divine Feminine story on this planet. Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades is the focal point of our solar system often called the Great Central Sun and is also an indication of the level of consciousness we can attain. In order for us to remain fully in the higher vibrations, the Divine Feminine must be restored to its fullest extent and not diminished in any way. On the other side of the Midheaven the Sun forms a bridge with Vesta in the sign of Gemini and also with Astraea in the sign of Cancer. Vesta reminds us to remain devoted to the restoration of the Divine Feminine. The multifaceted Gemini energy activates and allows us to see how chaos liberates us from repetitive assumptions and projections of our lower fear-based thoughts. Astraea stimulates our desire to look for and experience the purity of the Divine Feminine energy. The free-flowing energy of Cancer is key to deliver us to our quest. If you ever have an experience connecting to the divine feminine energy know that it will leave you longing and searching for a permanent connection. It is just that powerful and what better way to launch into a New Year.

Happy Winter Solstice!