Winter Solstice -December 21,2023

Bernice KadatzSolstices and Equinoxes

Winter Solstice
December 21, 2023
Sun ° Capricorn 00°
22:27 EST
Written by Bernice Kadatz

The winter solstice marks the start of winter and is the shortest day of the calendar year. This is all thanks to Earth’s tilted axis, which makes it so that one-half of Earth is pointed away from the Sun, and the other half is pointed towards it at the exact time of the solstice. The tilt also causes the Sun’s path across the sky to be at its lowest. If you stand outside at noon on a bright day and look at your shadow, it will be the longest shadow that you’ll cast all year!



We often think of the winter solstice as an event that spans an entire calendar day, but the solstice actually lasts only a moment. When we look at this solstice moment through the lens of consciousness, we have the opportunity to see what continues to linger in the shadows plus choose our path for the next year. Immediately after the solstice moment the amount of light coming to us increases and we enter into a period of growth.

Not only do the astrological aspects on the solstice provide us guidance or waypoints for our journey they also serve as gentle reminders for the adjustments we require to incorporate the all the new energies from the past year. The first reminder that stands out for me in the solstice chart is the Sun Mercury new cycle in the sign of Capricorn. This dynamic aspect highlights the need for us to work from our unified mind and heart to be in the higher frequencies. In addition, Mercury is retrograde which serves as a reminder to review all the connections and communications we have experienced over the last few months and integrate them into our daily lives as we strive to perfect the quality of our connection to source.

The energy around the solstice gains strength from the Sun Haumea resource aspect. Haumea reminds us that it is normal for us to be in unity consciousness. The sign of Scorpio further augments the energy by lifting our focus to its highest perspective and striving to live from there. The Sun-Moon manifestation aspect amplifies with easy the expansive energy of Jupiter in Taurus. Taurus an earth sign, is where we learn, to be in the higher frequencies requires us to tune into our inner guidance and learn to trust it.

The top of the solstice chart emanates a combined powerful Divine Feminine energy. On one side of the Midheaven the Sun forms a Great Eliminator aspect with Sedna and the fixed star Alcyone. Sedna is known as the cosmic Librarian, the record keeper for the Divine Feminine story on this planet. Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades is the focal point of our solar system often called the Great Central Sun and is also an indication of the level of consciousness we can attain. In order for us to remain fully in the higher vibrations, the Divine Feminine must be restored to its fullest extent and not diminished in any way. On the other side of the Midheaven the Sun forms a bridge with Vesta in the sign of Gemini and also with Astraea in the sign of Cancer. Vesta reminds us to remain devoted to the restoration of the Divine Feminine. The multifaceted Gemini energy activates and allows us to see how chaos liberates us from repetitive assumptions and projections of our lower fear-based thoughts. Astraea stimulates our desire to look for and experience the purity of the Divine Feminine energy. The free-flowing energy of Cancer is key to deliver us to our quest. If you ever have an experience connecting to the divine feminine energy know that it will leave you longing and searching for a permanent connection. It is just that powerful and what better way to launch into a New Year.

Happy Winter Solstice!