Current Astro Events – July 19, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly Leave a Comment

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

The world is still in shock after last week’s Mars-Uranus events that instantly turned the tables on power dynamics. It was a dramatic turning point, the effects of which are still landing in a myriad of ways that have energized some and destabilized others.

Mercury Retrograde has entered its pre-Retrograde Shadow, as it Retrogrades from Aug 5 – 28. All that occurs from now on will be reviewed during the Retro period thru Sept 13 (the post-Retrograde Shadow).

July 20 – Mars (action) enters Gemini until Sept 4 after being in slow, deliberate Taurus since June 9 and the activity speeds up! Accelerated info, multi-tasking, networking requests and communications will abound – more than your mind can easily absorb, with overwhelm possible, especially with an upcoming election cycle that will generate nonstop ads, flyers, robocalls, online memes and other methods of vying for your precious attention.

Unplug and power down electronics to be in the natural world. Disinformation will continue to be rampant, so don’t believe everything you read or hear – rather, consider the sources. Remember to attend to your body and allow for silence daily to decompress. Educate yourself about topics that interest you or support your next phase of growth to write, share ideas, teach and create in community. Your words are your gift during this time and if speaking, writing or connecting is a goal, this is a great time to focus on those projects.

July 21 – There are a LOT of aspects today!, led by the 2nd Full Moon at 29o Capricorn (3:17am PDT). The 1st Full Moon in Capricorn was at 1o and now it’s at 29o. Pluto is about to Retrograde from 0o Aquarius to 29o Capricorn on Sept 1 – Nov 19 for the final time, EVER, in our lifetime! It’s the end of an old way of life – the old guard, old structures, the patriarchy, old rules and regulations, top down Authority, to ultimately be led into the future, community-based living and greater innovation (Aquarius).

On the Capricorn Full Moon at 29o something comes to light that invites you to take responsibility for a situation and release, restructure or transform the energy in order for you to evolve. It also activates a new beginning with Pluto at 0o Aquarius trine Mars at 0o Gemini with high energy that’s ambitious and ready for action, especially with conversations and the mind.

Chiron squares the Sun and Moon, asking you to face what’s been buried to realign your identity with your Authentic Self. Uranus in Taurus trines the Moon in


Capricorn that is willing to make practical changes that can open doors to create new perspectives. Neptune in Pisces at 29o is sextile the Full Moon in Capricorn, highlighting endings and inviting you to hold a higher vision of your Self and Oneness. Saturn in Pisces rules the Full Moon in Capricorn that is fully committed to standing in your Authority for the Highest Good.

Whatever happen on the Full Moon represents something that you will revisit when Pluto travels to 29o Capricorn from Sept 1- Nov 19, but it first began when Pluto arrived at 29o Capricorn in Feb ’23 and you’ve been aware of it since then. Trust in the Divine Timing of the Universe, but take responsibility for doing the next right thing (your work).

July 21 – Venus sextile Jupiter. Fun, love, generosity, expanded, inclusive – things that feel good, enjoyment connection, pleasure, socializing, opportunities, abundant resources and what makes life worth living.

July 21 – Mercury square Uranus – ADD, excitement, too much info too fast, edgy, nervous, unexpected info that changes the picture, hyperspeed, shocking words. Thinking, communicating in overdrive. Easy does it…

July 21 – Sun trine Neptune. Relax, rest, decompress, retreat, go within, be in silence, be in solitude, be in nature, peace, dream, meditate. Watch movies, play with animals, listen to music, gongs, bathe, flow, do spiritual practices, practice Wu Wei (law of Least Effort). This is not a luxury, this is Self-care and Self-love.

July 21 – Mars trine Pluto. Strong willed drive that you may focus on where you’re going next. You may get stuff done or workout. If you get bright ideas, write them down, make bullet points or record them in your voice recorder. Use the good energy well.

Late July 22 / July 23 – Sun in Leo. Leo is the sign of “Me!,” creativity and Self- expression, if you’re planning to start a project you want to act soon, as Mercury turns Retrograde in two weeks and you don’t want to begin anything new after that if you haven’t taken an action already.

Leo is the sign of play, romance, leadership and the performer. Leadership is not just regarding very public roles, it’s also how you lead within your family, with your children, perhaps in your smaller community. Self-expression is vital to experiencing a feeling of wholeness, so find ways to express your Authentic Self and be creative! For artists, this is a perfect time to start a new project and for you shy types, create things in a way that feels safe for you – but express yourself! Decorating, cooking, building, style, writing, etc.

July 23 – Sun opposite Pluto brings up control and power dynamics that can be between you and another, between you and a power structure (gov’t agency), or within you. It can reveal something that is deliberately hidden, something unknown or where you were unconscious, but here’s the scoop: if there’s a conflict with Pluto – Pluto wins. Avoid power struggles and conflicts, but notice what’s happening.

This is the planet of transformation, death and rebirth – and it’s job is to demolish old shaky structures, to be rebuilt for your Greater Good. If you find yourself face to face with Pluto (who is Pluto in your life?), what is this power struggle about? No matter how unpleasant or inconvenient the situation may be, you are being shown something that can be life-changing for you. What is the power issue about if you find yourself locked in a battle – did you give yours away or are you the controller? Good info here…

July 25 – Mercury in Virgo. Mercury is moving slowly, preparing to Retrograde in early August and it is happy in its home sign of Virgo to make a list (Virgo’s favorite!) of things that need attention, repair or an upgrade and do the work later when Mercury is Retrograde. You can start purging and tidying up now, though :))

July 25 – Sun sextile Mars. This gives you good energy for your “To Do” list and anything else you want or need to get done now. Sun-Mars serves your productivity and gives you good stamina to keep going. Yes!

This is a powerful week to step into your Authority by wrapping up the old story that is complete – and preparing for your next steps forward. Trust your Inner Guidance to know where and when to act and when to wait. Keep the focus on your life and don’t allow the distractions of the outside circus to dilute your attention. The energy is fertile and it will serve you well to make the most of it – for YOU.

You are here for this, to develop yourself and to be of service in your new storyline, now that the old one is in the process of completing. You have a new mission that awaits you – we all do. You may be clear about where you’re going or you may still be in discovery mode, but it’s all good. I look forward to seeing what happens next..

“Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable because it requires us to surrender to uncertainty.

We have to ask questions, admit to not knowing, risk being told that we shouldn’t be asking, and, sometimes, make discoveries that lead to discomfort.” ~ Brene Brown

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action.” ~ Martha Graham

“Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.” ~ John O’Donohue

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤

Current Astro Events – July 12, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly


Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

July 12 – Pluto opposite Venus in Leo can initiate intense relationship drama around power, $$, desires and values, either via magnetic attractions, control issues, obsessions or breakthroughs, should you be seeking Self-awareness. Issues can arise that create power struggles – or greater intimacy (deeper truth).

Tread carefully and stay in integrity; manipulation and power plays create separation and trust issues, and they will come back to bite you. If you find yourself in discomfort over a Venus issue (desiring something or someone you don’t have) – you might want to explore what’s behind that, and it’s multi-layered. Venus in Leo has strong desires and wants what she wants! On a higher level, Venus-Pluto is the light of love that can raise the frequency to transform any circumstance.

July 15 – Sun square Chiron. The Sun invites you to evolve and Chiron invites you to heal, to feel any childhood issues or family matters that are calling for attention and to allow yourself the care you require. Take responsibility for the changes you need to make to soothe your heart and to let your light shine.

All weekend Mars is moving towards Uranus at 26o Taurus and you may feel the trigger that is emerging as Mars draws closer to Uranus (it will be exact on July 15), until it creates some kind of break, revolution, explosion, innovation – it can range from a physical expression in the world to a personal breakthrough in your life, but something will happen.

Mars is a warrior, while Uranus is sudden change and unpredictable – and together they are impulsive and volatile. However, they are in “no drama” Taurus that is slow, steady and fixed. It doesn’t like to be rushed and it doesn’t like change (unless it’s their idea). You may be caught off-guard in a shake up that propels you out of your comfort zone to some degree… and, as a result, you may feel destabilized or blow your stack, blurting out a truth in an unintended way.

This energy will continue through July 16, as the Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus and Mars, and events in the world will surely be reflecting this aspect as well. Watch the 3D show and keep your vibration high as you hold the Light during this precarious time of global transformation – and in your personal evolution.

One thing is certain – watch for a break wherever you feel a rut, trapped, stuck, dead, tired, lifeless – and see what shows up for you. No matter how it arrives – the shakeup is doing for you what you can’t or won’t do for yourself. And don’t anticipate anything with fear (low vibration – not helpful AT ALL). The universe is

conspiring for your Highest Good – and if you were able to take action on your own behalf, you would have done it.

July 17 – Mercury Retrograde enters its pre-Retrograde Shadow today, as it turns Retrograde from Aug 6-28. Everything that occurs from today on will be reviewed during the Retrograde period thru Sept 13 (the post-Retrograde Shadow).

July 18 – Sun sextile Uranus. You may be able to move through an issue you recognized earlier in the week (Sun square Chiron), pursuing a new solution that you hadn’t thought of before. Or maybe you are ready to explore an alternative personal style choice that you wouldn’t dare to before. This is about honoring your Authentic Self by trying things, whatever that means for you – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Find your tribe, be with your people for support!

Mercury trine Chiron. The ability to speak your truth to people who “get” you – where you feel heard and understood, where you fit in, where your thinking makes sense to others and theirs does to you – and you can freely share without fear of being judged or criticized. What a healing this is! Yes, yes, yes!

All in all, July 18 is a major healing day, when the invitation is to take a risk and Be Your Self! But don’t just do it indiscriminately – be judicious and choose wisely who to showcase new aspects of your Self with, especially if you’re going to be vulnerable by revealing parts of you that you’ve kept in hiding (if you’re the shy type). If you’re an extrovert, it’s not the same level of risk for you, assuming you’re with friendly people.

A positive welcome and reception is the ultimate gift! This is Cancer season – and that’s what you longed for as a child – to be well received, honored and appreciated. That’s what you can get now – but from your tribe. If you think this is hokey, then you really need it!

I’m sure there will be major world events this week, but I’m more focused on the personal opportunities that are available for you. If you experience any unexpected changes, focus on how they can benefit YOU. And it you need support, ask for it, find it – it is there for you.

Notice if you create drama by the way you look at the world, your life, the future and anything unplanned that you encounter. You’ll recognize drama if you go straight to panic, exaggeration, awfulizing (worst case scenario), overwhelm and telling the same negative story over and over, just to name a few things. (*I’m not speaking to trauma victims here).

The antidote for drama is faith – in life, and in trusting that you will be able to handle whatever comes your way. Yes you will!

This will be another powerful week. Make that your mission. For any challenges that arise, there is an opportunity, something is ready to be integrated within your consciousness – that’s why it’s been presented to you. When you stretch beyond your familiar world with curiosity, new possibilities will appear.

Love your Self, nourish your Self, allow yourself to receive the the love that’s available from others and All That Is. Love surrounds you. Don’t block your blessings with judgment, fear or resistance. Keep your heart soft and open. Trust the flow from the higher frequency of love – and don’t underestimate the revolution that’s happening within YOU!

“Most people don’t think that newborn children could be the Creator of their own reality, because they are not even talking yet. But the Universe is not responding to their language anyway. The Universe is responding to their vibration, and their vibration is about the way they feel.” ~ Abraham

“Let go or be dragged.” ~ Al Anon slogan
“Worrying is like shoveling smoke.” ~ Author Unknown

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤

Current Astro Events – June 28, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by  Lisa E Zimmerman

The coming week includes back to back Saturn and Neptune Retrograde Stations that may create a feeling of treading water, having to reassess and review recently traveled territory due to feeling stuck, confused, blocked or unclear about your direction or how to move forward. So you may feel a bit dazed and confused – or questioning where you’re meant to be going… and if so, consider this week a Cosmic Rest Stop :))

June 29 – Saturn Stations to go Retrograde until Nov 15, when you have the opportunity to course correct plans, projects or anything that is stalled, faulty, a fail or is off target and calls for restructuring or a fresh approach. Check your boundaries.

Don’t be discouraged if you suddenly realize what’s out of alignment that you hadn’t seen before; with eyes wide open, you can make needed changes or a reboot going forward, whether they are external changes or internal, or both. Sit with it this week and contemplate what might be needed to serve the Highest Good.

June 29 – Venus sextiles Mars for a creative day, with romance and sexuality lit up, but don’t invest in first dates or new partners. Easy does it, as other aspects are prohibitive and you won’t know who you’re really with yet, so give it some time before you form any conclusions if you’re doing a new partner/meeting thing.

June 29 – Mercury sextiles Uranus for lively conversation and meetings with stimulating, unusual types who are not your typical people, bringing unexpected info and/or connections. Or you may have a flash of insight that leads to an innovative path or person. No matter what, this is a mind-expanding or aha! energy that can connect you with exciting people or experiences if you get in the game. Maybe you’ll brainstorm a solution to a Saturn problem you discover on the Retrograde Station… you never know…

Welcome to July! July 2 is a busy day, with multiple celestial events occurring one on top of the next…

July 2 – Neptune Stations to Retrograde until Dec 7, as the planet of Higher Consciousness, imagination, dreams and intuition reverberates – and the invitation is to use this deeply internal time to access the portal to your rich inner world for healing, processing, dreaming and creative visioning to guide and inspire you as you traverse the 3D world.

Neptune calls your energy within to focus on your inner development, so you may have less vitality to engage in daily activities. If you need to rest, do it. Meditate. Walk in nature. Daydream. Nurture your spirit, play with animals and children or whatever soothes your spirit. Dance, listen to music, watch movies, see or make art, read, help people in need. Neptune is the planet of Oneness.

In the Higher Dimensions, ALL are ONE. What a world it would be if we practiced this in 3D. You can do your part by connecting with others – by seeing them, talking to them, appreciating them. They will be open to you because they will feel that it’s genuine. This is how we recreate the world, with Divine Love.

July 2 – Mercury trine Neptune is highly creative, intuitive, spiritual energy, good for metaphysical pursuits, writing, storytelling, dance, channeling and connecting with exquisite sensitivity. The Neptune Station will enhance your creative, intuitive and spiritual activities, giving them even greater impact. Even fantasyland is your imagination at work, rehearsal to be utilized in some divine way!

July 2 – 25. Mercury enters showy Leo – and is a very different communicator and thinker than it was in tentative Cancer, much more bold and entertaining. See if you notice people being more outspoken, seeking the spotlight. We certainly can use the entertainment, so take a risk, speak up and engage your playful side. Explore this aspect of your Self – what do you have to say?

July 2 – Venus trine Saturn is warm, stable and committed, which is something you can count on in the midst of the watery Neptune energy. This can be a promise, a contract, an agreement or a date, but it’s rock solid and it’s something of value that fills your heart or maybe has $$ value. Good for shopping and creative projects (bringing beauty into form). No matter what, you can take this to the bank (pun intended :)).

July 3 – Mercury opposes Pluto after it enters Leo, with Pluto at 1o Aquarius creating a possible power struggle, a negotiation, persuasion or deep dive for information (think CSI). Whatever the case, be mindful of your words and attitude today, as Pluto can push or pressure to get its way and Mercury in Leo can be offended if it feels disrespected.

If it’s just you, you can obsessively seek info to satisfy your curiosity or find an answer to a question. Or maybe you have a breakthrough if you’re doing healing work. This can also indicate propaganda, mind control or conspiracy theories, which are all commonplace today.


4th of July – Fireworks!🎇
July 5 – The New Moon in Cancer @ 3:57pm PDT. (next week’s newsletter)

Know that all week we moving through two major planetary Stations (Saturn and Neptune), both in nebulous Pisces that are at a standstill and we are in the dark of the Moon. Use this time to commune with yourself at a deep level for rest, open to messages from above and journal or express yourself should you feel called to do so. You may be amazed at what comes through you!

What you experience this week will create the foundation for your New Moon Intentions next week.

I AM integrating old patterns that no longer serve me. I AM leaving the past behind and living in the Now.

All is in Divine Order, no matter what things look like or where you think you should be. You have no idea what’s about to happen and what the big picture is, so don’t judge. If you need help, get it. Align with your Higher Self (or Inner Guidance) which is never fear-based and do the next right thing.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“Don’t push the river, it flows by itself.” ~ Chinese proverb

“You are a unique way that love, beauty and Divine Intelligence are happening on this planet right now.” ~ Rev. Michael Beckwith

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.

Current Astro Events – June 21, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Following yesterday’s Solstice we have the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn at 1o and 29o Capricorn today and on July 21. The Full Moon brings things to light and is the culmination of events as the energy builds for this rare, double light show of Solstice-Full Moon illumination. Notice what comes up for you and the messages you receive as you pay attention and “do the right thing.”

June 21 – Full Moon at 1o Capricorn @ 6:08pm PDT. Capricorn rules achievement, responsibility, discipline, deferring pleasure to do what’s necessary, long term goals, methodical plans and success. The slogan, “Just do it,” is Capricorn – and with Pluto making its final pass in Capricorn this fall, the emphasis is on cleaning up any non-working structures and patterns in your life, so consider this a check-in.

Where are you now in relation to your worldly goals? Is your personal and professional life in balance? Capricorn is the Lord of Karma (you get back what you put out) or the Great Teacher/Guru. Your productivity is rewarded, but it’s important to have clear intentions and goals or you’ll direct your efforts towards things that aren’t truly aligned with your authentic desires or soul’s path.

Capricorn represents your authority in the world, as well as your Inner Authority. No matter what your worldly position is, do you trust yourself – or do you need others’ approval or agreement to feel comfortable with your decisions?

Cont’d in
#solsticefullmoon #firstfullmoonincapricorn #twofullmoonsincapricorn

#mercurysaturn #realitycheck

The Cancer Sun is focused on your personal life – home, family, care, your lineage (roots), the past and your feelings about them all. Your private world is your foundation; first, growing up and then, how you are nourished and feel safe within and behind the scenes. No matter how you look to the outside world, the “real real” is how you feel on the inside.

With the Sun, Venus and Mercury all in emotional Cancer, and with Mercury sextile Mars, it’s time to speak up about your needs and direct your energy toward anything that needs attention for your well being. If something is missing or if you’re overwhelmed, you will feel it. This is so much about what fills your


heart, where you belong, care and emotional connections (another major Cancer theme).

Neptune squares the Full Moon, which can be useful if you tap into your Inner Guidance, dreams and visions for inspiration, like a GPS to call you forward. However, if you are very linear or don’t feel your inner/spiritual world, the Neptune square can create confusion, doubt, illusions or you may feel lost, which can drain your energy and confidence. Don’t make decisions from this place, but get support if needed to help you gain clarity about what is real for you – and know, this too shall pass… but don’t judge yourself!

Have compassion for your heavy reliance on your practical, left brain indoctrination that helps you feel safe by giving you data and evidence (proof). Learning how to access your intuition and Higher Self Guidance is a skill that can be learned, but not with a dominant, analytical busy mind. Find a teacher if you want to develop this aspect of yourself. It will change your life and expand your world!

June 26 – Mercury trine Saturn. When Mercury meets serious Saturn it is fertile ground for plans, decisions and commitments, to sign contracts, create schedules or a begin projects that have long-term effects. This is a powerful day for a solid beginning. Make the most of it.

This week has only a few major aspects, but what’s present serves discernment and decision-making. Self-care is primary and rituals that nurture you should be considered acts of love that benefit your health and well being.

The mystery of unfoldment is the magic of life. Allow it to be so for you. Wherever you are rigid, soften your edges and ground into the earth for stability. Know that All Is Well on a Higher level, no matter what it looks like in 3D and keep going.

“When I Am in my peace and I Am in my light, I Am hopeful, decisive and balanced.” ~ Christopher Maher

“Within me lies an extraordinary radiance, and I commit to letting my Light loose in the world.” ~ Jan Phillips

“Human nature has been sold short … they a higher nature which includes the need for meaningful work, for responsibility, for creativeness, for being

fair and just, for doing what is worthwhile and for preferring to do it well.” ~ Abraham Maslow

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤