Current Astro Events – Jan 17, 2025

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly Leave a Comment

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

We’re in the final days of methodical Capricorn before we launch into innovative Aquarius on Jan 19, followed by the presidential inauguration on Jan 20, which will usher in a revolution on many levels. We are about to blast off, so don’t be distracted by drama and chaos, rather, focus on what’s important in your life.

Jan 17 – Sun sextile Neptune. This soft, dissolving energy encourages operating in flow and following your intuitive guidance as you engage in spiritual practices, creativity, Wu Wei (flowing around obstacles) and/or being of service. The compassionate frequency of Neptune in Pisces is also where the North Node of Fate, Venus and Saturn are transiting, in the higher modes of consciousness, awakening to a new reality.

Divine Love will lift you up and carry you forward if you tap into it, which is more powerful now than ever. There doesn’t have to be a catastrophe to awaken us; we can be in love and service every day naturally.

Jan 18/19 – Venus conjunct Saturn. This is a reality check to take responsibility for what you value – to protect, cultivate, and honor – or to release it. Let it go. In relationships, it’s a make it or break it time, either committing on a deeper level or separating.

Regarding $$, you get real about assessing what you have, spending, budgeting and creating discipline. This can be highly productive. Personally, you may set new boundaries (valuing your Self), or you may feel lonely or melancholy about the loss of friends and loved ones, or even about the world. If so, take action to soothe your heart in healthy ways.

Jan 19 – Mercury sextile Saturn. This builds on Venus-Saturn (including your values), with Mercury in practical Capricorn, perfect for organizing, doing paperwork, signing contracts, making decisions, planning, and scheduling. Very useful and focused for problem-solving and finding solutions.

Jan 19 – Mercury sextile Venus. Heart-centered, connected conversations and people you enjoy being with. Finding the right ways to express yourself and good for networking, socializing, creative expression and business negotiations.

Jan 19 – The Sun enters Aquarius as we launch into the air via electric and the eclectic energy of liberation, challenging the status quo with visionary perspectives. The Sun in Aquarius is futuristic, innovative and independent, so you may feel ready to shift in some new way.

Aquarius is willing to take a risk for the sake of authenticity, guided by its Higher Mind and genius. Do you dare challenge your conditioning that’s kept you within certain boundaries to honor your inner prompt that has other desires? Aquarius says, “Do your thing!”

On a greater scale, Aquarius is the energy of humanitarian causes, as well as community and equality. Stay tuned… there will be so much more to come.

Jan 20 – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day / Inauguration Day

Jan 21 – Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto (power/transformation) meets the Sun for the first time in Aquarius in our lifetime, which it will do annually for the next 20 years. Pluto rules what’s hidden, so it can reveal secrets, covert actions or info and you can also experience a breakthrough, should you be doing shadow work that creates profound awareness.

You may experience a power struggle, you may purge a behavior, do a cleanse or experience a personal release that transforms your experience of your Self or your life. This is a wonderful opportunity to decide what you’d like to release or transform and set your intention to do so if this speaks to you.

Think about the agreements you have made throughout your life (verbal or non-verbal) to be “nice” or not outshine others, to stay small or not put yourself first (selfish). Take time to think about what you’ve agreed to that has created the limitations that you currently live with that you are ready to change. Step one. Once you do that, it will get the ball rolling…

Three aspects occur today, back to back, creating a succession of unfolding energies.

Jan 23 – Mars sextile Uranus. This impulsive energy is innovative and spontaneous with enthusiasm. You will do everything your own unique way and it will probably be successful, as you are in the zone, focused on your goal and into action. Enjoy!

Mercury opposite Mars. This indicates aggressive or forceful words. Someone may be be pushing an idea, hard-core sales or provocative words that trigger you (or you trigger them). Count to ten before speaking, writing, texting and quiet your mind to find balance before engaging if there’s a possibility of conflict. Or you may be pitching a project or idea and have a high energy delivery that’s inspired, passionate and puts Tony Robbins to shame :))

Mercury trine Uranus. Mercury is the mind and Uranus is the Higher Mind. Genius. Brilliant solutions, opening to new possibilities, communications that bring surprises, progressive ideas, innovative ideas, shocking others with your words, are all possible. If you feel stagnant, ask for a solution and see what comes through for you under this creative genius energy that’s way outside the box!

And by this time, we’ll be in our new world – and we’ll feel it. Connecting to your center is how you will maintain your balance, no matter what is happening “out there.”

Looking outward isn’t the solution. Going within is where your truth is. Things will likely change quickly and you may see unfamiliar things in the world, but it’s important to trust that All is in Divine Order.

The shadow of this new Aquarian world will emerge and you don’t have to fear what you see – all the Lightworkers are here for each other, for the collective and for the Greater Good. You were born for this.

Don’t underestimate the revolution that’s happening within You. 

“Just as man cannot live without dreams, he cannot live without hope. If dreams reflect the past, hope summons the future.” – Elie Wiesel

“Every minus you have is just a plus waiting for a stroke of awareness.” ~ Mary Manin Morrissey

“When a problem comes up one of the best things to say is, “Out of this problem only good will come and I am safe.” ~ Louise Hay

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. 

© 2025 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️

Current Astro – Jan 10, 2025

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly Leave a Comment

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman 

We open on a dramatic note following the extreme weather events in Los Angeles, activated on the heels of the Mars-Pluto opposition. Mars in Cancer is a perfect illustration of two sides of the coin – protecting what you love and homes/personal lives burning down. I’m exhausted from the hypervigilance of focusing on news, alerts, texts and the mental overload from packing, evacuating and moving around in a chaotic time – and it’s not over yet. 

Our local public servants and news teams in Los Angeles are stellar – informative, hardworking and courageous, in the trenches to be of service, while tireless firefighters, police and other unsung heroes fight to save lives, homes, animals and material items for the people. I bow to them all! They are the true Mars in Cancer warriors, fighting to protect the people they serve. 🙏🏼 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Jan 11 – The North Node in Pisces. The Nodes of Fate (or Destiny) move from Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) to Pisces and Virgo (South Node) until late July 2026. This is a major shift in terms of our focus as a collective.

The South Node is what you’re meant to move away from – and it’s the shadow side of a sign. With the South Node in Virgo, release your over-attachment to doing, perfectionism, overanalyzing, doing it all yourself (inability to receive), rigid routines, busyness, relentless critical Self-judgment. 

The North Node is what you want to move toward – and in Pisces it’s about being in flow, aligning with your own unique rhythm, feeling intuitively what’s right for you, going within to quiet your mind, being in nature, trusting in Divine Timing, knowing that All is in Divine Order and living from Spirit. 

Find spiritual practices that work for you and give yourself space for Being (as opposed to doing). If you are wound tightly, take baby steps to loosen up… There is no rush to get “there” – and what if there’s no such thing as doing it wrong or a making a mistake? If a plan goes awry, consider it an unintended outcome or a scenic detour… :)) Pisces is beyond the known linear mind and world, so don’t try to figure it out. You can’t. It is experiential.

Jan 12 – Mars trine Neptune. Mars in sensitive Cancer in harmony with compassionate Neptune moves most effectively via Wu Wei or effortless action, flowing around obstacles while being aligned with your environment. This is an intuitive way of operating by attuning to All That Is organically. Don’t push or stress, as that would be counterproductive. Just feel where the openings are and move through gently and deliberately. 

Jan 13 – Full Moon in Cancer @ 2:27pm PST. This Full Moon in Cancer brings up issues around emotional security, your home and personal life vs. the Sun in Capricorn, focused on ambition and professional achievement. It wants to accomplish something. A Full Moon is when something comes to light or it’s the culmination of things, so watch to see what shows up. 

Mars is conjunct the Cancer Moon that’s focused on your needs, security and feelings and can be impatient, defensive, protective or pushy, maybe setting boundaries. But Mars is still trine intuitive Neptune, softening its edges and dreaming a dream. You can put creative energy into whatever you desire.

Uranus harmonizes with the Sun and Moon, activating unexpected openings or alternatives to what you’ve done before; a future ripe with potential for creativity and imagination (Neptune), innovation (Uranus), that serves your growth and personal evolution. 

The North Node is conjoined with Neptune in Pisces inviting you to release old paradigms and open to dreams that hold infinite potential. If it’s in your consciousness, it’s meant for you. Don’t limit your Self by being realistic – be willing to transcend your old programming to open to new possibilities.

Jan 14 – Venus square Jupiter. This is about life’s pleasures, blessings, goodness, but may be just a little too much. Venus (love, pleasure, abundance) and Jupiter (more, expansion, optimism) in a square has no brakes. It can manifest as generosity, indulgence and spontaneity, but can lead to overspending, overdoing, etc. Enjoy and stay mindful.

Jan 15 – Sun opposite Mars. This is a high energy day when you or others may be competitive, driven, touchy or ripe for conflict, so easy does it. If you want to make use of the energy, channel it into a project that you can focus on to accomplish a task.

The Full Moon in Cancer asks you to nurture your Self and treat yourself with care. Spiritual practices are your support system and it’s up to you to cultivate the methods that work best for you. It may be as simple as listening to music or walking in nature. Flexibility, faith and creative solutions are the antidote whenever you feel out of control.

Find your way; that is your job as we move through various energies knowing that no matter what happens, you will land on your feet – and you will be led to places you never would have predicted. 

Don’t underestimate the revolution that’s happening within You! 

“Don’t push the river, it flows by itself.” ~ Chinese proverb

An optimist expects his dreams to come true; a pessimist expects his nightmares to.” – Laurence J. Peter

“Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.” ~ Agnes de Mille

“Let others vibrate as they vibrate and want the best for them. Never mind how they’re flowing to you. You concentrate on how you’re flowing.” ~ Abraham

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. 

© 2025 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights ReservedSoul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️

Current Astro Events – January 3, 2025

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

It’s 2025 and Venus is exalted in compassionate, mystical Pisces for a month, nurturing dreams, creativity and spirituality, inviting you to be receptive and open to Divine Love, while mental Mercury has cleared its shadow, allowing for new insights and inspired visions, informed by what you learned during its Retrograde journey.

Jan 3 – Retrograde Mars opposite Pluto. Mars has been backing into an opposition with Pluto that becomes exact today for the second time. This is war- like, combustible energy with two dominant planets and each demand their way, facing off against each other. Watch for power struggles, intensity, passionate words or provocative actions that can escalate into violence in world events. In your life, easy does it and don’t take the bait, as people can overreact on the road, on the street and online. This energy is useful for tasks that require focus, strength and perseverance if you direct the energy towards accomplishing a goal.

Jan 4 – Sun sextile Saturn. This is a helpful for grounding, sorting and deciding what needs your attention, discipline and where you’ll place your energy. This is perfect for planning, budgeting, creating a health or exercise ritual and prioritizing what you’ll commit to going forward. Is there a decision you need to make in order to fulfill a vow to your Self? If so, this would be a good day for it…

Jan 6-April 18 – Mars in Cancer. Mars Retrogrades from Leo into Cancer until it turns Direct on Feb 23. But it stays in Cancer through April 18, offering fierce protective energy for home, family, feelings and loved ones. Mars is usually direct in its approach, but in Cancer it’s more roundabout (entering sideways like a crab) and it can be passive-aggressive, rather than expressing anger outright.

Practice patience…

Cont’d –

#venusinpisces #marsoppositepluto #mercuryincapricorn

#mercurysquareneptune #marsincancer

Pay attention to your needs and feelings, as over-giving and lack of Self-care can lead to burnout, depletion and resentment. Be sure to mind your needs, as they are non-negotiable, and know that Mars in Cancer works best when its in the mood, so it’s a little up and down.

Jan 6 – Mercury square Neptune. This is beautiful creative energy for writing, art, music, spiritual practices and for being in nature, but don’t believe everything you read or hear today, as this is a setup for confusion and misinformation. I realizethis is the first day back to work for many post-holiday, but don’t make any big decisions or have important conversations – and give yourself regular breaks to restore your energy.

Jan 8-27 – Mercury in Capricorn. Mercury is methodical, organized and orderly, practical and happy to make a plan, schedule, create goals and structures for what you have in mind. You can bring your ideas into form, as Mercury in Capricorn is clear and strategic, willing to do the hard work and wants to create something lasting, so this grounded mental energy will serve you well for the next few weeks. Plus, it’s in new territory, having cleared its Retrograde shadow, now viewing life through new eyes, so be sure to appreciate what you *see* (literally or figuratively :)).

Chiron in Aries – The Wounded Healer / Spiritual Teacher Archetype, continues to invite you to be your Self (easier said than done after a lifetime of conditioning by family, community, culture and social media). Courage is required to drop any masks you hide behind to be acceptable, but the payoff is a life that is aligned with your Authentic Self. That is the goal. Wounds to your identity are ripe for healing and integrating going forward and this is the real work. Beliefs you have that you are not enough are just not true. Somebody gave you that idea way back when, but they were wrong. Just say “yes” to being your Self, the precious Being delivered by Spirit.

Start the new year with intention or a dream, knowing that life is magical and full of infinite possibilities. Don’t stress yourself by trying to know everything in advance, as our reference points will be shifting as the world changes. In times of uncertainty, trust that you will show up, you will have what you need and that you will land on your feet.

Anything that is unexpected will call you to stretch, upgrade, adapt and realign in order to stabilize and maintain your balance, which will keep you evolving.

You are here now on purpose. We are here to usher in this Sacred Turning Point.

“Focus on moving from protection to connection.” ~ Marcia & Brian

Gleason, Exceptional Marriage

“No one can love you more than you love yourself – and get away with it for

very long.” ~ Robert HoldenPrayer: “Show me my teachers.” ~ Rev. Dr. Jessica Sommar

“Blessing allows room for the expansion of who you are and who you are


~ AlixSandra Parness DD

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2025 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights ReservedSoul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and

Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came

here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a

joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤

Current Astro Events – Dec 20 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

The Winter Solstice occurs as the Sun enters Capricorn on Dec 21 @ 1:21am PST, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of winter. This turning point is a time for going within to honor the darkness and rest, to prepare for the return of the light – a rebirth of sorts, for the new year ahead.

In the Winter Solstice chart, the Sun squares the Nodes of Fate, invoking a release or a change – and dreamy Neptune conjoins the North Node (Destiny), that can either create uncertainty (in the mind) or evoke intuitive guidance to call you forward. 

In other words, your exact direction may not be clear, so don’t be distressed if this is the case. After all, Mars is still Retrograde through Feb 23 and Mercury is just coming back online following its Retrograde. There is much restructuring happening – and still unfolding. 

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn (restriction) – squared by expansive, idealistic Jupiter (exact for the 2nd time on Dec 24), with divergent agendas and methods of operation, this aspect can create tension or stress. Organization vs. a leap of faith. Neither is wrong, just two different approaches.

With Mercury opposing Jupiter in mutual reception (they are in each other’s signs) – and both squaring Saturn, you may hit obstacles or delays that you can’t get around. It’s a setup for potential stress, so the simpler you keep things, the better – and still, you may be faced with issues that become an energy drain. So easy does it, move slowly, keep it simple.

Cont’d –

#wintersolstice #sunincapricorn #marsretrograde #jupitersquaresaturn #mercurysquaresaturn #jupiteroppositemercury #venustrinechiron 

With the Sun in Capricorn, in general, less is more. Stick with what’s important – what matters. This is a great time to reassess your values and put energy into that which you care about most, eliminating fluff. The serious sign of Capricorn rules reality – where do you need to get real in your life? Focus on that.

Dec 23 – Venus sextile Chiron. This is a beautiful day for heart healing, relationship amends, reconnections, healing around Self-esteem and valuing your Self. If there’s something you need to say or someone you need to reach out to, this is a good day to do it. 

Dec 24 – Jupiter square Saturn. It’s Christmas Eve and Hanukah Eve, when you or your loved ones may be traveling, wrapping presents, doing last-minute shopping and you may feel as your freedom is limited in some way by circumstances or you have extra responsibilities. Whatever comes up, take a breath and release any stress in a healthy way, remember the spirit of the season, and practice extra special Self-care. You are being prepared for something, being restructured. Can you feel it?

Dec 26 – Mercury opposite Jupiter. This has been in operation since mid-Nov, so the energy is not new, this indicates a completion – or that you’re ready to decide something. This is big picture energy, a possibility, a vision that aligns with your higher truth. Tap into that energy to see where you are.

Dec 27 – Mercury square Saturn. This has also been in operation since mid-Nov, and here’s the reality check. You’ve been thinking about this and whatever won’t work shows up now. You get clear about what you can do and make plans that you’re willing to commit to, focused on the details. 

You are serious in your approach, erring on the side of caution. You end up with a plan that feels doable – or you may decide that what you thought you’d do isn’t possible. Stay tuned… and don’t be discouraged, not matter what. This isn’t the end of the story…

This is a heavier than usual holiday week, with some energies that have been percolating for a while coming to a conclusion during the week, and some to be continued. 

See what resonates for you and know that this is a fertile time for going within to honor your development over the past year, as you enter a sacred turning point on the home stretch of 2024. Love yourself and love others. We are One World. 

I wish you a warm and wonderful holiday, however you choose to embrace and embody it. 🙏🏼🩷


“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the shining light of your own being”. ~ Hafiz


“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” ~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross


“Lead us from unreal to real, 

lead us from darkness to the light, 

lead us from the fear of death 

to the knowledge of immortality. 

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.” ~ Hindu Prayer

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. 

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️