Current Astro Events – June 14, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Although it’s the final week of the Sun in Gemini, this is a Neptunian week with the nonlinear planet of dreams, imagination and intuition at 29º Pisces, working on your behalf, inspiring creative visions or missions of service that call you forward – or delusions that feel very real and lead you astray or escapism via addictions.

Neptune is also at work dissolving old ego structures that no longer serve you, which can leave you feeling uncertain about where you’re going. However, this is also an opening, allowing for newness to enter, even if you can’t see it yet or don’t know what it is. Endings and beginnings… 29º Pisces, preparing for 0º Aries in March 2025 – a major new beginning is on the way, even if it’s in slo-mo…

June 14 – Mercury is cazimi the Sun. Mercury in its home sign of Gemini and conjoined the Sun is a double blessing, indicating the potential for bright ideas, profound insights, wisdom or epiphanies, as well as social connections, fortuitous meetings or brilliant visions that serve your future. Magic is in the air when Mercury is in the heart of the Sun, accessing its light and its wisdom – and this can indicate the birth of a new idea or direction going forward.

June 16 – Venus square Neptune is the soft, creative, romantic, idyllic feeling of beauty, bliss, a spiritual experience or disillusionment, disappointment or deception. Either high or low, it all depends on who you are and what you do with it. Not good for a first date (you may be misled), but beautiful for spiritual practice and artistic endeavors. Adjust expectations of others, offer universal love without conditions and stay high.

Then Venus enters Cancer, that loves family, food, home, feelings and is protective of those they love. Venus in Cancer is nurturing and caring, giving quality attention to everyone it cares about and favors the past, is sentimental, loves sharing memories and enjoys celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.

June 17 – This is an amazing day for connecting with another or others that you want to be close to in an emotional, feeling way. Especially if it’s creative – and it’s a fabulous day for visioning, brainstorming, creating and allowing yourself to drop into your heart and expand your consciousness beyond the confines of your left-brained mental body.

Mercury square Neptune is creative ideas, right-brained, nonlinear intuitive thinking that can guide you forward. You can make deep non-verbal connections and channel downloads from your Higher Self and whatever you make contact with. Left-brain activities are not favored (numbers, data, scheduling), as you can easily miss things, so save that for another day or double, double-check info.

Then Mercury enters Cancer and is focused on expressing feelings gently, is compassionate, caring and loves family, home, food and connecting heart to heart. Mercury in Cancer is never confrontational and is not direct, either. It will take the roundabout approach to warm up before asking for something or making a move – going sideways, like a crab :))

Next, Mercury conjoins Venus, bringing a sweetness, caring and connection that is a gift for showering blessings and good intentions on anyone verbally and/or non-verbally due to the warm Cancer energy that is undeniable. It is heart-centered and deeply caring, as you go over into the other’s world in order to align with them and connect in a real way. Give someone a gift today (and yourself) – share your heart and make a bond that resonates beyond 3D. 

June 20 – Sun square Neptune offers you yet another opportunity to experience yourself beyond the usual, expanding into a higher, nonlinear vision of your Self without the usual constraints of who you “think” you are. Dream, meditate, take a walk, a bath, go for a swim, a float – and let your mind quiet down and imagine who and what you might be and do… Old walls are coming down, even if you aren’t aware, any confusion or doubt is an indication of such. Have faith that the universe is working on your behalf to free you from the old stories that have held you captive so you can embody a new story that’s already unfolding behind the scenes…

Sun in Cancer / Summer Solstice @ 1:51pm PDT. When the Sun enters Cancer you honor your mother, your lineage, family, home (your nest), your emotional needs and how you get them met, feelings of vulnerability, emotional safety, food, tradition, nurturing and being nurtured.  

This is the ultra-sensitive sign that is focused on your personal life and getting your needs met. Cancer is the nurturer-caretaker, often with a compulsion to focus on and do for others and you need to make sure you are balanced. Are you neglecting your emotional needs for giving or receiving? If so, how can you take better care of yourself? Cancer is the sign of the mother and it is a spiritual practice to *mother* yourself in a loving way. Your well being is necessary for you to move forward with maximum potential! 

I wish you a week of discovery and connection that brings you deep fulfillment and heart-centered experiences that lead you to places you couldn’t have anticipated in advance. The mystery of the unfoldment is the magic of life. Allow it to be so for you. Wherever you are rigid, soften your edges and relax. Go to the water and let it work on you as Cancer season arrives and Neptune carries the message of the sea.  

“In order to escape from prison, one must first understand that one is in prison.” ~ Gurdjieff


“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface, but connected on the deep.” ~ William James

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. 

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️

Current Astro Events – June 7, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Following a mentally stimulating New Moon in Gemini, abundantly fertile with big ideas and activity, we have now shifted into a sensitive Cancer Moon, that’s a definite mood changer. This is an indicator of the week ahead, as Venus, the Sun and Mercury will each square Saturn (the work) – and then sextile Chiron (a potential awakening). Plant those seeds for whatever you want to create going forward – the time is now!

June 8 – Venus square Saturn. Venus wants to socialize, connect and engage, but the Saturn square creates an obstacle that interferes with your plans, calling for patience and a positive attitude to stay high. You may want to have fun but you have to work, a $$ expense may arise, conflict in relationship can come up or a creative project hits a road block. You may judge yourself (don’t do it!). Don’t lose heart – make decisions, take responsibility for what is yours, do your work and trust that solutions will appear.

June 8/9 – Mars in Taurus. Mars leaves its home sign of speedy Aries to downshift into earthy Taurus, which is grounding and with all the Gemini planets flying around, the pace of grace will be helpful. Enjoy every deliberate step you take and know that Mars in Taurus does not give up. Slow, but steady…

June 9 – Sun square Saturn. The Sun square Saturn brings up the next reality check for you – what’s not working, what you need to handle, any decisions that will uplevel your life. Whatever the message is, get it and utilize it the best you can. Gemini is quick, with oodles of bright ideas and Saturn in Pisces is dreamy, highlighting realities that may feel confounding in the moment. Trust the process – Saturn is not only slowing you down, it’s bringing gifts from multi-dimensional Pisces to broaden your perspective experientially, conscious or not.

Mercury sextile North Node. Also on this day, Mercury in harmony with the North Node of Destiny allows for the opportunity to communicate with another, journal or process your thoughts internally so that you are able to discern a new perspective, insight, direction or path forward that is aligned with your Divine Self and serves the Greater Good. See what comes through for you.

June 11 – Mars square Pluto. This is a combustible aspect, especially with both planets Mars (warrior) and Pluto (power) in fixed signs (Taurus-Aquarius). Two fighters with resistance to change. Working together, these planets can move mountains, accomplish huge feats of strength and create major breakthroughs, so you can achieve arduous tasks today if you hold a high vibration. But I would be mindful of interactions with others, as the atmosphere will be highly flammable

(watch the external world). Send out love and be extra kind and compassionate, be careful on the road and with your words and actions.

June 11 – Venus sextile Chiron. You may have an awakening today or find a solution to an issue that arose on the Venus-Saturn square June 8. A new perspective, healing, ritual or download is possible if you are engaged, receptive and open to it. Love your Self, be compassionate to all and take good care of your heart.

June 12 – Mercury square Saturn. Mercury = details, info and Saturn = rules, regulations. This can activate challenging conversations and disagreements, worry, frustration or depression. You may experience issues with paperwork, forms, contracts, agreements, schedules, plans and delays. It’s one of those days when conversations or info doesn’t flow easily; decisions may feel heavy. Don’t agree to anything if you are not clear. Ask for more time and give your answer later, as things should smooth out in a few days.

June 13 – Sun sextile Chiron. Now the Sun meets with Chiron for an awakening or healing. You may have a new perspective, a discovery about your Self, a willingness to step forward and express your Self in a new way. You can either get help from a practitioner or be in process by yourself if you want to explore. Do a ceremony, a ritual, meditate, pray, journal, do dream work, be in nature and ask your Guides and Angels for assistance.

June 14 – Mercury cazimi the Sun. The Sun-Mercury together is a gift – and in Mercury’s sign is a double gift, with bright ideas, good fortune, profound insights, wisdom and epiphanies all possible, as well as social connections, meetings, networking, brilliant visions for your future. There is unlimited potential for what you can access when Mercury is in the heart of the Sun, accessing its light and its wisdom.

This is a week of refining the New Moon ideas and visions you’ve had, so don’t be discouraged in the days ahead when challenges arise. It’s all part of the process; do your work, make clear decisions – know what is for you and what isn’t – and keep going. By the end of the week, you’ll land in Mercury cazimi the Sun, a beautiful gift!

“Living slowly is discipling our minds.” ~ John McIntosh

“I am the right condition for right action to take place.” ~ Rev. Michael Beckwith

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤

Current Astro Events – May 31, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman







May 31 – Mercury conjunct Uranus – We close out May with the ultimate potential in mental shifts, as you have the opportunity to uplevel the quality and quantity of what you allow in, as the pace of data speeds up. You may be highly activated, generating innovative ideas, perspectives, or you may make a radical departure from an old path, interest or way of thinking – or have a breakthrough. The better you are at modulating incoming info, the more empowered you will be – this is a Gemini superpower.

June 2 – Jupiter trine Pluto – You have an opportunity to expand your social networks, knowledge, learn new skills and grow, in order to step into your power and transform some aspect of your life. Collaborating with others on projects to serve the Greater Good can broaden your horizons, while creating innovative solutions that stimulate possibilities beyond your familiar world.

Stretch your consciousness with faith and know that seeds are being planted now that will arise throughout the year – and be sure to stay in integrity, especially if you come into some measure of power. Jupiter trine Pluto can bring you power and blessings, but it’s important not to get carried away by your good fortune if they do. Stay grounded and grateful…

June 2 – Mercury sextile Neptune – You can use this to tap into your intuition; it’s perfect for storytelling, writing, creative arts, dream work, imagination, visioning, photography, channeling, spiritual practice or leisure. Follow your Inner Guidance to know when to take a break – and this is also good for compassionate communication and listening – to what is said that is verbal and nonverbal. Mercury-Neptune is a profound connection between your right and left brain, between your 3D and 5D Self, between you and another, should you tune in and listen with your heart.

June 3-17 – Mercury in Gemini – This is Mercury’s home sign, it is in its Rulership. This is the multi-tasker, the social butterfly, the communicator, the info seeker and networker, where it is quick, flexible, busy and easily distracted.

June 4 – Mercury trine Pluto – This is clear, concise thinking and speaking. Mercury rules the mind and Pluto is deep, so you get real, can make important decisions, speak your truth, sign contracts or be persuasive. You may meet someone who has a profound impact on you (or vice versa).

June 4 – Mercury conjunct Jupiter – The mind with a positive perspective, good news, smart plans that serve you well, generosity and possibilities. A stellar day for planning, networking, socializing and connecting.

June 4 – Venus conjunct Sun (Venus cazimi) – This rules love, relationships, $$, what you value and things that make life worth living. This is a heart awakener, as Venus is sextile the North Node of Destiny, so pay attention to who and what comes into your life on this special day – it’s likely the beginning of something new.

June 6 – New Moon at 16o Gemini @ 5:38am PDT. The New Moon is the time for new beginnings, so set your intentions and take action toward something you want to increase, create or develop today after the Moon is new. The Sun, Moon and Venus are conjoined in Gemini, with Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini as well, activating a fountain of bright ideas, conversations, desiring connections, gatherings and social activities with friends and acquaintances, as well as learning, writing, teaching or whatever inspires you.

Pay attention to what arises for you and know that the Sun, Moon and Venus are sextile the North Node, so there’s something or someone that is integral to your future in the mix. With all this light Gemini excitement in the air, Saturn is squaring the triple conjunction, potentially creating a roadblock or an obstacle to your big plan. It doesn’t have to be a downer – it could mean that there is some work to do, a bill to be paid or a reality check that brings your lofty vision down to earth.

It’s your job to discern whether your idea/plan is viable – or whether you are being overly optimistic. Don’t be discouraged the minute you hit a speed bump. Connect with your Inner Guidance to see if it’s a red flag, a call for restructuring or a boundary – and if you’re not sure, get a second opinion from a trusted advisor who knows you and who has a big picture vision.

There’s so much Goodness this week – so much stimulation, newness and expansion wanting and waiting to happen if you’re amenable to it. Be curious about your Self and your life, explore possibilities, take the road less traveled and ride a bike, make new acquaintances and laugh, play, lighten up!

See the world through new eyes, with big picture vision, full of possibilities for you. If you like to journal, go for it – and do it stream of consciousness to see what comes through your crown chakra when you don’t edit or reread what you wrote. Just write and channel.

I wish you a week of discoveries, curiosity, playfulness, powerful decisions and intuitive guidance that propels you forward in a productive, connected way with fellow travelers who are delighted by you and who enjoy your company!

“Befriend people who bring out the playful side of you. They are a gift beyond measure.” ~ Michael Joseph

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song.” ~ Maya Angelou

“I get what I think about, whether I want it or not.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤

Current Astro Events – May 24, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written By Lisa E Zimmerman







We are just coming off of the Full Moon in Sagittarius trine Pluto, with a Venus- Jupiter conjunction sextile Neptune. So many possibilities – a call to Higher Truth, awakening, expansion by following your intuitive guidance.

Doors are opening and your path is dictated by your beliefs (as always), but do you see a positive road forward or a rocky path, fraught with challenges? Your beliefs hold great power and the invitation is to move beyond black and white, us vs. them, either-or thinking into the higher realms of Oneness (Neptune/Pisces), knowing we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Venus has joined the Sun in Gemini, with a desire for connection, variety and a break from mundane routines, seeking to share with others every which way. Curious, social, charming and seeking abundant interactions, like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower, not staying long term, but here for the moment and for the fun, flirtation and stimulation.

May 25 – Venus trine Pluto creates magnetic attractions – and with Venus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius (air signs), you will connect intellectually or you’ll be on the same wavelength where you go deep and share ideas, plans and/or creative visions. Pluto can help Venus in Gemini focus, rather than be distracted or scattered – and Pluto can always bring powerful people into your life (especially with sociable, charming Venus in Gemini). This can be very pleasurable and productive, so enjoy and make the most of it!

May 25 – Jupiter enters Gemini until May 2025. Jupiter in Gemini brings expansion through connection, is the best for networking, adaptability and learning new modalities. There will be progress at warp speed in all forms of communication, tech, AI, data sharing and other innovations. Jupiter always wants “more” so prepare to be inundated with various new products, ideas, upgrades and directions. The sky is the limit with Jupiter – and Gemini will be flexible if a particular path doesn’t bear fruit.

May 27 – Mercury sextiles Saturn, when you make decisions that are thoughtful, important for the long term, good for paperwork, commitments, deliberate decisions that you are willing to build your future on. This is good for planning, so this is a good day to discuss and sign if there’s a major contract or agreement you are considering.

May 29 – Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries can activate a core issue or wound that is very internal and personal around acting on your will. If a wound is triggered you will know it – and your job is to get the support you need to assert yourself and

claim your desires without receiving permission, approval or agreement. You want to be free to take action without stopping yourself out of fear.

This is another week of openings and possibilities, especially with Jupiter in Gemini, offering almost too many choices so that the skill to develop is tuning into what will further your purpose in the moment. You will have many options, but not all will bring you desired results, so take time to consider your purpose before making decisions.

You can wear yourself out running around, do endless research, have FOMO (fear of missing out) – or you can sit in stillness – or journal (a Gemini activity) to connect with your intuitive guidance to choose a deliberate path to pursue.

There is no harm in exploring by trying different routes to see where they lead, but if you find yourself becoming drained by too many people and too much activity, go within and get quiet – in meditation, nature, writing, with music, doing spiritual practices – some Neptune activity (right brained).

Your evolving truth will set you free – and IT evolves, as YOU evolve.

I repeat: Don’t let your ego interfere with what’s unfolding by attaching to your version of how things should be – rather, observe from your Higher Self Guidance, and witness the miracles that occur when you don’t have to control everything. It’s a practice :))

Feel the freedom in releasing old identities that no longer serve you. Releasing is part of what allows for expansion – and enjoy this extraordinary grace.

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” ~ Rumi

“A ‘miracle’ is the transformation of denial or not understanding.” ~ Ed Poliandro

“We must give up control and release our expectations about a specific result.” ~ Kathy Cordova

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤