Written by Meladie Star
Virgo 11° 04’11” New Moon opens a Wormhole/Eclipse Portal on
02 September’24 @ 15:55:31 HST (21:55:31 EST)
INner Alignment,
INner Attunement,
INner Wisdom,
INner Harmony.
Keys to Wholing, to Healing, to Self-Mastery.
In Cosmic Consciousness, Virgo is the Divine Mother, the portal to Divine Mastery.
Virgo is ruled/disposed by Chiron, the Rainbow Bridge, the Master Healer Teacher. An archetype of consciousness that guides Self into depths of core wounds, which are the Keys for Healing. Healing is Wholing. Wholing is the Unification of the Lower Self with the Higher Self.
Inside of a Wormhole/Eclipse Portal passage, the potential of the Present Self (Lower Self) & the Future Self (Higher Self) to Merge as One is accelerated. The force generated by the Eclipses curves Space & Time. “Like folding a piece of paper with Point A on one end and Point B on the other. Getting to Point B from Point A in ½ the amount of time.”-Stephanie Azaria
This passage will extend from 02 September – 01 November.
INside we will navigate a total of 5 Moon calibration points: Virgo New Moon; Pisces Super Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse; Libra Micro New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse; Aries Super Full Moon; & Scorpio New Moon.
We will also experience Pluto’s dip back into Capricorn (Divine Authority) for the last time until 2254. Pluto, the archetype of Transformation & Resurrection, is diving deeper into the underworld of shadows & distortions surrounding Authority, both Collectively & Personally. Pulling the Veils back to uncover hidden craters of Evolutionary & INvolutionary waters.
As well, Uranus, the Great Awakener, enters another retrograde in Taurus (Conscious Obedience) & will remain retrograde throughout the remainder of 2024. INside of this wormhole, Uranus is INviting Self to INtrospectively examine the connection self has with the Heart, the INner Guiding mechanism. To let go of the chains of Limitation & Restriction. Challenging self to embrace the changes necessary for Breakthrough & INner Revolution.
We are here to Play Big, not Small. And it starts with the INternal INtegration of all the pieces & parts of Self-Truth, Self-Worth, Self-Illumination.
#INnerRevolution #INnerAlignment #INnerAttunement #INnerHarmony #VirgoWormhole #CosmicConsciousness