Leo Full Moon, February 12, 2025, 8:54am EST

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report Leave a Comment

Written by Cari Campbell







Happy Full Moon in Leo!  Leo Full Moons can often bring great bursts of creativity and energy, and in this lunation we have a Sun/Mercury/Ceres conjunction to inspire us to birth something very “Aquarian”…something that connects us to oneness.  This Full Moon actually features a grand crossroads between the Moon in Leo, the Sun, Mercury and Ceres in Aquarius, Juno in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus.  Grand crossroads always require us to get still and centered, so we can clearly see which way to go.    Remember that Uranus wants to awaken us via flashes of insight, and the best way to receive this information is be open to receiving.  If this Full Moon leaves us rattled and off-kilter we may miss the higher perspective from Uranus.  Take time to walk, take deep breaths, sit with a cup of tea…whatever it is that helps you center and ground.  Uranus may be what delivers the clear insight into what we want to birth (Ceres) and Juno will want us to fully commit to our idea.

Uranus is very busy, not just with the grand crossroad, but also with a manifestation with the Karmic (South) Node, a resource with Neptune and the Dharmic (North) Node, and in intimacy with Eris.  These are harmonious aspects so they are less likely to hit you over the head with impact, and again, it’s important to stay awake and aware so we can receive all the Uranus is offering us at this time.  You may clearly see how past behaviors and/or long-standing habits (Karmic Node) are hindering you as you desire to move forwards to your dreams (Dharma/Neptune).  

The Moon is in a manifestation with Chiron and Eris (with the Moon exactly manifesting with Eris).  Our emotions and core wound(s) are flowing and this allows for a breakthrough in healing these wounds.  This is a good time to practice “reparenting” yourself, which is a practice of allowing yourself to process your feelings in a way that is empathetic and supportive. It’s likely not how you grew up experiencing feelings.  Many of us learned to avoid our feelings at all costs- to be strong and suppress them, or we get very anxious when we have any feelings that aren’t the “good” ones.  But without allowing ourselves to have and feel all emotions we are cutting ourselves off from the wholeness of life.  If painful feelings come up, hold yourself and give yourself compassion and space to feel.  You can hug yourself, or simply imagine loving arms around you as you sit in stillness.  The story around why you feel what you feel isn’t important (it just keeps the mental loop running)- it’s letting yourself just feel it all. Anger, sadness, grief…these are feelings we all experience and resisting them just makes it linger.  

Saturn is still in a long manifestation with Mars retrograde. This was most recently exact on February 9th and will be exact again on April 4th/5th after Mars turns direct.  Whatever has been showing up for you around trusting your intuition and honoring your inner world (Saturn in Pisces) combined with taking action around nurturing, home and emotional security (Mars in Cancer) that began around the end of September will continue, and hopefully this time you can release resistance and begin to honor whatever Saturn is asking of you.  

The planetary parade is still very much in effect and we are being called into alignment.  If we are in resistance, we are not in alignment.  We may find ourselves very suddenly on a path we weren’t expecting and maybe the changes are joyous, or maybe they are painful.  Remember that sometimes we have “ugly blessings”- events that look really bad at first glance but may lead us somewhere beautiful.  It’s not always easy to accept change but by making an effort to embrace it all as fully as we can, and remembering that miracles can and do occur, we can move into alignment and hopefully, inner peace.



New Moon in Aquarius- January 29, 2025

Christine ClemmerMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Christine Clemmer

New Moon in Aquarius 7:36amET/ 4:36amPT
9’Aquarius 51’
Chinese New Year/ Lunar New Year/ Year of the Wood Snake

The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on Wednesday 1/29/2025 at 7:36amET/ 4:36amPT.
With Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius) stationing direct on 1/30, the energetic potency is off the charts, and the atmosphere is ripe for radical awakening and transformation, in undeniable Aquarian fashion.

Also undeniably powerful is the Chinese New Year/ Lunar New Year initiating 2025, a “9” vibration year of profound completions and endings of cycles, yielding dynamic change and progressive new beginnings that take us to higher ground. The themes are evolutionary transformation, innovative growth and expansion, and sustainable change that leads us into the future.

Our relationship with change is important – especially in unexpected situations that appear to disrupt the status quo and social norms that we’ve held onto or identified with for safety and security. The current definitions that make up the fabric of our social structures are also transforming, evolving through a higher state of consciousness. It’s important to remember that change of any kind elicits a stress response. Oftentimes, quantum evolutionary change transpires as a result of radical injustice, revealing the need for higher consciousness that transcends the historic oppositions…bridging polarities and unifying extremes.

How we navigate the situations that propel us towards evolutionary transformation and higher ground is key. If we collapse, avoid, or resign when things get challenging, we give our power away, and perpetuate inner patterns of unconscious wounding, resisting the higher calling to grow beyond our current circumstances and limitations. If we get triggered and react from historic conditioning and inflammatory resistance, we also give our power away, perpetuating the imbalance of power and the chronic conditions of tension and aggression. Remember, the consciousness that created the problem can’t solve the problem…and when looking at the results of collective patterning in our social fabric, it’s time to access new consciousness, new thoughts, new solutions, and new perspectives that can take us into new territory…a New Earth.

Being mindful of our inner reactions, judgments, and impulses is important, especially when the atmosphere is highly charged with electricity. Remember, the Aquarian electricity is meant to awaken higher consciousness, not trigger historic reactions and unconscious rebellion or chaos. The revolutionary changes that are up ahead require an elevated refinement and adaptation through extreme circumstances. We must learn to see Truth without flinching – letting go of personal attachments to comfort and convenience while not taking things personally.

The Aquarian New Moon of this “9” vibration year sparks a radical awakening of the necessary completions that yield new beginnings…and those new beginnings are electric, progressive, conscious, and supercharged with the humanitarian awareness of social justice, beginning with radical Self Care (personal responsibility). We’re evolving as a species, and as a planet. The time for adaptability, integration of wisdom in action, and understanding of integral wholeness through a lens of unity consciousness is here. When the old models and systems can’t support or sustain our expansion, we must transform, reinvent, and elevate.

With Pluto now officially in Aquarius, the humanitarian themes of transformation through death/rebirth are loud and clear. In an instant, we are being called forth to surrender our hiding places, drop our masks and defensiveness, and make ourselves fully visible as the authentic expression of Truth that we are. Unattached to old labels and identities, unencumbered by possessions or belongings, the necessary adaptation is to lighten up our load, free ourselves from previous baggage and debts, and fly with intention towards a higher calling, from the heart. Whatever weighs us down must be released, and whatever calls us forth from the heart must be honored, unapologetically.

The New Moon is conjunct Pluto, Mercury, and Chariklo….in a trine/manifestation with Jupiter in Gemini and MakeMake in Libra. That Grand Air manifestation also produces a kite with Varuna, in an awakened visionary Light bridge with the New Moon stellium. Communications through the higher channels of Divine Love are amplified, sparking the atmosphere with new possibilities from a higher visionary lens.

Mars is still retrograde (through February 23rd), and Venus enters her pre-shadow phase on 1/28, preparing to station retrograde March 1 – April 12, repeating a manifestation with Mars and conjunction with Saturn. Jupiter stations direct on February 4th, and continues the ongoing stepping stone (reconstruction/expansion) with Saturn, shifting and redefining the fabric of our social consciousness. The upcoming wormhole/eclipse passage activates on February 27th with the Pisces New Moon, and completes on April 27th with the Taurus New Moon, delivering new ground through the heart. The transiting nodes are officially in Pisces/Virgo, representing a time for radical quantum healing through Unity Consciousness, invoking fierce Unconditional Love, divine wisdom, and mastery as the medicine that inspires humanity into a massive growth spurt of radical quantum leaps.

During this time, the electrical activity in the atmosphere is shaking up our status quo like a snow globe, unearthing our habitual patterns and karmic roots as we begin to shift our perspectives through a higher state of consciousness. Seeing things in a new light, navigating the choice points for radical change, we begin to shed the skin of our past narratives and trauma patterns, revealing the newly awakened sacred geometry of Light we’ve buried and carried underneath our own skin. It’s time to reveal our awakened Self, undeniably and unapologetically.

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
― Albert Einstein

Join Christine for the New Moon in Aquarius LIVE Lunar Calibration Event
Wednesday 1/29/2025 at 5pmPT/ 8pmET
CLICK HERE to register for this FREE Event!

Visit www.christineclemmer.love for more information or to schedule a session.

January 2025 Full Moon in Cancer- January 13, 2025

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell








Cancer Full Moon

January 13, 2025

5:27am EST

23 Cancer 59

Happy New Year and welcome to the first full moon of 2025!  This full moon, known as the Wolf Moon, occurs in Cancer and is communing with retrograde Mars.  Mars isn’t very comfortable in Cancer which can add to the emotional power of this time, not to mention that the Moon is in her own sign.  This lunation can offer plenty of opportunities to review the ways in which we take action around our home, families, and most importantly, ourselves.  Cancer is the sign of “the Mother”, and also the seat of emotional power.  A full moon in Cancer, even without the added bonus of Mars, is a time to complete cycles in which we neglect ourselves for the sake of others (a classic “Mother” theme!).  A nurturing home and family life starts with a mother who takes care of herself.  It also is vital that the Mother has a healthy relationship to emotion, and knows not only how to feel and let go, but to allow those around her to feel what they are feeling without judgment, shame, or attachment to an outcome.  

Does this sound like a lot to unpack?  Well, most of the cosmos are conspiring to assist with understanding this theme.  This lunation features a Grand Resource, a Grand Crossroads, and the lunar nodes have just shifted into Virgo and Pisces.   The Grand Resource includes a Juno/Uranus bridge and the Nodes, with the Soul Star Chakra (North Node) communing with Neptune.  Pluto is in resource with the Soul Star and manifesting with the Earth Star (South Node).   The Grand Crossroads involves the Moon/Mars and the Sun on one axis, and Chiron/Eris and the Fixed Star Arcturus on the other.  Obviously the Chiron/Eris bridge with Arcturus is long lasting but the Full Moon is bringing it very much into focus.

The Grand Resource can bring flashes of insight and/or surprises (Uranus) around what we need to commit to (Juno).  The Soul Star and Neptune in Pisces bring a spiritual focus while the Earth Star in Virgo may show us where we’ve held on too long to perfectionism, criticism, and other overly nit-picky ways of being.  Are you doing just for the sake of doing?  Yes, we get those dopamine hits when we cross of items on our to-do list, but what is the meaning and intention behind those actions?  How we are showing up energetically (Being) is just as important as our actions.  The Soul Star and Neptune can guide you in regards to being in energetic alignment with your values and higher self.

Indulge in your dreamy side during this full moon. Sit in meditation, or go stand under the Moon and listen to what she has to say.  Involve water in some way- a bath, a cleansing shower, going near a body of water if they aren’t all frozen near you…Embrace the watery energy of this time and work with the water element instead of resisting where it wants to you to go.  

The Grand Cardinal Crossroads allows for a very cosmic consciousness (Arcturus) to shed new understanding on core wounds and inner discomfort (Chiron/Eris).  How does this relate back to themes coming up for you around how you Mother yourself and those around you, and the conversation around emotional power?  That this is occurring in the Cardinal signs indicates that this is a time to notice where we give our power away, and reclaim it.  Move out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness.  What would it look like if our wounds were a source of empowerment?  How would it feel if we nurtured and cared for ourselves with the same loving kindness we extend to others?

Finally, Venus and Saturn are forming a stepping stone with Jupiter, and Venus and Saturn will start a new cycle in less than a week.  We have an opportunity to stand tall in our commitments to what matters most to us. Saturn is the Inner Guru and in Pisces, this is a fabulous time to work with our higher selves and create routines and habits that keep us connected to our higher consciousness.  Jupiter may be making it feel bigger than is really is, but stepping stones are designed to create friction that will provide the impetus to create change.  Venus is asking, “What matters most to you?  What are your values?” while Saturn wants to know “how are you going to show up in a way that aligns with these values?”

A final thought for this potent time-When emotion comes up, practice “reparenting” yourself.  If you were raised in an environment where you were not always treated with empathy or compassion, or where your emotions were invalidated, you may have a difficult time nurturing yourself.  When you are deep in any emotional state, practice treating yourself the way  you would treat a small, innocent child who is having a very hard time.  Give yourself the gift of empathy and kindness.  Be the safe space for yourself that you deserve.  This allows you to slowly heal the patterns of emotional suppression and self-judgment that you may be unknowingly carrying.

Many blessings!


Capricorn New Moon Report- December 30, 2024

Christine ClemmerMoon Report, New Moon Report

The final lunar event of 2024 is the New Moon in Capricorn on 12/30/2024, occurring at 5:27pmET/ 2:27pmPT.  New Moons always usher in new consciousness and a new beginning, and this particular New Moon facilitates the completion of an “8” vibration year and the transitional doorway that delivers a brand new year.  The upcoming “9” vibration year of 2025 signifies endings and completions of a profound nature, facilitating radical evolutionary change and quantum leaps into a new beginning.  Higher consciousness takes us to higher ground, and the New Earth is a manifestation of the quantum leaps we’re each navigating now.  The active choice points at every step reveal the alchemical nature of this moment in time.  

In the 5D Cosmic Consciousness System, Capricorn represents new beginnings, new cycles, and the downloads of divine directive from Source, delivering a higher intention, higher purpose, and higher calling.  When we start something new based on the ego’s agenda of success, or our personal attachments to preferred outcomes, we limit ourselves…often defining ourselves by our results.  

When we align our personal will with Divine Will, we begin to access a higher soul calling, and a higher seat of power.  Capricorn brings us into relationship with Divine Power, and the connection to Source through our crown chakra.  When we believe we are connected to that divine seat of power, our communion and communication with Source/Soul is crystal clear.  We don’t need to map out a linear goal sheet of accomplishments based on the ego’s assessment, we simply dial into Source and listen for the calling, purpose, and intention.  That kind of elevated union yields a higher perspective and unleashes a greater realization of the power that’s present in any new beginning. 

The truth is, every ending delivers a new beginning…a blank slate, a portal of Truth that integrates the wisdom accrued from past experiences with the inspired beginning of a brand new journey.  When we make it our business to journey well, we begin to capitalize on our experiential learning from the past.  Whether we liked the outcomes or not, every ending reveals wisdom that can be elevated and applied to our next chapter…if we’re conscious.  When we release any attachments to the past – including past labels, identities, roles, and outcomes – we free ourselves up to be fully available and accessible to the new beginning.  

Disposed by Saturn, Capricorn can initiate us by a challenge or a test of faith.  Letting go of our personal attachments to social identity, we may find ourselves being called forth to step into our greatness, or to expand beyond what we’ve known up until now.  When we define ourselves by past experiences, we limit what we believe is possible moving forward.  When we honor the calling and trust in our divine power, we begin to expand beyond old structures, definitions, or boundaries. 

Life defining moments can challenge us to rise up and step into committed action, without any evidence, proof, or examples of what’s possible.  Leaps of faith guided by a higher calling can deliver a full blown soul awareness of who we are and why we’re here.  Saturn is participating in an ongoing stepping stone with Jupiter, and a greater Grand Wisdom Cross with Mercury and Orcus.  When we allow our inner messenger to reveal the truth of who we are, we can step up through any challenge and rise up to a higher recognition and contribution.  That elevated quantum leap contributes to the alchemical transformation of our social fabric of consciousness, taking us into new territory, manifesting new possibilities.   

The New Moon in Capricorn includes a stellium with Ixion, Quaoar, Pallas, the Sun and Moon, providing a T-square/intersection of the ongoing Salacia/MakeMake bridge.  The choices we’re making from a higher awareness of our soul’s calling and divine blueprint reveal the infinite nature of our presence in this moment in time, and the power of our conscious actions moment too moment.  When we align ourselves with a higher orchestration and divine timing, we find ourselves aligned and in sync with a greater movement that benefits all.  

The nature of this new beginning into 2025 is the ending that births radical change on the planet, on behalf of all.  It’s time to fully awaken to the Truth of oneness, Love, and Unity consciousness…initiating a radical shift in the current fabric of our shared reality.  This is the moment we came for..

*** Please join Christine for the New Moon in Capricorn LIVE Lunar Calibration Event

On Monday 12/30/2024 at 5pmPT/ 8pmET.  CLICK HERE to register for this FREE Live Event!