Written by Cari Campbell
Happy Full Moon in Leo! Leo Full Moons can often bring great bursts of creativity and energy, and in this lunation we have a Sun/Mercury/Ceres conjunction to inspire us to birth something very “Aquarian”…something that connects us to oneness. This Full Moon actually features a grand crossroads between the Moon in Leo, the Sun, Mercury and Ceres in Aquarius, Juno in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. Grand crossroads always require us to get still and centered, so we can clearly see which way to go. Remember that Uranus wants to awaken us via flashes of insight, and the best way to receive this information is be open to receiving. If this Full Moon leaves us rattled and off-kilter we may miss the higher perspective from Uranus. Take time to walk, take deep breaths, sit with a cup of tea…whatever it is that helps you center and ground. Uranus may be what delivers the clear insight into what we want to birth (Ceres) and Juno will want us to fully commit to our idea.
Uranus is very busy, not just with the grand crossroad, but also with a manifestation with the Karmic (South) Node, a resource with Neptune and the Dharmic (North) Node, and in intimacy with Eris. These are harmonious aspects so they are less likely to hit you over the head with impact, and again, it’s important to stay awake and aware so we can receive all the Uranus is offering us at this time. You may clearly see how past behaviors and/or long-standing habits (Karmic Node) are hindering you as you desire to move forwards to your dreams (Dharma/Neptune).
The Moon is in a manifestation with Chiron and Eris (with the Moon exactly manifesting with Eris). Our emotions and core wound(s) are flowing and this allows for a breakthrough in healing these wounds. This is a good time to practice “reparenting” yourself, which is a practice of allowing yourself to process your feelings in a way that is empathetic and supportive. It’s likely not how you grew up experiencing feelings. Many of us learned to avoid our feelings at all costs- to be strong and suppress them, or we get very anxious when we have any feelings that aren’t the “good” ones. But without allowing ourselves to have and feel all emotions we are cutting ourselves off from the wholeness of life. If painful feelings come up, hold yourself and give yourself compassion and space to feel. You can hug yourself, or simply imagine loving arms around you as you sit in stillness. The story around why you feel what you feel isn’t important (it just keeps the mental loop running)- it’s letting yourself just feel it all. Anger, sadness, grief…these are feelings we all experience and resisting them just makes it linger.
Saturn is still in a long manifestation with Mars retrograde. This was most recently exact on February 9th and will be exact again on April 4th/5th after Mars turns direct. Whatever has been showing up for you around trusting your intuition and honoring your inner world (Saturn in Pisces) combined with taking action around nurturing, home and emotional security (Mars in Cancer) that began around the end of September will continue, and hopefully this time you can release resistance and begin to honor whatever Saturn is asking of you.
The planetary parade is still very much in effect and we are being called into alignment. If we are in resistance, we are not in alignment. We may find ourselves very suddenly on a path we weren’t expecting and maybe the changes are joyous, or maybe they are painful. Remember that sometimes we have “ugly blessings”- events that look really bad at first glance but may lead us somewhere beautiful. It’s not always easy to accept change but by making an effort to embrace it all as fully as we can, and remembering that miracles can and do occur, we can move into alignment and hopefully, inner peace.