2024 Virgo New Moon Wormhole Opens

Meladie StarMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Meladie Star






Virgo 11° 04’11” New Moon opens a Wormhole/Eclipse Portal on
02 September’24 @ 15:55:31 HST (21:55:31 EST)

INner Alignment,
INner Attunement,
INner Wisdom,
INner Harmony.

Keys to Wholing, to Healing, to Self-Mastery.

In Cosmic Consciousness, Virgo is the Divine Mother, the portal to Divine Mastery.
Virgo is ruled/disposed by Chiron, the Rainbow Bridge, the Master Healer Teacher. An archetype of consciousness that guides Self into depths of core wounds, which are the Keys for Healing. Healing is Wholing. Wholing is the Unification of the Lower Self with the Higher Self.

Inside of a Wormhole/Eclipse Portal passage, the potential of the Present Self (Lower Self) & the Future Self (Higher Self) to Merge as One is accelerated. The force generated by the Eclipses curves Space & Time. “Like folding a piece of paper with Point A on one end and Point B on the other. Getting to Point B from Point A in ½ the amount of time.”-Stephanie Azaria

This passage will extend from 02 September – 01 November.
INside we will navigate a total of 5 Moon calibration points: Virgo New Moon; Pisces Super Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse; Libra Micro New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse; Aries Super Full Moon; & Scorpio New Moon.

We will also experience Pluto’s dip back into Capricorn (Divine Authority) for the last time until 2254. Pluto, the archetype of Transformation & Resurrection, is diving deeper into the underworld of shadows & distortions surrounding Authority, both Collectively & Personally. Pulling the Veils back to uncover hidden craters of Evolutionary & INvolutionary waters.

As well, Uranus, the Great Awakener, enters another retrograde in Taurus (Conscious Obedience) & will remain retrograde throughout the remainder of 2024. INside of this wormhole, Uranus is INviting Self to INtrospectively examine the connection self has with the Heart, the INner Guiding mechanism. To let go of the chains of Limitation & Restriction. Challenging self to embrace the changes necessary for Breakthrough & INner Revolution.

We are here to Play Big, not Small. And it starts with the INternal INtegration of all the pieces & parts of Self-Truth, Self-Worth, Self-Illumination.

#INnerRevolution #INnerAlignment #INnerAttunement #INnerHarmony #VirgoWormhole #CosmicConsciousness

Full Moon Report- August 19 2024

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell









Full Moon, August 19th, 2024, 2:26pm EDT

Welcome to the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the first of four Super Moons.    The Moon and Sun are forming a grand crossroads with Uranus in Taurus and Pallas Athena in Scorpio.  Pluto and Uranus are in a manifestation, with Neptune in the middle, forming a resource with both.   And finally, Neptune and Pluto are forming a Boomerang Yod with the Sun/Mercury and Vesta, with the Moon as the “release valve” of the boomerang .  Phew!   What this means is that flashes of insight, awakening, sudden change of direction, and transformation are very possible (if not assured).   Mercury, involved in this Yod, is retrograde and will not recover his shadow until September 11th.  That means that Mercury will come back and reactivate this aspect in the coming weeks.   The relationship between the transformative energies of Pluto and the dreamy, often confusing energies of Neptune are not new, as they have been in resource for several months, however with the Full Moon acting as a release point, you can expect some sort of shift to occur.   The Full Moon is ruled by Uranus, and the Sun is at home in Leo.  So this is a potent time for the Sun and the Moon to illuminate everything about you.  What do you see about yourself now?  How do you perceive yourself, and what are you learning about yourself?  Mercury in Leo is supporting a shift in mindset.  Use this shift to your advantage! We already know that Uranus is going to be serving up flashes of insight, brilliance, and/or some other shake up and wake up.  And, with Pallas in the crossroad, we have wisdom and resourcefulness available to us.  It’s important to stay as balanced and centered as possible to allow for conscious choice towards the most fulfilling path.  If change is thrust upon you, can you come from a place “nothing happens to me, but rather for me”?   

Retrograde Saturn is bridging Venus, with Mars and Jupiter (who are separating after their new cycle that occurred just days earlier on August 14th)  forming an intersection between Venus and Saturn.   Saturn can be giving some resistance to whatever was offered up by this new cycle with Mars and Jupiter, or can be providing structure and maturity to whatever you want to do next.  What are you wanting to move towards, and what is holding you back?  What limiting beliefs could be in play that are stunting your growth?  What responsibilities do you need to tend to, and which can you get help with?  What needs to go?  Venus is asking, “What do you truly value?”  Do you feel worthy of these values?  What is truly important?  In Virgo, Venus asks, “Where can you be of service?”  Mars and Jupiter’s new cycle occurred in Gemini- where heart and mind connect and balance.  Saturn in Pisces can assist with providing structure and help navigate the emotional waters of change.  You may feel tension between the jubilant and passionate energies of Mars/Jupiter, and the restricting energy of Saturn, however balance, as usual, is the key.  All of these energies are meant to work together as a whole.

This is a big lunation, and remember that Mercury is retrograde.  You don’t have to do anything today.  Be present to the big energies.  Allow them to stir up whatever is ready to be stirred up!  Remember that change is a part of life, and we are here to shift and evolve.  I’ll leave these questions here for pondering:

Where or how can you be in service?

What do you truly value?  (Hint- actions mean more than words here)

What is stirring within your soul?  What is calling you?

What insights have shown up?   Any signs or synchronicities?

Where do you need more structure and balance in your life?  Where do your routines need tweaking?  Do you need less structure and more freedom?

Are you inspired to learn anything new?  What would you like to share, or teach?

Do you believe you are worthy of anything showing up for you now?  (Hint- you are!  If you don’t believe so, start getting curious about why you don’t believe it).

If change is showing up for you, are you resisting it?  If so, why?  What does your Soul have to say about this change?  What are the possibilities here?

Blessings to all on this Super Moon!


The Lions Gate New Moon Report

Meladie StarMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Meladie Starr

12Leo 34’1” New Moon on 04 August’24 @ 01:13:01 HST (07:13:01 EST)


Be Fierce. Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Courageous. Be Generous. Be Radiant. Be Playful. Be Unapologetically You.

Serve Your Light,
Serve Your Heart,
In doing so,
You Light Up the World.


Leo is the Sun. Leo is Life Force Energy! 

Leo is the aspect of consciousness within in each of us that reminds us to shine like the sun, to be playful, to Lighten Up. To be the center of light, to be the spotlight, and to do it from a space of Selflessness. The sun shines without borders, without boundaries. It shines on all, giving to all. We individually serve all by shining our Light. 

With a New Moon, the Sun & Moon are in the same sign, at the same degree. This is  beginning a new Lunar cycle. An invitation to open new doors, to plant new seeds, to make the changes necessary that will lead to a greater experience in life.

This is an experience that each one of us is creating through the lenses of perception that we choose to view life through. Without judgement, one can choose to acknowledge what is creating disharmony in one’s life. Then the choice can be made to change the perception, to change the choice, to change the direction. 

Conjoining this new moon is Vesta, the Fire of Devotion. She is granting us an extra dose of Fire energy, devotional energy, to courageously make the changes for the betterment of this experience. 

Also conjoining, Varuna, the All-Seeing Eye, the Cosmic Eye. She is gifting us a broader scope of vision to aid in making the perceptual changes that guide us to the path of our Highest Vision, Highest Version of Self. And this blessing from Varuna comes minutes, before Mercury Enters Retrograde at 18:56HST (05August 00:56EST).

This New Moon is also taking place inside of the Lions Gate portal, a portal of heightened spiritual energy & soul wisdom, that peaks on 08 August ’24. 8:8:8! 

8 is associated with Self-empowerment, which starts with the realization of the power self has in Life. 

“It is up to You to Regain, to Reclaim, to Restore, & to Regenerate Life Force energy & to make the choice to Live Freely & Shine Like the Beautiful Bold Bright Star You Are!”

#Lifeforce #Liberation #Freedom 

Full Moon Report July 21 2024

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Carli Campbell 

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 21, 2024 6:17am EDT





This is the second full Moon in Capricorn, this time occurring at 29 degrees (the Full Moon in June was at 1 degree Capricorn).  If you thought last month’s lunation was intense, then buckle your seatbelt and prepare for a ride.

This time, the lunation doesn’t just occur at the powerful 29th degree, but includes the following:

The Moon is conjunct Pluto, in resource with Neptune, manifesting with Mars and Uranus, Great eliminator with Mercury.

The Sun is in intimacy with Mercury, in resource with Mars and Uranus and manifesting with Neptune.

AND- the Moon and the Sun are creating an intersection with Chiron and Eris (23 and 25 degrees Aries) and another one with Haumea at 0 degrees Scorpio.   Phew!

This lunation continues the themes that began at last month’s full Moon, completing something that showed up at the time along the themes of the Cancer/Capricorn axis.  You can review last month’s report and/or your journal to remember what was showing up at that time.  Recall that Capricorn is the sign of the Executive Director and Cancer is the sign of the Mother.    The Moon is also still disposed by Saturn in Pisces.  Consider this- are there emotional wounds, especially from childhood (Cancer energy) that are being illuminated by the Sun?  Are those wounds preventing you from claiming rightful ownership of your life, your goals, your dreams?  

Mercury in a stepping stone with Uranus promises flashes of insight, although those insights may not feel comfortable.   The upside to discomfort is that it can be very motivating.  Let yourself be moved!  Old patterns of thinking and behaving serve to keep you in your comfort zone, but is it serving your highest good?

Mars and Uranus are manifesting with the Moon and Pluto and when these two come together it is always very powerful.  Pluto is always pushing for transformation and rebirth, and Mars is lending his energy to make way for something more in alignment with your higher self.  This could also feel very big (Pluto), sudden (Uranus) and possibly overwhelming (Moon).   Remember to give yourself plenty of self-love, compassion and empathy.   Re-parent yourself by giving yourself the attention and empathy you deserve, but may not have been given as a child. Said another way, showing up for yourself may feel very foreign to you, but it’s important to do so.  Hold space for yourself without judgment.  This allows you to bridge the Cancer energy of the Mother with these powerful Capricorn energies and use it to serve your highest path instead of holding you back.

Mercury is forming a Finger of God with Neptune and the Moon/Pluto.   The tension between emotional transformation (Moon/Pluto) and enlightenment or illusions (Neptune) points to  thoughts/beliefs (Mercury).  So practice awareness of those thoughts and beliefs and remember to consider how those thoughts and beliefs serve your highest good.  The work of Byron Katie is coming to mind right now.  You can ask yourself, “Is this true?”  “Who would I be if I didn’t believe these thoughts?”  (I’m paraphrasing Byron Katie but you can look her up if you want a deeper dive.)

Finally, let’s discuss the intersections (one could argue it’s a crossroads but Eris and Haumea are a bit far apart).  We have Eris, the inner disruptor, dancing with Chiron, the wounded healer.  Inner pain is informing this lunation. On the other side the powerful 5D creatrix, Haumea, insists that something magical can be made here.   So which direction to choose?  Remember that old wounds can be healed and we can move forward.   Old, repetitive cycles can be transcended.   Pluto is practically demanding it.

This is an incredibly powerful, transformative Full Moon. Give yourself plenty of space to be in this energy.  Remember that love transcends fear, and focus on what you love. What do you want your legacy to be?  What is Pluto demanding of you at this time?  Can you take one small step forward?  And another?  And then another?

Let’s all take a collective deep breath, with hands on our hearts.  The energy is huge right now.  As I am writing this, I am sending all of you love and peace.  Let’s all send that energy out into the world.  It is needed.  And all is well.