New Moon Report-December 12,2023

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written By Beth Nolte

Dec 12, 2023
6:31 PM EST

New Moon 20Âș Sagittarius 40’


What if all the gods chipped in this year and got you a gift? It would be this New Moon on 12/12 at 21 Sagittarius! 🙂

There’s a zap of awakening in the air. What are your new insights? Moving towards liberation, what do you release next?

The New Moon makes a great eliminator/quincunx aspect to Uranus. Even if you don’t have a great view of the fireworks, the epiphanies are still gold.

Tis the season for meeting and greeting worn out self-concepts. These ghosts from the past seek attention and ultimately, reinvention. Just like in the movies! Let them show you. Maybe try not to kick them out.

Lucky for you, Mercury starts a retrograde period eight hours after the New Moon on 12/13 EST. The Messenger rolls back to 22 Sagittarius, moving forward on Jan 2. By Jan 20 Mercury is back to it’s current position. All that to say, you have support for all the actions starting with RE. Reunited! Readjusted. Re

Here’s a chance to observe reactions, across the board.

Mercury in Capricorn says, please keep planting the seeds of tangible results. Whatever is moving forward, perhaps you call it a project, first run or research, if you create the mindset and structure you need to experiment, it’s a time of growth.

Jupiter is the archetype of growth and the capacity to expand in partnership with others.

Jupiter’s home is Sagittarius (the sign of the New Moon). Jupiter, aka, the cosmic YES, is moving through Taurus along with Uranus. If you could eat it, this New Moon has a warm, earthy flavor with a little zing.

There’s a New Moon square to Neptune – it’s your stepping stone to oneness and big Love. The New Moon and Neptune alignment calls in a world beyond the material realm. You might be taking action to up level your connection with spirit.

Back to that gift the gods got you

It’s a mystic rectangle!

What the woo woo is a mystic rectangle?

This is an Everybody-look-under-your-chairs moment
.Behold, a shimmering portal to higher consciousness is there.

If you’re planning to go 5D this season, here’s your ticket. A rectangle shape is made from trines on the long edges and sextiles on the short. Consider yourself manifesting and resourced. Each opposite corner creates a light bridge. You got some easy flowing aspects and the challenge to do better. Perfect set up.

So, what’s in the box? Let yourself get in. Some features you’ll find are: 1) the depths of your heart steeped in all it’s wisdom; 2) an operating system, running on the most evolved thought patterns available and ready to receive upgrades; and 3) feminine power, concentrated.

Do you Love it?

It looks great on you!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Sagittarius New Moon!

Mystic rectangle points:
Venus and Pallas Athena, 10 Scorpio
Mercury and Quaoar, 8 Capricorn
Jupiter, 6 Taurus
Astraea ASC, 9 Cancer

For extra dazzle and witnessing your wholeness:
Mercury Venus midpoint = Mars Ceres midpoint, 9-10 Sagittarius

All the wrapping:
Sun and Moon, 21 Sagittarius
Uranus, 20 Taurus
Neptune, 25 Pisces

November 2023 Gemini Full Moon Report

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report


November 2023 Gemini Full Moon

Monday 11 27 23 at 4:16am EST

4 Gemini 51

Written by Cari Campbell

The Sun, recently having entered Sagittarius, is conjunct Mars and Ceres.  The Sun and Mars in a fire sign can bring a lot of energy and passion, and Ceres can help balance that with her grounded, nurturing energy.  Take care during this lunar cycle to communicate with care (Ceres) what we are passionate about.  With Saturn forming an intersection at 1 Pisces, it may feel like we have limits on being able to say what we want to say.  The Moon in Gemini is exacerbating this feeling of wanting to speak up, so again, be mindful of what and how you are speaking your truth.  You can speak truthfully while still being compassionate and considerate of others.  Saturn can be your friend or foe in this lunar cycle- if you are mindful of your boundaries and those of others, then you can step into your mastery around mindful communication.  Otherwise, Saturn may impose his limits on you to help you learn more about how to communicate skillfully.

Mercury in Sagittarius is in a stepping stone with Neptune in Pisces, so we may be thinking and perceiving in unusual ways right now.  Remember to utilize your critical thinking skills during this time and question which reality you are tapping into.  Neptune in Pisces is exceptionally dreamy so it’s a great time to creatively dream up your heart’s desires.  But again, given the energetic dynamic with Saturn creating an intersection with the Moon and Sun, it’s worth mentioning that everyone perceives differently.  We all live in our own versions of reality. Taking an attitude of curiosity around others and ourselves will help us navigate any potential issues around communication.   Mercury entered his shadow at 22 Sagittarius, so anything Mercurian that is occurring now will get to be revisited and corrected, if needed.

All of the above mentioned cosmic activity is occurring in mutable signs, so there may be a restless energy during this lunar cycle.  Stay focused on what is most important and try not to overwhelm yourself. 

Many blessings to you- have a great month!

New Moon Report-November 13,2023

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Beth Nolte

Happy Diwali
Celebrating INNER LIGHT!

Photo by Devang Punia on Unsplash

New Moon 20Âș Scorpio 

November 13, 2023; 4:22 am EST


Mars Uranus —the bridge where OOMPH meets AHA!

Are YOU an alchemist? Of course you are

The New Moon in Scorpio is a chance to test your skills. Call it practice? Initiation? Outside circumstances show up, and you get to see how far you’ve come.

Watch these energies play out in different ways. Feeling the energy is pointy or sharp? That electric snap in the air got y’all crackly? 

If you’ve been looking for a recipe for how to re-enter the world on the other side of the wormhole*, please read on. 

The New Moon energy combines with Mars Uranus in a motivation liberation super highway. 

Breakthroughs! Awakening!

  1. Go deep, locating the grounding spot in your core. 
  2. Feel the warmth of your inner light.
  3. The moment the outside feels pointy – stop time. 
  4. Check for crystallization – what’s become more clear?
  5. Observe the physical reality and compare to the highest manifestation. 
  6. Open to let in more Love and Unity. Create space for the flow to pour in.
  7. Communicate Love. 

Restart time. Observe. Now what happens? 

The Sun passes Mars next week, but they continue to move together, separating in December. Lots of time to practice alchemy.

When you align to the highest manifestation of the vision, motivation becomes clear. Motivation determines action. What’s your role here, coach or critic? Do you hold space for growth or shut it down? 

Venus Mercury and Mercury Neptune make resourceful and manifesting aspects. Imagine big bottomless pitchers of Love ready to pour.

These are wobbly times. Surprise! You’re giving birth to a new being! Did you wish you had a doula? YOU DO! Ceres is right there next to Mars the whole way, each step, through December. You have the support you need to find the right breath and best position in each moment.

You got this. You’re radiant. Happy Diwali!

Here’s to the Scorpio New Moon!

  • This portal is officially closed. The spectacular Scorpio New Moon on 11/13 marks the end of the wormhole/eclipse season which began with the New Moon on 09/14 and included eclipses on 10/14 and 10/28. 

October 2023 Taurus Full Moon Report – Lunar Eclipse

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

October 2023 Taurus Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse
October 28, 2023
4:24pm ET, 1:24pm PT, 8:24pm GT
5 Taurus 09
Written by Cari Campbell


The full Moon occurs at 4:24pm, EDT, at 5 Taurus. Venus rules this lunation and Venus is currently being disposed by Chiron (Venus is in Virgo). This is also a lunar eclipse, which means there is great emotional wholing available right now.

The term “wholing” versus “healing” seems much more fitting to how you can work with your emotions. Ultimately, you can Love and accept yourself as you are, instead of rejecting parts of yourself that “feels” a certain way that you don’t want to feel. When you bring all parts of yourself back home to your heart, you are whole. That is the work of Chiron in your lives. All parts of yourself want to be acknowledged and accepted.

Something very interesting about this lunar event is that all major planetary bodies are in either Earth or Water signs! This could feel heavy, intense, or overwhelming, but it can also be very grounding. Water and Earth constitute the feminine signs. That reveals that no matter how intense things get, the real potential here is that the movement of your emotions (water) can free you from something that has seemed immovable (earth). Alternatively, your emotions can be nourishing something that you hold dear and want to ground.

The Taurus stellium includes the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus (both retrograde) while the Scorpio stellium includes Haumea, the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Ceres. It’s a very interesting play between your desires in the physical, material world (Taurus) and metaphysical transformation (Scorpio). Ultimately it is the alchemy that can deliver you to your heart’s desires. So what do you really want? What is showing up for you right now that is calling you out of your comfort zone? And where are you keeping yourself small, playing it safe, and possibly finding yourself stuck? Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs, so it is
useful at this time to pay attention to where we may be resistant to moving past your current limits. Is that serving you right now?

This is the last eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis until 2031. The Nodes are stationing and the Soul Star (North Node) is still in communion (conjunct) with Eris. Additionally, the intersection (T-square) with Pluto is still very much active, so there is an important, rare choice to be made.

Venus is in Virgo, the sign of the Divine Mother. 

This is what Stephanie writes about Virgo in the 5D:

In 5D, Virgo is known as ‘The Divine Mother’, the Divine Feminine Creator of all. As such, Virgo is a progenitor sign, it represents Mother Mary. The purpose of every Virgo is to purify the heart so fully that it can birth the Christed (Self-Realized) Self. Chiron, the Master Healer/Teacher, serves Virgo well in this purifying capacity. It is service to others that becomes the main motivating force for Virgo. In 5D, The alignment of your own spirit, mind, heart and body is where your focus needs to be. When you make use of your healing wisdom to remember that you are whole, you become the natural “wholer” of all. A soul who is whole serves as the example for all to realize their own state of wholeness. What is clear is that there is a great opportunity, with Venus in Virgo, to whole our heart. From that place, we can clearly identify our heart’s desires and then move forward with whatever opportunities this Full Moon/Eclipse brings your way. Don’t resist the transformation and see what gifts await you on the other side!

Many blessings!