New Moon Report- October 12, 2023

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report






New Moon 21ºLibra 07’

Oct 14, 2023; 1:55 pm EDT

Solar Eclipse

Written by Beth Nolte


Hello Fabulous!


On this day the Moon crosses in front of the Sun. It’s a reset of consciousness. In Libra, the sign of the mirrored self… how perfect! Here’s the medicine we need now, wouldn’t you say?


Welcome, New Moon Solar eclipse! This wormhole is open until the next New Moon on November 13.


Where is your heart walking backwards? Are you often going over the wrongs and misdeeds related to past hurts? Walking backwards is challenging. Many stumbles are likely, but most of all, it’s impossible to see the path ahead.


When you’re crossing back over the paths of your life’s trauma, the invitation of this New Moon is to take a step up from where you were. From an enlightened state, what do you see? What are your insights? Is it possible to appreciate the others in your life more fully? Is there greatness in the other that you can identify? Look closely, as that greatness is also your own.


Humanity is in the process of facing fear and learning to rise out of the depths and chaos into states of embodied spirit. Yes, like the phoenix rising. The new Moon’s square to Pluto is a stepping stone to flight, to rebirth and resurrection! If you want this, go ahead and say YES!


Holding the other side of a bridge, sitting opposite the New Moon is Chiron –the shamanic force within. Chiron, the Master Healer Teacher, demonstrates that wholeness is healing. Healing is wholeness.


Forget about curing the wounds. What happens if you create a space that’s beyond right and wrong, and invite in the banished parts of you? Allow them to warm in the heat of your fiery Heart. What if they melted in your Love? Merged. Complete. Ahhhhhh! If you want this, go ahead and feel the sweet release!


The way you process what’s happening around you along with your actions and motivations are all wrapped up in this moment. You can benefit from this hard reset. At its core is your heart realigning around how you understand and what you do about it. Mercury and Mars are conjunct the New Moon, meaning there are cycles ending as new ones begin.


Mercury will meet the Sun to begin a new cycle on Oct 19. Mars started a new cycle with the Sun last week and then entered Scorpio on Oct 12.


Mars currently sits in the lap of Haumea, at the zero degree of Scorpio. This new dwarf planet of 5D consciousness, named after the Hawaiian creation Goddess, is a mother that honors all parts, pieces and the spaces in between. Feel your motivation coming from and connected to a higher Source.


Where do you find the Light in you? Can you allow it to fill you completely? See the Sun? It’s a sliver of what you’ve got to shine.


Happy New Moon. Remember – this is the first of two eclipses – we’re in this wormhole until the next New Moon on November 13.


Love You!


For more on hearts walking backwards, see The Seven Paths: Changing One’s Way of Walking in the World.


New Moon Aspects for Meditation:

Earth Star Chakra, aka South Node new cycle (conjunct)

Pluto stepping stone (square)

Chiron bridge (opposition)

Mercury new cycle (conjunct)

Mars new cycle (conjunct)

Haumea new cycle (conjunct)

Uranus great eliminator (quincunx)


Uranus and Pluto manifestation (trine)

Neptune and Pluto resource (sextile)






Full Moon Report-September Full Moon in Aries

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

By Cari Campbell

Friday, 9/29/23 at 5:57am ET
6 Aries 00

The Full Moon occurs at 5:57 am EDT on September 29 th , at 6 degrees Aries. That means this lunation is disposed by Mars. Mars, interestingly enough, sits in Libra (the same sign as the Sun right now), in a new cycle (conjunct) with the Earth Star (South Node), and bridging (opposing) the Soul Star (North Node), Eris, and Chiron in Aries.

Mercury, Venus/Juno, Mars/S. Node, Uranus, Pluto, Soul Star (N. Node)/Eris, are all between 20-27 degrees of their respective signs. There is simply so much going on here and it’s all connected. This lunation is ripe with opportunity for healing. Before we get into this, let’s discuss the Moon.

The Moon and the Sun are at 6 degrees Aries and Libra. The Sun is approaching a new cycle (conjunct) with Pallas Athena and MakeMake, and the Moon is approaching a new cycle with Salacia. The only major planet that is aspecting the Full Moon is Saturn retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces in intimacy (semisextile) with the Moon and forming a great eliminator (inconjunct) with the Sun. MakeMake is the higher octave of Saturn, providing an opportunity to transcend your Saturn limitations and govern your Self from the Heart. This is the time to allow your emotions to guide you to what you truly want for your Self…not what you *think* you want. What stories have you told your Self about how your life should look? This could be about your job, finances, how your day-to-day lives should be run…now what does your higher Self (MakeMake) say? What feels good and right?


Because the Full Moon isn’t directly making contacting with the other major planets and involves new cycles with 5D planets, it is a time to go inward and access your higher wisdom. Meditate, dance, walk, do breath work, whatever helps you access that Divine part of you. The Sun and the Moon are highlighting something different, and that will lead you outside of the box you have put yourself in and onto the path of your higher Heart.


Speaking of the heart, let’s get back to Venus. She is conjunct Juno and is making her third and final stepping stone (square) to Uranus in Taurus. The last two stepping stones occurred on July 2 nd /3 rd and August 9 th . Can you connect any themes from these days, or did anything happen that sent a shockwave to your heart? What cycle are you ready to complete now? Venus is a big part of what we value, and also how we see and Love ourselves. What has shifted for you along those lines?


What about Mars forming a new cycle with the Earth Star, in a bridge with the Soul Star, Eris and Chiron? Mars is in Libra, the sign of the mirrored self. This bridge is likely activating our core wounds and it’s important to understand that whatever is painful (Chiron/Eris in Aries) is a reflection. Anything that triggers you at this time is useful information that you are meant to focus back on your Self for integration. Remember that Mars disposes Aries and this Full Moon- take care not to project onto others or take action from a triggered place. With Mars approaching a new cycle with the Earth Star, watch for the tendency to repeat old behaviors in relationships. There is a balance here that can be found, and the inner turmoil is showing you a new path (Eris/Soul Star new cycle).


Venus/Juno are also manifesting with the Soul Star and Eris and in resource with Mars so again, pay attention to your heart. Which path leads to more Self-Love? How can you use any reflections (Mars in Libra) to move towards the path of your higher Heart? Your committed partnerships (Juno) likely provide insight here.


To add more nuance to all of this, Venus/Juno and Mars/Earth Star are forming a Finger of God with Neptune! Focus on your dreams, and how you want to achieve them. Don’t get lost in the fog. If you are confused, ask your higher Self for clarity. Focus on what you want your life to look like a few years from now, and then work back towards whatever actions, values and beliefs will put you in alignment with your dreams.

And finally, Venus/Juno is forming a great eliminator with Pluto while Mars is approaching a stepping stone with Pluto (exact on Oct 8 th ). The Nodes are continuing their stepping stone dance with Pluto as well. Something is ready for transformation- the stepping stone to Mars is likely providing enough friction to inspire you to action. Again, listen to your Heart. The great eliminator implies that it is time to let something go so you can have a re-birth. Maybe it’s a repeating pattern in the way you show up in
relationships, or certain triggers around your wounds are causing you to close your heart instead of diving deep into the hurt and listening to what your pain wants to tell you.


This is an action-oriented full Moon, and it’s all about taking Heart-led action. Take some time to really be present with yourself and your emotions so that you can get in touch with what you truly want and need, and then from that higher vantage point you can take action.

New Moon Report- 2023 Virgo New Moon

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report

By: Beth Nolte

New Moon @ 22 Virgo 
September 14, 2023, 9:38 PM EDT

A whole other level of Love’s on tap! Whatcha gonna have?

Welcome back Cosmic Path! Wow.

Check out the New Moon in Virgo. It opens the wormhole, which is the eclipse season. This wormhole is open from the Virgo New Moon until the Scorpio New Moon with eclipses in between.

Eclipses mark pivots and times of change in life. The natural order of the universe is change. How to receive change is the question.

While specific dates mark important turning points in the passage, the energy keeps rippling nonstop.

As you’re tuning in, Mercury reaches the furthest point of the retrograde journey. Introspection and realignment continue. Probably you’re deep in it, as the retrograde period started in August.

The day after the New Moon, Mercury stations and goes direct at 8 Virgo. Mercury’s very much at home in Virgo and the energy is strong. At the end of September, when the Messenger reaches 22 Virgo, the same degree of this New Moon, we’ll all be moving into new territory. The synchronicities here are thick, since 22 Virgo is exactly where the retrograde began.

Now are the moments of Truth. Where do you feel Truth in your body? It’s a good thing to know.

Virgo energy shows you what feels prickly. That feeling that things aren’t right? Something wants your attention. Is it another version of you? There’s higher potential percolating, urging action and preparing to take form.

This moment supports shedding skin. Can you find your ground, even in shifting sand?

Allow space to release and aim for expansion. With Mercury’s bridge to Saturn, also retrograde in the partner sign of Pisces, there’s ample flow to be found. Let your exhale go ALLLLLL the way out and watch it unwind. Return it to Earth or let it dissolve in cool waters. Maybe the breeze will carry it away. They’ll all work to undo what’s ready to be undone.

Release can feel like hard work. If you need to rest…

The New Moon is opposite Neptune – forming a bridge to your high heart. The Mothership is calling all passengers to get on board!

As always, there are new beginnings that lead to major transformation. Right now the energy comes back to Mercury. How you process information is such a personal piece in all this. May you find Peace in the sideways elevators. 🙂

That whole other level of Love that’s on tap? That’s the 5D.

In 5D, it’s Chiron who gives Virgo its disposition. The Centaur connects the physical form (Saturn) with the awakening to what’s beyond (Uranus), so that you can merge with the entire universe. Chiron is the Master Healer/Teacher who assists your growth between energetic fields, especially mind/body.

Until 2027, Chiron is in Aries. Aries represents mental power in the Cosmic Consciousness system. It’s true that collective consciousness is transmuting – you’re expanding, becoming a multidimensional pioneer who is capable of creative and epic leaps in how you use your consciousness. This is a process. The way through is to elevate your Virgo vibration, choosing to fall in Love with the present unfolding and letting the Divine in, instead of grasping for perfection.

In these precious moments you can gather all your soul parts into Oneness, bringing you together, holding your seat of power, feeling the subtle energy surrounding you. In this powerful wholing energy, open to the sense of Joy.

What does it feel like to be a vessel with its heart on fire? Varuna, Venus and Juno are holding space in Leo for you to know this sensation. Being intimately connected to the divine order, feel the glory of your Light reflected back to you. MakeMake and Mars in Libra are balancing on other side of Mercury. Mercury holds the midpoint between these 5D clusters in Leo and Libra. Believing is Seeing.

Whatever you’ve been cooking is coming into the physical. Big time Earth energy here. The New Moon manifests with Uranus and Pluto. The movers and shakers of our consciousness align in an easy flow with the New Moon cycle. Liberation & resurrection feel so so close now.

Here’s to the New Moon and the Virgo Wormhole!

For more on the Virgo New Moon Click here

The 2023 Full Blue Super Moon in Pisces

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

August Full Moon/Supermoon at 7 Pisces

By: Cari Campbell

This Pisces Full Moon is a Supermoon, meaning that the Moon is currently closest to the Earth. This is the third of four super Moons this year, and it is the one that finds the Moon closest to the earth. That means the Moon will appear larger than usual, and as a result it will exert a far greater influence upon us. But that’s not all. This is also a Blue Moon, which is a much rarer event. A Blue Moon occurs when the Moon is full for the second time in a month. The Moon and Sun aren’t making a lot of 3D aspects themselves, but there is still quite a bit going on and it has the potential to be beautiful if you are willing to answer the call of the deep – your own inner depths, that is!


Pisces is the limitless realm- the void, representing the breadth and depth of the ocean.  It can tend to be emotional or even somewhat scary if you aren’t comfortable with your innermost self.  But there is nothing to fear.  Remember that emotions are energy in motion.  They can tell you something about yourself and your needs, your desires, and your boundaries when you are ready to listen. 


The Supermoon in Pisces indicates that something is culminating and ready for release.  Go willingly into the depths to see what no longer serves your highest good and is ready to be let go of.   Now is not the time to disassociate.  Get present and listen to your inner guidance.   Follow your feelings with your full awareness and go on a journey.  Go exploring!  Don’t worry, you won’t get lost.  If you are worried then set the intention that you will only go so far as serves your highest good.

This Full Moon sports a new cycle (conjunction) with Saturn retrograde, Saturn can show you where your structures and responsibilities are out of alignment.  What needs to shift and how can Saturn assist you in doing so?  Likewise, what established “rules” no longer apply and need to be abolished?

Saturn retrograding in Pisces is helping us ground our dreams into reality. It can also provide many opportunities to get more familiar with that limitless part of ourselves.    Pisces, and this Full Moon, are disposed by Neptune.  Neptune can bring about confusion and illusion, but it also tends to lead to clarity and higher consciousness.  With Saturn in Neptune’s domain, we truly can become our own enlightened guru.  Saturn guides us at this time to go deep thoroughly and consistently to clear away what is no longer serving us. The significance of this rare Moon points to the need to move past long standing blocks and limitations. It is important to observe the big picture to see what can be embraced or released in this moment.   On the flip side, what routine or structure would benefit you?  It may be a commitment to meditation or other spiritual practice, or a commitment to working towards a long-held dream that you have been putting off.



Venus in Leo will be stationing direct a few days after this lunar event, on September 3rd.  Currently Venus is in a great eliminator (inconjunct) with the Moon.  As she nears the end of her retrograde cycle it is a really good time to ask yourself what your heart wants, and more importantly, what is no longer in alignment with your heart and is ready to be released.  The retrograde period gave us 40 days to go inward and reflect on our heart’s needs and desires and now we can use this clarity to let go of what isn’t serving our highest good and put our mental focus on what we truly desire.  Venus is our self-worth, our higher heart, and our capacity to love.   Being in Leo, this is a great time to practice radical self-acceptance.  Let your heart shine.  Or better yet, let it roar like a lion or lioness!


Venus is in a stepping stone (square) with Jupiter, who is currently in Taurus and disposed by Venus herself.  It seems that the tension created by this stepping stone can result in the heart getting its way no matter what.  This could be Venus wanting to go big or go home, and Jupiter in Taurus being more grounded and practical.  Let your heart lead the way.


Boomerang/Yod with Mars and Juno

Both Mars and Juno are forming great eliminators with the Moon and Saturn.  The Sun, of course, is the boomerang.   Juno (8 Leo) is conjunct Varuna (7 Leo, our higher vision) and Venus (12).  Mars is at 2 Libra.  What does our heart want from our committed partnerships (Juno)?  What is the action (Mars) we are called to take?  The Moon is highlighting the issue, and the Sun is shining a light on the solution. The boomerang Sun has a way of repeatedly pointing out what we need to see. It is so important to pay attention.


Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus

Mercury retrograde (19 Virgo) is manifesting with (trine) Jupiter, who is preparing to station and turn retrograde.  As mentioned before,  Jupiter is disposed by Venus who is wrapping up her retrograde journey.  It is time for our mental body to take up this inner review, leading to inner alignment.  First our hearts and now our minds- the heart should always lead the way! 


What is Jupiter in Taurus opening up for you?  What type of expansion is your heart desiring?  And how will you use your thoughts and communication skills (Mercury in Virgo) to support your heart’s desires?  As Jupiter goes retrograde you will have more opportunities to go inward and clarify what your inner being is calling forth for expansion and grounding into the material world.  Mercury reversing course through Virgo will give you an opportunity to review the ground you’ve already covered, where you can see things you may have missed the first time around and create a more wholistic picture of what you are desiring.  Mercury is very much at home here, so use your mind wisely at this time!


Mercury is also manifesting with Uranus at 23 Taurus, and Uranus has just gone retrograde on 8/28).  Stay present and get ready for some “aha!” moments!   It may be a good idea to keep a pen and paper handy during this lunar event so you can record any epiphanies you may have.    And just like Jupiter, Uranus is currently being disposed by Venus.  How beautiful is this??  Both Jupiter and Uranus are infused with the wisdom of the heart, connecting with our mental body.  It’s truly a great opportunity for aligning the heart and mind. The concurrent stations of these two giant planets can offer so much momentum and assistance to bring great change into our lives.



Chiron, at 19 Aries, is in a great eliminator (inconjunct) with Mercury.  In the Cosmic Consciousness system Virgo is disposed by Chiron.  Chiron, the Master Healer, is the place where we embrace our “wounds” and by doing so, bring ourselves into wholeness.  At this time, there may be an inexplicable tension- perhaps a core wound is bumping up against our attempts to get into inner alignment around our heart’s desires.  This isn’t a bad thing.   This is where we use the power of this Pisces Moon to take a deep dive into our inner world.  Make friends with your core wound. Get to know it better. Ask it what it wants to show you, and then listen.  Show it grace and empathy, like you would to a wounded child (it very well may be your inner wounded child trying to get your attention!).  Virgo is sign of the Divine Mother;   this Mercury in Virgo knows how to listen with empathy and to nurture wholeness.


The Lunar Nodes, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto


The Nodes are connecting to the outer planets in a big way.


The Earth Star (South Node/Karma) is forming a boomerang yod with Uranus and Neptune with the Soul Star (North Node/ Dharma) as the release point of the yod.  We may have epiphanies around an illusion/delusion that we have held that can clear the fog and move us towards our higher path (Dharma).  How can we embrace all that we know and have realized about ourselves as experienced through partnerships and communication (Karma in Libra) to help us forge ahead on a new path (Dharma in Aries)?  Aries is the “Divine Spark of Creation”- what are you inspired to move towards? 


The Nodes are also still in a stepping stone with Pluto.  This has been going on for quite some time; the stepping stone was exact on July 26th, and they will remain within a 3 degree orb until the end of October.   Reflect on your comfort zone versus your higher calling.  What is Pluto insisting we transform?  Pluto isn’t subtle- the answer is most likely obvious, although we may not want to see it.  Remember that karma isn’t always a bad thing.  It’s just the totality of our prior experiences and accumulated wisdom.  What we do with that knowledge and how we move forward is what is important.  Are you staying stuck in your ways out of comfort and habit?  Isn’t it time to make a shift?     Venus stationed retrograde just a few days before this aspect was exact (July 22nd).  So think back over the past two months- what themes have been coming up for you that are asking for your attention?


Many blessings to you during this beautiful Piscean Moon!  My desire for all of us is to find that inner alignment necessary to manifest our dreams into reality.


Cari can be reached at