Libra New Moon September 25, 2022

Beth NolteMoon Report








Libra New Moon


5:54pm EDT/ 2:54pm PDT

2 Libra 48


Birthing ourselves again

Hey! Happy Equinox. Happy New Moon. Here we go into eclipse season. You can take leaps in time – now until November 23. The wormhole is open!

This is the New Moon in Libra. It’s the lens of the objective observer. In 5D astrology, Libra is the sign of the mirrored self. What are you watching out there? Is there something that’s got your blood pumping and passion stirring?

The New Moon is in a bridge with (opposite) Jupiter in Aries. Just five degrees away from the Sun Moon new cycle (conjunction), Mercury is about to meet Venus at the end of Virgo. Hot Jupiter adds heat to whatever’s in the pot. This pot is all about mind and heart. A new cycle is coming online around thinking and feeling.

Mercury and Venus make a bridge to Neptune. There’s also magic on tap. From the stance of objective observer, what luminal spaces can you use to align mind and heart? The center of a rainbow perhaps? Neptune extends an invitation to oneness.

MakeMake is at 8º Libra. The 5D archetype of divine law and natural order leads the New Moon/Mercury/Venus train. Traveling beyond Neptune, MakeMake moves too slow to stay ahead of the pack. But for the moment, the higher dimensions of consciousness are very present and echoing the New Moon themes around justice, personal power and tuning into the high heart.

Whatever’s happening out there…Are you feeling offended? Is your Spidey sense tingling about what’s unjust? Before unleashing the dragon force within, let’s take a breath.

What are you feeling? Is this about winning? It’s an old question, but if there isn’t something to win, does that mean there’s nothing to lose?

Collectively, we’re straddling the Portal of Truth between our emotional and physical bodies. It’s a birth canal. Like any birthing, we’re in a sensitive spot; tensions can get high. Mercury and Venus (mind and heart) are in the emotional body, in the sign of emotional wisdom. The Sun and Moon (the lights of our soul) are in the physical body, in the sign of physical power. We are birthing our own physical existence, again – mind, heart and soul!

Remember who you are. Choose to feel empowered. It’s a new cycle in self-care.

Enjoy the ride. YEAH Wormhole! WHEEEEEE!

To schedule a reading, please visit her website

Full Moon in Pisces 9 10 22

Cari CampbellMoon Report







September 10, 2022 5:59am ET

17 Pisces

Welcome to the Full Moon in Pisces, also known as the Harvest Moon.  Compared to some of the previous Full Moon events, this one is relatively light and hopefully will give us all a much-needed breather from the intensity.

The Moon is conjunct Juno, Astraea, and Neptune (Neptune by 7 degrees).  As this is a Pisces Moon, the Moon is also ruled (or disposed) by Neptune, so we have a lot of dreamy, intuitive energy during this lunar event.  A conjunction, or new cycle, to Juno connects that intuitive energy to our committed partnerships (which can be romantic partnerships or otherwise).  Astraea represents our sense of justice and balance, and also connects us to Divine Feminine energy.  Astraea’s energy is very Libran, if that helps you to get a sense of it.

The Moon is manifesting (trining) with the Earth Star Chakra, aka the Karmic (South) Node in Scorpio, so old beliefs, thought patterns, and habits may flow freely into your dreamy reverie.  The way forward, indicated by the Dharmic (North) Node (Soul Star Chakra), is nearby in a resource (sextile) to the Moon, another positive aspect.  This means that you will need to make a conscious choice to utilize this energy that is available. Consciously choose new thoughts and belief and habits.  Consciously choose to clear the fog (Neptune) around your old ways.

The Dharmic Node is 4 degrees from Uranus, close enough that we can glean some insights from this communion but again, we need to choose to stay awake.  The conjunction between the North Node and Uranus is very useful if we pay attention, and these two will dance between 3-4 degrees of each of other until mid-January, so take advantage of the insights while you can!

The Moon is also in intimacy, or semisextile, with Chiron and Eris (15 and 24 Aries) and Saturn (20 Aquarius).   These energies are close enough that we can feel them and they can impact our experience of this Full Moon if we allow it.  Eris is the inner disruptor, and Chiron is where we become whole.  Saturn is the inner guru- the place where we take charge of our experiences.  It’s easy to see how useful this energy can be!  Going back to how we can best use this lunar energy, which is to dream and feel new ways of being, we can use Saturn to reclaim our authority over our inner self.  Let Eris disrupt you a bit and shake you free those old energies, while allowing Chiron to help mend any pain from the past.


Mercury is currently stationing retrograde at 9 Libra, conjunct MakeMake.  Mercury is also in a Light Bridge with Salacia, and a bridge (opposition) with Jupiter, both in Aries.   Libra is the sign of the Mirrored Self, which means that we see ourselves reflected in others.  It’s important to recognize this, so that you can use this reflection wisely.  It’s easy to deflect and blame, but when we honor that we are seeing ourselves in others, then we can adjust our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors accordingly.  This is a great time to turn inward and meditate on what we are seeing reflected back to us.  The bridge with Jupiter can make some of this seem big- so remember to breathe, meditate, and slow down.   If we see reflections of our past selves show up during this retrograde, send love to what you see.  You don’t have to engage or fight.  Be willing to release that which no longer serves you with love.

Retrograde Motion

Besides Mercury stationing retrograde, we also have Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde.  We also have the Nodes and many other 5D planets and asteroids retrograde as well. This is a time to turn inwards.  Let your inner guidance inform you deeply.  Reflect on where you are and where you want to go. What needs to be adjusted?  What needs to be released?  What do you want to create?


Overall, the feeling of this Full Moon is a bit lighter, and with more of an internal focus.  Don’t be surprised if confusion reigns at first- the Mercury station can do that to a person and with Neptune conjunct the Moon, I am almost expecting it! Remember that Neptune can be the fog, be it can also be enlightenment.  Stay patient with the process and feel your way through the fog- that’s the way forward.

Happy September!


Virgo New Moon August 27, 2022

Beth NolteMoon Report








Virgo New Moon


4:16am EDT

4 Virgo 04

Time to course correct.

Virgo on the Cosmic Clock is the hour of Emotional Wisdom. And isn’t true that all the emotions, all the stuff is coming up for review? Are you feeling it?

Your emotions tell you what you need.

Right here, right now. We’re giving birth. The emotions feed the body. What we feel takes form. Feeling is the language of the body and becomes our physical reality.

Are you feeling the past hurts, rejections and loss?

Do you feel in Love with the future you’re creating?

Here’s the big secret… the body only speaks the language of feelings. It doesn’t know the difference between feelings from the future or feelings from the past.

Virgo is all about alignment. The Virgo superpower is to see the big picture as clearly as the smallest detail. It’s the Earth Wisdom sign. Think about shifting sands on a massive dune. Every part makes the whole. There’s change and action. It’s a space of transition; preparation for the next quadrant in the energetic field, into the physical body.

This is a moment to create order and clean house. Throw out what needs to go. Then lean in and open up to the partner sign of Pisces. Receive your inspiration from the infinite realm.

The 5D archetype Orcus sits nine degrees away from the New Moon. Orcus represents the vow we made about what we’re becoming in this incarnation. Orcus is picking up the same thread throughout lifetimes. This New Moon is an invitation to enter into the world between worlds and make adjustments. Call your soul parts back. Clean up the old limiting beliefs about who you are and what you came to be.

What’s the vision you’re falling in Love with? What do you need? If you don’t know, here’s the chance to get clear. Why wait?!?

The next quantum leap is coming next month when the wormhole opens. Ready to enter eclipse season?

It begins September 25 with the New Moon in Libra. Eclipses occur on October 25 and November 8. The wormhole ends with the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23.

Back to the Virgo New Moon. Remember…Emotional Wisdom leads to Physical Power. Maybe it’s time to invite your wisest self in for some conversation.

So much Love to you!

To schedule a reading, please visit her website

Leo New Moon July 28, 2022

Beth NolteMoon Report








Leo New Moon


1:55pm EDT

5 Leo 38

It’s time to let your brilliance come through and stand fully in your power. Have you reached the point yet where it just hurts too much not to???


Pain pushes until the vision pulls.


There’s a two minute clip of Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith talking to Oprah, and he’s unpacking the statement, which is one of his favorites. What he says about pain pushes until the vision pulls is that our challenges push us into the larger evolutions of ourselves. The potential is always bigger than the problem. Once you name your vision, you start to be pulled by it. And when you can embrace your vision, then everyday you are walking in the direction of your potential.


Being pulled by joy and something larger…that sounds amazing. Who’s in?


Welcome to the New Moon in Leo!


The Sun and Moon together in Leo shine light on our joy, creativity, play and enthusiasm. Leo is a fire sign and it’s the home sign of the Sun. Talk about lighting up our potentials and purpose. Whatever vision is pulling you – it’s time to invite in the fun.


Joining the Sun and Moon in this New Moon/new cycle is Ceres at 2º Leo. That’s the cosmic midwife, and Varuna at 5º Leo, our access to God-level vision. There’s a birth happening in our 5D consciousness. We have all-seeing access, and the view is divine!


Leo is the Emotional Love hour in Cosmic Consciousness. On the Cosmic Clock it holds the center of the emotional body. Love hours represent a stabilizing force at work. The 5D lesson of Leo is gratitude. Ground into an emotional state that is generative. Have an open heart.


The challenges in life activate our latent potential – that’s another truth Dr. Beckwith shares. In the face of breakdowns, we can choose to be curious. What’s the potential being activated? Use that God’s eye view to see what’s happening in moments when limitations take over? What do you need to elevate to a higher perspective?


There’s a grand Love cross in the sky. Ninety degree aspects create a big square with bridges connecting the opposite points. Through the lens of 5D astrology, the Love cross is a round of stepping stones. This is the tension that’s activating our potentials.


The Love cross involves Mercury in Leo; Mars, Uranus and Soul star chakra all in Taurus; Saturn in Aquarius; and the Earth star chakra in Scorpio. The archetypes represent our communications and how we process connecting to our actions and motivation, awakening consciousness and new stories. Our structures and forms are being challenged along with all the old stories we came packing into this lifetime. At this Leo New Moon, it’s all on the table.


You’re a powerful creator. You radiate brilliant light. I can see it from here! 🙂 Thank you.

♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎

To schedule a reading, please visit her website