Cosmic Consciousness Blog April 11, 2024

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Written by Stephanie Azaria







I am available for readings of all kinds, and itā€™s a great time to check inā€¦

CLICK HERE for more information or EMAIL me to set up an appointment.

The Mars Saturn new cycle that occurred yesterday, Wednesday April 10 at 4:36pm EDT was a powerful part of this weekā€™s eclipse event. Mars, representing all things physical, coming together with Saturn the inner Teacher, in the universal sign of Pisces offers each of us a new beginning that was experienced by each and every one of us. I am certain of it. Whether you caught the eclipse itself or watched it happen live on TV, or even if you saw some of the most exquisite pictures ever taken of the event online, the experience of overwhelming joy and an almost indescribable feeling was all-inclusive.Ā 

The Sun and the Moon are THE most powerful symbols of duality known to humanity. They represent male/female, day/night, conscious/subconscious/ black/ white, and so on. Our experience of them is that they never come together, they are visible to us at different times of the day, or night. They chase each other.Ā 

But every once in a while they do come togetherā€¦ And a total eclipse is the most amazing representation of that experience. It is literally awesome. We each experienced the overwhelming feeling of unity and Love. Oneness as we almost never get to see it. Considering there wonā€™t be another total eclipse here in America for 20 years, itā€™s important to fill up on that Loving Unity and let it be the force that guides us into the next decades. Those decades will deliver us to the new World.

Letā€™s go back to Mars Saturn for a moment. The New Moon/eclipse was exactly conjunct Chiron, and as a result many of us experienced a physical event of one kind or another. The planet most closely associated with the physical is Mars, and as Mars comes together with Saturn for a new cycle, there is a very significant lesson to be grasped for anyone who is focused right now on something that is happening to your body. Pay careful attention and let your conscience be your guide.Ā  And by the way, this does not have to be an illness or a painful situation. Whatever your body is asking you to focus on, do it.Ā 

This is a new cycle, meaning itā€™s far more than an event. Mars will come back to Saturn again in 2 Ā½ to 3 years. Thatā€™s how long this experience will last. Thatā€™s how long it can take to get the message being offered up here.Ā 

Here is Ellias Lonsdaleā€™s meditation for the Mars Saturn new cycle:

Ā  Pisces 15:Ā  Many kinds of fruits arranged on a silver tray.

ā€œComing to the point of completion. Being at the end of an old line or cycle. Bearing at long last the capacity to heal, to renew, to restore. Prodigal in gifts, in treasures, in creative expression, in ways we can go with this kind of wonder and majesty.Ā 

Stunningly endowed with whatever it takes to reveal spirit in action from any conceivable angle or facet. Even able to bring a number of diverse strands together almost effortlessly. Brought to a point where all of this has to be given forth and freed up, nothing held back any further.

When shame and guilt are left behind and this infinite bounty is expansively brought into active expression of many diverse kinds, the feeling in the vicinity is that this is what itā€™s always been like, this is how itā€™s supposed to feel, this is the vibrational frequency that would accompany the stage of fulfillment and completion. And indeed, itā€™s all true.

To be so free with something so rare and wondrous is quite an attainment. If we restrict it or hoard it, go against it or make it private and specialized, we warp this fine-tuned capacity and it can become something quite different. It begs to be embodied fully, openly, and joyously. Anything less becomes far more trouble than itā€™s worth.

If we do restrict the flow for any reason, it backs up. If we persist in holding onto it, the back up can become poisonous, toxic. Yet as soon as we let it out and admit that we are vessels of universal supply, the waters cleanse, everything turns beautiful and all of us benefit from the deluge.

The lesson here is to go with our own feeling for what we bear and to refuse to get in our heads about it. We need to be deeply feeling, soulfully in here so that the earth is graciously served. The only way to go is to receive and respond to the loving waters with a glad and open heart.ā€

These Ellias Lonsdaleā€™s meditations are reprinted with the authorā€™s permission from his book Star Speaks

ā€œQuantum science suggests the existence of many possible futures for each moment of our lives. Each future lies in a state of rest until it is awakened by choices made in the present.ā€



Cosmic Consciousness Blog April 8, 2024

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog






Written by Stephanie Azaria


I am available for readings of all kinds, and itā€™s a great time to check inā€¦
CLICK HERE for more information or EMAIL me to set up an appointment.

I apologize for being away for so long. I am working on getting back to making my business work, doing more and more readings, and I also had a case of Covid in the middle of it all. There is so much going on, thereā€™s almost no excuse for my absenceā€¦ Today features the total solar eclipse that covers much of the United States, from Mexico to Dallas to Maine, as well as parts of Canada. The last time the United States was covered by the path of totality of a solar eclipse was in 2017. There are real connections between these two eclipses, if you think back to 2017 and what was going on back then. Particularly as it relates to the country. There will be another set of eclipses between September and November this year, and they will hit similar degreesas todayā€™s eclipse, and deliver us directly to election day.

With Neptune at the last degree of his own sign all year, it is literally impossible to say what will happen. Itā€™s as if we are dreaming up a new reality, and depending on how willing we are to forge a new world or how scared we are of the old one, the outcome is
yet to be determined.

Take a closer look at the chart today. It features some very significant new cycles (conjunctions). The Sun and Moon come together with Chiron exactly. A New Moon Chiron new cycle in Aries promises a blast of wholing energies. Aries is the Divine
Spark of Creation, and Chironā€™s presence promises a bunch of pieces to a brand-new whole that may not make sense until that puzzle is complete. A sideways elevator can offer new directions to anyone willing to take a road less traveled. This new cycle occurs
at 19 Aries 23. The Sun is exalted in Aries, which means it is particularly well placed and it confers an unusual amount of awareness.

There is also a Mercury retrograde Eris conjunction today, the second of three as Mercury makes his way back and forth between 15 Aries (the Soul Star Chakra /North Node), and 28 Aries. Eris, a 5D planet known as the Great Disruptor, promises to shake
things up in order to awaken anyone who is listening. Mercury is and always has been the Great Messenger, and it obviously is worth it to pay attention to any and all news that comes to you, whether internally or from ā€œout thereā€. This new cycle occurs at 24
Aries 44. Mercury has a long way to go and many conjunctions to make before he is done with his retrograde journey. It will take until May 13 to complete. By then the wormhole will be behind us, and the messages Mercury has for us will be delivered.

There is a rare lineup of eight planets today, while the eclipse is taking place. This in itself is another very significant special event that accompanies the eclipse.

There is a Mars Saturn new cycle coming up on April 10, and the Jupiter Uranus new cycle on April 19 and 20. I will write about these in the days to come. Also, Sedna will be moving into Gemini in the days ahead and that is a very big deal as well.

Here are Ellias Lonsdaleā€™s meditations for the two major new cycles that occur today.

20 Aries: Sun/Moon/Chiron Total Solar Eclipse:

Aries 20: An empty courtyard

Keeping an open mind, letting all options still be there, making sure not to fill the life with too much stuff. Somebody knows how to counter the poisons of the times by not going for the kill, not buying the program, hanging loose, and hoping for the best.

Maintaining this attitude is the worldā€™s greatest challenge. Everybody and everything say ā€œyou wonā€™t get anywhere this wayā€. But this is not about getting somewhere. Itā€™s about clearing out, making way.


Freedom sparks strange choices. We must stay with ourselves in a spacious way, while knowing very little about ourselves that we can be confident and sure of. Itā€™s a matter of heading in the right direction and recklessly disregarding good advice, well-meant reflections.

Something can be offered in tough, hard situations from this place that would never be there otherwise. A brilliant capacity to attune to all kinds of messes and strange combinations is in evidence. Nobody in the way of getting whatā€™s going on and doing something about it.

However, self-compassion, self-accompaniment, self-forgiveness, self-appreciation are very hard to come by here. The self is taken as a given. The world is taken as a place you gotta meet and not drag your feet. The picture held of the self/world continuum is harsh and painful and alienating.

The path turns toward coming to terms with the missing part. To be there for self is sometimes an art form we are clumsy and awkward within. Do we deserve an affirmative attention?

Well, everybody else does. But the self seems not to count somehow. To get in there after this illusion is quite a task and worth the effort completely.

25 Aries: Mercury retrograde/ Eris New Cycle:

Aries 25: A great dragon asleep in a cave

The dark deep inside seeking to emerge from a spell, from an enchantment, from a curse. The shadows, the beast, the serpent, the dragon of legend and myth stirring, restlessly, pervasively, bringing forth longings and desires previously suppressed and denied.

Secrets and mysteries. Realms within realms. So much to get back in touch with now. A promise to the children of the future to come alive at the appointed times. The inquiries of karma and of destiny. That which cannot be understood, will not conform to convention.

A wildness, a raw primal quality of needing an immense outlet for a huge energy that never had a place here. A desperate drive to let these things emerge, or else feel trapped and stuffed and caught in meaningless retrials of self-avoidance at all cost.

An emotional energy of ferocious intensity. So deep. So forbidden. So strange to the modern ways. Called to merge, to tap the depths, to activate the dormant powers for the sake of the whole. An absolutely extraordinary ability to draw forth what was hidden in each and all. A threshold capacity to elicit confidence and strength and new forces in those who are seeking a further enfoldment
beyond the known.

The worldā€™s most fertile energy frequency. Yet often postponed or held in reserve. Captured by pasts and futures at war with each other. The shadow must be honored if the light is to dawn. All of this is known and sensed with overwhelming force. It will come out. It will come through.

These Ellias Lonsdaleā€™s meditations are reprinted with the authorā€™s permission from his book Star Speaks

ā€œTo get the most success out of life have no agenda other than to give whatever you can in the present moment. A smile, a laugh, a quarter, a helping hand, an introduction or just your listening ear is more powerful than you can imagine. Beneath every gift is the knowing that the Universe is abundant and that you lose nothing by giving away what you have. Others will feel
comfortable in your presence and all good things will find you ā€“ WITHOUT seeking them.ā€ – Jackson Kidded

Cosmic Consciousness Blog for March 13, 2024

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog








If you missed my Webinar Warp Speed Ahead: Through the Chaos into the new World, it isnā€™t too late to purchase it. CLICK HERE to secure your own copy.

I am available for readings of all kindsā€¦ CLICK HERE for more information or EMAIL me to set up an appointment.




We are just getting the hang of the unusual wormhole energy. It feels far less secure – if there was any such thing as security to begin with. It offers a certain freedom because we are in the realm of Piscesā€¦the limitless oceanā€¦and there is an over-the-top kind of untethered energy that is available to all.

On the day the wormhole opened, (March 10), Mercury left Pisces, crossed the world axis, and entered Aries. The Great Messenger is moving very swiftly right now, making it tricky to stay tuned to anything for very long. Interestingly, Mercury is about to be the first planet to go retrograde after months of journeying with no retrograde planets at all.

Mercury was at 29 Pisces just hours before the wormhole opened. 29 Pisces is a key degree for the entire year ahead, courtesy of Neptune. (Please scroll down to read my last blog on Neptuneā€™s journey this year). Mercury began the worm hole journey at 0 Aries, which is world axis energy, meaning the Messenger has a global effect on every piece of information he imparts. And he is kicking off a long stay in this sign, as he is going retrograde on April 1, just after the next full Moon lunar eclipse. Mercury goes retrograde at 27 Aries, but first he enters his retrograde shadow on March 18, at 15 Aries.

Mercury enters his shadow in a conjunction with the Moonā€™s North Node, also known as the Soul Star Chakra. This is the collective (transiting) soul star chakra, which exists above the crown chakra of humanity en masse. Mercury will dance with the Soul Star throughout his retrograde journey, going direct on April 25 again conjunct the Soul Star. He will then go on to complete the recovery of his shadow on May 13.

That means that this wormhole we are in contains within it an entire Mercury retrograde cycle in Aries. In the Cosmic Consciousness system, Aries represents the Divine Spark of Creation. Everything begins here. Everything gets created here. Itā€™s important to pay attention to all that arises once Mercury moves into his shadow on the 18th. Because new beginnings abound, but Mercury will go retrograde and review, revise, rework, maybe even revert whatever has begun. And that holds true for all levels: personal, public and global.

Mercury will dance with Chiron and Eris, the Sun and Venus too, before he turns direct on April 25. There are two eclipses that take placeā€¦ the first on March 25 while Mercury is moving through his shadow, and the second on April 8, after he goes retrograde.

The wormhole closes on May 7th, with the Taurus New Moon. The New Moon is conjunct Jupiter and Uranus, who have also come together inside the wormhole (April 20), and Mercury is conjunct Chiron when the worm hole ends. The Great Messenger then spends another 6 days recovering his shadow.

That is one jam packed wormhole, and this isnā€™t even half of all that it contains. Please stay tuned.

ā€œThere is a contradiction in wanting to be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity.ā€

Alan Watts

Cosmic Consciousness Blog for 3/10/24

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog



If you missed my Webinar Warp Speed Ahead: Through the Chaos into the new World, it isnā€™t too late to purchase it. CLICK HERE to secure your own copy.

Also, I am available for readings of all kindsā€¦ CLICK HERE for more information or EMAIL me to set up an appointment.



Sunday March 10 features the Pisces New Moon that opens a powerful wormhole. This new Moon contains a Pisces stellium and an Aries Stellium too. Mercury is moving very swiftly along with all the inner planets, and none of them are retrograde. Mercury crosses the world axis today, moving from 29 Pisces to 0 Aries, promising a lot of global news and communication during the next two months.

On top of that, 29 Pisces is a very important degree this year, as Neptune will arrive there, at this critical master degree of his own sign and remain there all year. He stations to go retrograde on July 2, moving back to a 27 Pisces 05 and goes direct on December 7. The dispositor of Pisces reaches the 29th degree again in February and recovers his shadow at 29 Pisces 55 on March 28, 2025. He will remain there for two days, entering Aries on March 30, 2025.

Neptune has been traveling through his own signs for 13 years and just about 2 months. These have been extremely significant years, as Neptune is a planet that takes 165 years to travel around the zodiac once, and his journey through his home sign is the one transit that can truly bring all that Neptune represents home to us. Neptune moved into Pisces in April 2011, though he dipped back into Aquarius for a few months and reentered Pisces for good in 2012. I am certain that not one of you reading this has forgotten about the major turning point that was 2012.

Neptune will make on more trip back into Pisces in 2025, in the fall until 2026, when he finally enters Aries for good. That means that everything these past 13 or 14 years have shown us regarding the Truth, and the clarity that is always preceded by fog, can be driven totally and finally into the heart center of each one of us. After all, if Neptune has taught us anything, itā€™s that we all are ONE HEART, and there is no separation.

Two more Moons were discovered circling Neptune this past week, adding to the emotional richness of all that has been revealed. And that this is all happening as a Pisces wormhole opens is so significant it is difficult to completely grok at this point. Let it be revealed to you as you go.

There is so much going on inside this wormhole, which will be in effect for the next two months, I am going to write about it all the way through. Please stay tuned.


ā€œWhen a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you donā€™t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.ā€ Corrie Ten Boom