Channel for July 18 2024

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel

Written by Jan Finley 

For the last many years our world has changed immeasurably. It is, without a doubt, virtually unrecognizable.  The media would have us believe we are on the verge of collapse as a county, and maybe we are. Personally, I don’t believe that to be true. I have long known that I was born for this moment in time, to be a way shower and a guardian of light. And I know I am not alone. If you are reading this, you also carry the energy of a way shower and a guardian. For many years I have spoken about the importance of standing together in the Light, staying united in our Light. Never has it been more important than right now.  In Unity we are invincible. 

And so I am told:

All is changing rapidly now, regardless of efforts to play the same old games in the same old ways. Pay no attention to the drama and chaos that abounds. It serves only to distract and confuse. Much is hidden from sight due to the media’s penchant for chaos and extremism. Good news simply doesn’t sell and the fear of misery keeps humans glued to their news, no matter how “true” it might or might not be.

Listen with your heart. Watch for energy shifts within yourself and those around you. Much is being revealed in quiet ways, ways that sneak into view. The Divine Feminine has returned and she prepares to take her rightful place. Her way is not the way of anger and belligerence, though she may move with precision and little warning. None will mistake her intent.

Long has the Divine Feminine been silenced. She has awakened and has much to say. She does not suffer fools gladly and she has had her fill of being lost in the labyrinth of time. She brings balance to an imbalanced world and to all of you. Union within the self is essential, and with a disavowed Divine Feminine, union has been difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.

One would do best to hear her for she means what she says, and she has every intention of making sure her words are remembered.  She does not arrive alone. All of her archetypes and representatives join her.  She is the Feminine aspect of the world humans inhabit and an integral part of each and every each human being. 

Her message is simple. I am here and the imbalance in the world, creating by the misaligned masculine, ends now. Make peace with this for it happens whether you agree or not. Balance returns, carried aloft by the Divine Heart.  

I say this now to the Patriarchy: Cracks have appeared in your fortress and your weakness has been exposed. Your fall cannot be stopped now so you would do well to step aside. You may fall back on violence and ugly rhetoric to bolster your false claim of authority, but your true face will be bared to all.  

Make no mistake. This is my moment and I will not fail. 

The Divine Feminine has returned to take her rightful place. The Patriarchy is falling and a new world is being born. Labor is messy and painful, but the outcome is assured. Love and light always win.

Channel July 8, 2024 The Mother

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel

Written by Jan Finley

I channeled some of this in 1999 and then in 2020, when we were in the thick of the Covid pandemic and life seemed very uncertain. The Mother has been my constant companion throughout my life, perhaps because my own mother was less than present, and carried her own wounds which absorbed her.

In both years I channeled many messages from Her, and then she seemed to go silent. What I have realized since is that she told me then all I needed to know at the time. We needed to do our own work, to ready ourselves to
stand at her side. We needed to face and own our Shadows and clear out some old baggage, and that is all an inside job.

The Divine Feminine’s return has been methodical and slow, but she and all those who serve Her are now here and in place. We are ready stand in the Light of the Mother, the Divine Feminine, having gone deeply within ourselves, healing old wounds. We discovered our own hidden depths and the wisdom long hidden from sight. We are acknowledging our own power.
The rest was channeled this week, as her Presence once again makes itself known.

Hear my words,
You who have denied me.
I stand before you.
My arms open
My heart filled with love.
I stand before you.
What is it that you fear
from me?
My power?
My light?
My ability to Create?
My heart aches with sadness.
I have never asked you
to be less than you are
and yet you have perverted
your very being.
You have seized power and control
-you think-

and you have destroyed much
of what I have created
out of my love for you.
In your temper tantrum
you seek to annihilate that which
created you
rather than accept your place
at my side.
Like an angry child with
a broken toy
you cut your nose off to spite
your face.
Even many of your gender
who disagree with your intentions
stand by silently and do
I say to you with all the love
I bear for you
No matter what you do
No matter how much of this
glorious world
you destroy
I will prevail.

After many long years of being denied, I return to take my rightful place at the side of the Divine Masculine, one that has been misidentified as the one god, for he is only half of a whole. He and I are One. If one denies half of their soul, the denied portion becomes misaligned and toxic. This is what has occurred here on earth, as the male aspect desired control and power, and denied all that is soft and nurturing, denied Me. Patiently I waited for him to realize his misstep but power and greed filled him in all the places that felt lack. My patience has expired and my ascendancy is required. During the past few years of earth time, many awoke and began to find their way back to Unity. They are hearing my voice again, calling them to arise. Many of you were my priests and priestesses, many, many years ago, when all was in balance, and still you are today. Memory is surfacing, a desire to serve in my Name is awakening. I come to answer the call, to lead the way.

Wrongs will be righted, truth will be exposed. Stand strong in my light, for you are my beloved children. Many who carry my light lead the way right now, and the Divine Masculine strives to right himself and take his proper place at my side. United, we will heal and transform your world, even as you are transformed. The misaligned is falling and screams ever louder and fights ever harder to be seen and acknowledged. One can only be lied to so many times before the one lied to says No More. Disillusionment weakens the bully, disappoints the expectant. Those who have profited from the greed and power will find themselves begging for acceptance and hiding from the truth. Let them fade away for they have lost all power. Keep your eyes and heart riveted to the Light of the One, and the promise of Unity. The Guardians are here, they are awake, and they carry my Light. I am here. We are here together. The call has been answered and more awake every day.

As I said to you before, I say again to you now:

Have faith, me beloved children. I come in many guises to usher in the New World. It is my face you see in your many daily encounters. It is my love that is offered to you, no matter how difficult these encounters might initially feel. Step back, I ask you, and allow your heart to lead you, instead of that traitorous mind that so actively delights in chaos. The time/space has arrived for you to leave behind childish ways and remember who you are. The New World awaits you; indeed the door is open awaiting only you to step forward and claim it. The old rules and ways of being are being swept from this beloved world, and those who can, must allow those old ways to be swept away freely and with an open heart. I ask much of you, but as your Mother, I see your both your worth and your potential, for did I not create you in my image? The last shadow of the toxic patriarchy is
dissolving before your eyes, no matter how you may personally judge the events you observe. I say again, observe with your heart and not your mind. Place your attention on that which feeds your soul and delights your senses. Stand in the integrity of right action and accept no less from those around you. Clean the house of your soul and psyche, and in doing so, all that does not serve you may be left behind. As you model the spirit of the New World, so the New World manifests around you. It truly is just this simple, my much beloved children.

Let my song fill your heart.
The words are clear and true
the same words
I have always sung to you.
I hold you in my heart
My children, my children
The stars tell the story of
your birth long ago
The day has come
for the vision to manifest
Gather round
Arms open wide
and rejoice with all your being
Let my love hold you close
Let my love light the way
The union has begun
and the Way is clear.
My children, my children
I hold you in my heart.

“Who is She? She is your power, your Feminine source. Big Mama. The
Goddess. The Great Mystery. The web-weaver. The life force. The first
time, the twentieth time you may not recognize her. Or pretend not to hear.
As she fills your body with ripples of terror and delight.
But when she calls you will know you’ve been called. Then it is up to you to
decide if you will answer.”
― Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Archived Channel of Sedna

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel







Written by Jan Finley 

Sedna triggered this one:
She is more than the holder of all knowledge. I get the sense that she is the Mother of all Mothers, time before reckoning. Hers is a less hands on mothering; it is instead a casting of seeds, maybe even the seed that carries Light. Both as she holds knowledge, she also sends knowledge personified out into the dimensions. Hers is a very quiet and profound undertaking for who knows which seed might take root?

There is a Birth within the Birth, from each of us on earth all the way through the multiple layers of consciousness and awareness. Feel within your own body the contractions taking place, acknowledging each piece of resistance and fear. Own them, love them, for they are delivering you to the New World. Embrace yourself fully, with all your might and intention. Extend a hand to those who are struggling, because they must give birth as well. Each Birth signals another, a glorious chain reaction reaction taking place through the dimensions, so know that it is essential that each one who can must participate. Together is the Way Through.

Archived Channel Message from the Mother

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel

Written by Jan Finley 






I say unto you, have faith. I come in many guises to usher in the New World.  It is my face you see in your many daily encounters.  It is my love that is offered to you, no matter how difficult these encounters might initially feel. Step back, I ask you, and allow your heart to lead you, instead of that traitorous mind that so actively delights in chaos.  The time/space has arrived for you to leave behind childish ways and remember who you are.  The New World awaits you; indeed the door is open awaiting only you to step forward and claim it.  The old rules and ways of being are being swept from this beloved world, and those who can, must allow those old ways to be swept away freely and with an open heart.  I ask much of you, but as your Mother, I see your both your worth and your potential, for did I not create you in my image?  The last shadow of the toxic patriarchy is dissolving before your eyes, no matter how you may personally judge the events you observe. I say again, observe with your heart and not your mind.  Place your attention on that which feeds your soul and delights your senses. Stand in the integrity of right action and accept no less from those around you. Clean the house of your soul and psyche, and in doing so,  all that does not serve you may be left behind. As you model the spirit of the New World, so the New World manifests around you.   It truly is just this simple, my much beloved children.