October 2023 Taurus Full Moon Report – Lunar Eclipse

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

October 2023 Taurus Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse
October 28, 2023
4:24pm ET, 1:24pm PT, 8:24pm GT
5 Taurus 09
Written by Cari Campbell


The full Moon occurs at 4:24pm, EDT, at 5 Taurus. Venus rules this lunation and Venus is currently being disposed by Chiron (Venus is in Virgo). This is also a lunar eclipse, which means there is great emotional wholing available right now.

The term “wholing” versus “healing” seems much more fitting to how you can work with your emotions. Ultimately, you can Love and accept yourself as you are, instead of rejecting parts of yourself that “feels” a certain way that you don’t want to feel. When you bring all parts of yourself back home to your heart, you are whole. That is the work of Chiron in your lives. All parts of yourself want to be acknowledged and accepted.

Something very interesting about this lunar event is that all major planetary bodies are in either Earth or Water signs! This could feel heavy, intense, or overwhelming, but it can also be very grounding. Water and Earth constitute the feminine signs. That reveals that no matter how intense things get, the real potential here is that the movement of your emotions (water) can free you from something that has seemed immovable (earth). Alternatively, your emotions can be nourishing something that you hold dear and want to ground.

The Taurus stellium includes the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus (both retrograde) while the Scorpio stellium includes Haumea, the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Ceres. It’s a very interesting play between your desires in the physical, material world (Taurus) and metaphysical transformation (Scorpio). Ultimately it is the alchemy that can deliver you to your heart’s desires. So what do you really want? What is showing up for you right now that is calling you out of your comfort zone? And where are you keeping yourself small, playing it safe, and possibly finding yourself stuck? Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs, so it is
useful at this time to pay attention to where we may be resistant to moving past your current limits. Is that serving you right now?

This is the last eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis until 2031. The Nodes are stationing and the Soul Star (North Node) is still in communion (conjunct) with Eris. Additionally, the intersection (T-square) with Pluto is still very much active, so there is an important, rare choice to be made.

Venus is in Virgo, the sign of the Divine Mother. 

This is what Stephanie writes about Virgo in the 5D:

In 5D, Virgo is known as ‘The Divine Mother’, the Divine Feminine Creator of all. As such, Virgo is a progenitor sign, it represents Mother Mary. The purpose of every Virgo is to purify the heart so fully that it can birth the Christed (Self-Realized) Self. Chiron, the Master Healer/Teacher, serves Virgo well in this purifying capacity. It is service to others that becomes the main motivating force for Virgo. In 5D, The alignment of your own spirit, mind, heart and body is where your focus needs to be. When you make use of your healing wisdom to remember that you are whole, you become the natural “wholer” of all. A soul who is whole serves as the example for all to realize their own state of wholeness. What is clear is that there is a great opportunity, with Venus in Virgo, to whole our heart. From that place, we can clearly identify our heart’s desires and then move forward with whatever opportunities this Full Moon/Eclipse brings your way. Don’t resist the transformation and see what gifts await you on the other side!

Many blessings!