2016 Virgo Full Moon

Emily SametMoon Report





201 Virgo Full Moon

Monday, February 22, 2016

1:20pm EST, 10:20am PST, 6:20pm GT

3 Virgo 34


The full Moon is in Virgo, sign of fullness unto oneself. Self-development reaches a peak so that we bring our best to close relationships and the world at large. The full Moon asks us to see ourselves as clearly as possible, to address what’s been avoided, and to deepen our apprenticeship to unconditional love and compassion.


In the process of eliminating false perceptions, our egos can swing in large arcs, over long periods of time, from self-aggrandizement to self-effacement. Both can be seen as expressions of the small self. The full Moon holds the promise of self-honesty and personal growth, balanced with compassion and freedom from excessive, non-constructive criticism.


Personal growth is fostered by relationships, which often ask us to look more deeply at ourselves. The full Moon can bring insights through reflection, as well as the gift of discernment about what is ours and what belongs to another. With Mercury ruling the full Moon from Aquarius, we can step back and see patterns that keep showing up in our lives – the common denominator in various relationships and other circumstances.


When we’re wanting to liberate from an old pattern, it’s important to remember just that – we’re wanting to shift the pattern from it’s root; from the inside out. We don’t want to leave a relationship, a job, or a town, and think that we’ve left the pattern behind. We will recreate the same patterns in new relationships, new jobs, etc. We need to go deeper to transform from within. That in itself will result in outward shifts.


The full Moon is pregnant with potential. In opposition to Neptune and Ceres in Pisces, we’re nurturing a dream into earthly form. We are earthy vessels; of spirit, for spirit. Our unique bodies are the perfect vessels for each of us at this time. The full Moon reminds us that everything is sacred, even what seems insignificant or imperfect.


There is much tenderness with this full Moon. Are you attending to your needs with compassion? Does your daily routine nourish and revitalize? What are you feeding your body, mind, and spirit? Choose your physical, mental, and spiritual food wisely. Be selective. You are worth it.


The full Moon in aspect to Ceres draws attention to attachments and nourishment. Are the bonds we’ve formed nurturing the wellbeing of all involved? In Pisces, Ceres embodies the universal mother; loving and caring for all. Even in the absence of our beloved, our mother, our child, the Goddess is present within and around us. Ceres can speak to separations and grief, or to recovering what has been lost. Often through loss we come to deeper knowing of the nourishment that is always flowing to us from source. The love of the goddess shines down with the full Moon; the silvery light is a balm for the heart.


In opposition to Neptune, the full Moon presents the opportunity to see through illusions and expand our vision of reality to embrace a larger truth. Seeing through the illusion of separateness may be the ultimate gift. The full Moon in Virgo with so much energy in Pisces also speaks to healing, powerful dreams and finding our way into the flow.


Though our potential may be unlimited, we only have so much time in this life. The full Moon in Virgo helps us discern which desires to pursue now. Mars, planet of desire, is in Scorpio forming very supportive aspects to the karmic nodal axis, currently in Virgo/Pisces. This is a time to get very clear about what we actually desire to manifest. It’s a time to eliminate the struggle between ego and higher will; to align our will with the will of the heart, becoming stronger and softer in the process. It feels good when we go with our own flow. What does the path of least resistance look like for you? Aligning ourselves now is a great way to prepare for the energy surge coming with the eclipses, just ahead on March 8th and March 23rd.


It takes energy and focus to make positive change. A healthy lifestyle and clean living/working space supports our efforts. Energy is dissipated through fear, avoidance and resistance. We may put our lives on hold out of fear. The longer we avoid facing a fear, often the more power we give it. To reclaim lost energy, turn around and face what scares you. Sometimes it completely disappears just by acknowledging it. It takes courage to face what we would rather not see. A strong will is very helpful here when used constructively. When we are strong enough to stand in the truth we are in a position to move forward with authenticity. Why not choose love? It’s already chosen you.


“Blessed we are to dance on this ground

With the rhythm of saints to carry the sound

We hold a prayer for the Earth

For the ones yet to come

May you walk in beauty and remember your song

Remember why you came here

Remember your life is sacred.”

-Peia ‘Blessed We Are’


Emily offers heart-centered evolutionary astrology sessions. Please contact her via www.emilysamet.com and join her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/emilysametms





2016 Aquarius New Moon

Emily SametMoon Report




2016 Aquarius New Moon

Monday, February 8,  2016

9:40am EST, 6:40am PST, 2:40pm GT

19 Aquarius 16

The new Moon takes place in liberating Aquarius. We’ve just come through the full Moon in Leo, the peak of self-development and self-expression. The new Moon in opposing sign, Aquarius, opens the door to the world beyond and to greater consciousness of the multi-dimensional nature of the self.

In the stillness between the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another, the new Moon in Aquarius draws our attention to the quality of spaciousness. Aquarius grants us objectivity and helps us take others, our past, and even ourselves a lot less personally. Viewing the past objectively, we loosen attachment to old stories that otherwise would continue to color the present moment. Uranus, ruling the new Moon, continues to travel through Aries, waking us up to our true essence and helping us garner the courage to meet each moment as truly unknown. The new Moon fuels the process of engaging with limitations in order to grow beyond them.

Vast spaciousness exists around whatever limitation we are currently experiencing. The new Moon in Aquarius helps us out of a holding pattern and can present key insights pertaining to the past and the future. Think back to a time when you felt incredibly challenged and yet somehow made it through. There is life on the other side of a fear or disappointment – often much more freedom, strength and wisdom.

In order to move forward, sometimes it is necessary to go back. The new Moon in Aquarius presents an exciting vision of the future and yet there may be a gap between where we are and where we wish to be. The invitation is to be right where we are, while holding space for transformation, which is always taking place. Even when it appears we are moving backward, encountering an old pattern, we are always working with it from a slightly different angle, as a different person, and spiraling higher in our evolution.

Aquarius speaks to the higher mind and very long-term memory. These usually unconscious memories and deeply entrenched thought patterns influence our experience of reality. Consciousness precedes form. We create from both conscious and unconscious thoughts and expectations. The key to liberation from past conditioning lies in this archetype through the unravelling of deep patterns and habits as they surface in consciousness. If we dig down to the roots of limitations and feel what wants to be felt rather than repressing our experience we can begin to act more autonomously, spontaneously, and authentically. We can open to greater possibility.

The growth that comes through Aquarius can take place in unexpected ways. A new cycle in Aquarius can propel us forward more quickly than expected. The intent is positive and yet it can be unsettling. It helps to prepare ourselves to receive the high vibrations of this archetype. Aquarius connects with electricity and the nervous system. In order to receive benefit from the insights being downloaded at this time, we are wise to ground the body and mind, so that we can integrate what’s coming through.

The new Moon in Aquarius supports the recognition that there are aspects of our being that operate more impersonally than our oh-so-intimate physical, emotional and mental bodies. This recognition helps us see how not in control we are, and empowers us to choose to let ourselves be led and healed by these deeper/higher/larger forces.

Through objectivity, we realize nothing that happens to us is per se personal, it’s actually perfect – a perfect outcome based on past events, psychological dynamics, etc. What if we save the energy we use to blame, shame, regret or to feel guilty and instead get in touch with these old patterns? What would it look like to form a relationship with limitations, fears and hurt – to hold space for them – and not be controlled by them? We can make choices from a place of power rather than victimization. As we work on this, and are aware that we’re still making choices based on old patterns, fears, and traumas, it is very helpful to have allies. We can take refuge with friends, community, healers, plant spirits, etc. who we trust to help us regain trust in ourselves.

Aquarius is the sign of friends and community. Through the principle of like attracting like, we attract those who resonate with our inner world; both the parts of ourselves we are conscious of and the parts that remain unconscious. We can learn much about ourselves through the people we attract. This may be a time when we attract others who symbolize some future aspect of our becoming. With Pluto and Venus beginning a new cycle together, it may be a time of transforming existing relationships.

Fully embracing the liberation from conditioning that Aquarius offers means that sometimes we are asked to stand as a group of one in order to remain true to ourselves. Even when we feel isolated or alone, we are never separate from Source and our vibration continues to contribute to the collective. This is a great time to tune into how we are contributing to the whole through our inner and outer lives.

Mercury and Jupiter, ruling the north and south nodes of Uranus are working in harmony, helping us to assimilate the insights we receive and put them to good use. Together they are focused on supporting healing, learning, teaching, organizing, apprenticeship, mastery of technique, and articulation of a vision. Mind, heart and soul are aligned. What a blessing to be alive.

Namaste & Blessed New Moon

 Emily offers astrology readings and wellness consultations via Grounded Soul Astrology & Wellness. Learn more about her offerings at emilysamet.com.



2016 Leo Full Moon

Emily SametMoon Report





Saturday, January 23, 2016

8:45pm EST, 5:45pm PST, 1:45am (1/24)GT

3 Leo 29

The Full Moon in Leo is a bright light in an ever-changing world and always uncertain future. Full Moons carry the energies of integration and flowering. With this Moon we are integrating the qualities of the Leo/Aquarius axis, bringing our talents into the world to make it that much brighter and offering ourselves in service to humanity. Goddess asteroid, Pallas Athene, conjunct the Sun in Aquarius, speaks to the unconditioned expression of gender and to the genius potential within us all.


Leo invites us to embrace our unique gifts and follow our heart’s desire through to creative fulfillment. We co-create with the source of all things through the form we have been given. Each of our lives is immensely and equally valuable. Each individual contributes to the whole, be it on a very large stage or from the privacy of the home. We all have an effect on the space around us, on the beings we come into contact with, and on the collective.


I can’t help but mention David Bowie, for the beautiful example he offered of a fully actualized Leo Moon integrating strong Aquarian energy (including Pallas on his Aquarius ascendant and Uranus on the North Node). Just as he served as a beacon of confident and revolutionary self-expression we each can play this role for ourselves and others. We are stepping more fully into the unconditioned expression of our uniquely beautiful beings.


The Moon in Leo holds the potential for big heart opening. Leo leads into the next sign Virgo, the sign of service and to it’s polarity, Aquarius, the sign of the collective. Heart opening guides us to greater service. If a heart-opening experience doesn’t lead to greater desire and capacity to serve, perhaps it would useful to look at what is standing in the way.


Bringing our true essence into the world can be scary. At some point in our evolution we’ve likely faced rejection or opposition in response to self-expression. These memories live within the soul and some can be quite intense. We also may have the accurate yet unarticulated sense that to be ourselves more fully means shedding parts of lives that no longer resonate. This letting go, gives us the opportunity to grieve those parts, another real experience of being human. On the other side is a life of greater truth and creative fulfillment.


The Full Moon forms a grand trine with Saturn in Sagittarius and Goddess asteroid, Vesta, in Aries. It is our duty to tend to the sacred flame within. We are not the source of that flame, just as we are not the source of creativity or love and yet they permeate our beings. We have been given the gift of this life not to create from scratch, but to channel the creativity and purpose that are already flowing through us. Leo is the sign of royalty. We have been given sovereignty over our own lives. If anything it seems the work of individuating is in the process of clearing up the channels within and tending to the inner flame so that our unique expressions of love and creativity can flow forth. We must also value ourselves enough to develop our talents.


The ruler of the Full Moon is the Sun in Aquarius, squaring Mars in Scorpio. There’s not a lot of ambivalence in this aspect. Certain limits are being encountered and we’re called on to dig deep to find the courage to transform them, and to be ourselves even in the face of old fears. Use your energy constructively, knowing that sometimes destruction is the first creative step. Sometimes a period of relative seclusion provides the space for an emergent potential to flower.


It can take stepping back to notice a limitation to our full self-expression, but once we know it is there, we can free up a lot of energy by engaging with it. This can be challenging, but the effort is worth it. Is there anger coming up associated with a limitation to self-expression? See if you can’t find the source of that limitation within and channel the energy of the anger or frustration into positive action. Mars is in Scorpio for some time to come, instructing us to choose our battles wisely.


Obstructed creativity can lead to a buildup of tension that may manifest as anger, frustration, depression or anxiety. Find creative channels for self-expression. More than say, simply exercising to tire the body out, channel the unexpressed energy into a form that is fully engaging and aligned with your essence. At the same time don’t get hung up on the form – it’s more about allowing your unique soul essence to flow through. Affirm with the light of the Full Moon that you will follow the call from within.


The Art of Poetry


I don’t speak for myself.

I don’t speak in my own name.

It’s not about me.


I am nothing but

a little life, a lot of pride.


I speak for all that is,

for what has form and no form.

I speak for what weighs heavily

and what is weightless.


I know everything around me

wants to go further, to live more fully,

to die more deeply,

if dying must be done.


So don’t think you hear within you

my words, my voice.


It is the voice of the present moving toward the future,

a voice approaching from beneath your own skin.


Eugène Guillevic (tr. from French by Paul Weinfield)



Emily is available for readings via Grounded Soul Astrology & Wellness at emilysamet.com.



2016 Capricorn New Moon

Emily SametMoon Report




2016 Capricorn New Moon

Saturday, January 9, 2016

8:30pm EST, 5:30pm PST, 1:30am  (1/10)GT

19 Capricorn 13


Welcome to the first new Moon of 2016. This one is potent, in close connection with powerful Pluto and trickster, Mercury retrograde. As the year begins, you are invited within- Deep within – to re-connect with your natural gifts and heart-centered purpose.


Over the next couple of weeks, Mercury takes a trip to the underworld. Connecting with Pluto on his retrograde journey he’ll bring messages from your soul that will become loud and clear by the light of the full Moon. Powerful intentions can be set. It’s a choose your own adventure new Moon.


The new Moon is forming an auspicious angle to Jupiter retrograde and the North Node in Virgo. Powers of intuition and discernment are high. Rigid thinking gives way to the power of the truth. Jupiter is known to remove obstacles from the path and to bring abundance. It is your destiny to step into your work more fully and be a living example of the wisdom you hold.


Though Jupiter and Mercury retrograde indicate a shift in direction and in thinking, they don’t imply stopping short. Before expansion, contraction, and before an outer manifestation, an inner change takes place. Sometimes you must go back before you go forward. Take time to reflect on your achievements and perhaps reassess goals, use of time, responsibilities, contracts and commitments.


One step always leads to another. You may need to switch routes or modes of transportation, but  if the desire is strong enough, you can always get there from here. Hold consistently to the feeling essence of a vision or goal as your most trustworthy guide. Follow the path that feels joyous and spacious.


Ruling the new Moon, Saturn in Sagittarius is making plans for the future with loving Venus, and also linking with ease to liberating Uranus. We are ever expanding, evolving beings. We need relationships, homes, and jobs that are flexible enough to grow and change as we do.


A core Capricorn teaching tells us that it takes a lot of energy to repress what is natural. As much as there is an invitation this new Moon to take yourself seriously and to quietly reflect, there is also an invitation to lighten up. Is there something you want to express but haven’t felt ready to, or are afraid of bringing forward? Prepare to try that thing that scares you to death, but calls to your soul. Courageous effort made now will have lasting results. Celebrate your victories and keep moving to the beat of your own drum. The adventure is what you make it.


You are free to let go of a false identity; to let go of who you think you are supposed to be. The new Moon invites less thinking and more pure being. You may notice that when you begin to live from a place of greater truth and authenticity it might actually feel a bit unnatural, because it is new. Give your wings time to unfold.


To let go of the past and live in the present is a continual process of letting go and opening up, so that letting go becomes opening up. The new Moon brings up the past so you can let it go and open to the year ahead with renewed spirit and faith.





Emily offers heart-centered evolutionary astrology readings and holistic nutrition consultations via Grounded Soul Astrology & Wellness at emilysamet.com. She is offering 25% off 75-minute readings through January 15th.