2016 Capricorn New Moon
Saturday, January 9, 2016
8:30pm EST, 5:30pm PST, 1:30am (1/10)GT
19 Capricorn 13
Welcome to the first new Moon of 2016. This one is potent, in close connection with powerful Pluto and trickster, Mercury retrograde. As the year begins, you are invited within- Deep within – to re-connect with your natural gifts and heart-centered purpose.
Over the next couple of weeks, Mercury takes a trip to the underworld. Connecting with Pluto on his retrograde journey he’ll bring messages from your soul that will become loud and clear by the light of the full Moon. Powerful intentions can be set. It’s a choose your own adventure new Moon.
The new Moon is forming an auspicious angle to Jupiter retrograde and the North Node in Virgo. Powers of intuition and discernment are high. Rigid thinking gives way to the power of the truth. Jupiter is known to remove obstacles from the path and to bring abundance. It is your destiny to step into your work more fully and be a living example of the wisdom you hold.
Though Jupiter and Mercury retrograde indicate a shift in direction and in thinking, they don’t imply stopping short. Before expansion, contraction, and before an outer manifestation, an inner change takes place. Sometimes you must go back before you go forward. Take time to reflect on your achievements and perhaps reassess goals, use of time, responsibilities, contracts and commitments.
One step always leads to another. You may need to switch routes or modes of transportation, but if the desire is strong enough, you can always get there from here. Hold consistently to the feeling essence of a vision or goal as your most trustworthy guide. Follow the path that feels joyous and spacious.
Ruling the new Moon, Saturn in Sagittarius is making plans for the future with loving Venus, and also linking with ease to liberating Uranus. We are ever expanding, evolving beings. We need relationships, homes, and jobs that are flexible enough to grow and change as we do.
A core Capricorn teaching tells us that it takes a lot of energy to repress what is natural. As much as there is an invitation this new Moon to take yourself seriously and to quietly reflect, there is also an invitation to lighten up. Is there something you want to express but haven’t felt ready to, or are afraid of bringing forward? Prepare to try that thing that scares you to death, but calls to your soul. Courageous effort made now will have lasting results. Celebrate your victories and keep moving to the beat of your own drum. The adventure is what you make it.
You are free to let go of a false identity; to let go of who you think you are supposed to be. The new Moon invites less thinking and more pure being. You may notice that when you begin to live from a place of greater truth and authenticity it might actually feel a bit unnatural, because it is new. Give your wings time to unfold.
To let go of the past and live in the present is a continual process of letting go and opening up, so that letting go becomes opening up. The new Moon brings up the past so you can let it go and open to the year ahead with renewed spirit and faith.
Emily offers heart-centered evolutionary astrology readings and holistic nutrition consultations via Grounded Soul Astrology & Wellness at emilysamet.com. She is offering 25% off 75-minute readings through January 15th.