Monday January 11, 2016
In the charts right now there are 6 bodies or points at 23+ degrees: the Moon’s nodes, Jupiter, Haumea, Ixion, and Ceres. Flanking that degree on either side are Eris (22+ degrees) and Sedna(24+degrees). This means they are all connected, all working together. This, to me, is indicative of the amazing, life-changing year we have in store.
Jupiter is moving retrograde today, bringing the expansion of consciousness and truth-seeking within, and not so externally directed. Jupiter is moving towards a new cycle with the Soul Star Chakra (North Node), which will be exact on January 23rd. We are growing in evolutionary consciousness, which is indeed our soul purpose in this lifetime (Ixion), but we have to focus on it and work towards it, with Ixion providing a stepping stone (square). Jupiter’s bridge with the Earth Star Chakra (aka South Node) reminds us of how far we have come, and connects us to the Earth and our karma; it gives us grounding and perspective on our evolutionary journey towards Wholeness (Haumea). Ceres makes a manifestation (trine) to Haumea, assisting in the labor of this gradual coming together of our parts, towards Wholeness.
Eris is preparing to move forward, creating interior openings of unsettling awakenings; these will show us where we need to truly see and accept our Selves, where we need to make course corrections and changes. Here Ceres is assisting too, giving us the resources we need to walk across the Eris/Haumea bridge as we bring each part of ourselves that Eris reveals to us into alignment. We need to be ready to listen to Eris’ messages, and not fear them. We are being made ready for what is to come, we are meant for this; and with Jupiter’s help we will choose the expansive high road forward. Meanwhile, Sedna holds this all together for us, until our consciousness expands enough that we can access this ourselves. These are such amazing times!
Pluto’s stepping stone and Venus’ sextiling resource with Black Moon Lilith provide the key to our evolution: by honoring, loving and acting on our innate Divine Feminine Wisdom and Strength we will transform ourselves, and the world.