April 10, 2016
Today the big news is the Mercury/Mars Great Eliminator, which represents the elimination of ideas and beliefs that get in the way of transmuting the frequency of our physical being. You know how someone can say something that actually lowers your energy and makes you feel like you got punched in the gut? Today’s energies give us a chance to see what is happening within us that allows that to happen, and how to transmute that effect. In Cosmic Consciousness, this aspect takes place in the Aquarius 2 o’clock hour (Mercury) of Spiritual Love and in the 6 o’clock Cancer mansion of Emotional Power—involving the spiritual and emotional parts of our Selves in the blending of mind and body. We can eliminate barriers to feeling our e-motions through movement like dancing, singing, exercising and enlightened action; at the same time we can remove barriers to Self-Love by eliminating old beliefs that crop up saying we are not worthy or deserving of such Love. Allowing joy to enter into our bodies raises our frequencies and puts our minds into a calmer, more loving mode—and vice versa.
Jupiter and Vesta assist with this through their manifestation (trine) in the Aquarius (Vesta) and Libra (Jupiter) hours of the cosmic clock. With loving devotion we manifest and ground what is in our hearts, guided from within onto the physical plane, helping us to integrate, heal and whole our Selves; each integration serves us all. This is another indication of how mind and body can work together to raise our consciousness on the physical level.