Friday, January 8, 2016
It’s amazing to me how these chaotic times reflect our inner Selves. Even though there is truly no separation between years except to change the calendar, and the energies of 2016 began in December 2015, or even the end of November, January seems to bring with it the opportunity for fresh new starts in the midst of endings. In my own personal life, one week into the month has brought 5 birthdays, including my spouse’s and my brother. It also brought news of 2 more departures from this plane of existence, so we’ve already been to one memorial service, where old friends we seldom see came together. Who are we becoming as we celebrate the comings and goings of our lives, and the new/old friends who come to call? I notice this especially in my husband’s life, and many old connections have returned; we’ve yet to know how brief or permanent. All those out there who’ve chosen to be born in early January are experiencing a total transformation with Pluto in Capricorn transiting your Sun. (Of course, some of you have already been through Pluto’s journey through early Capricorn….) What needs to be resurrected in your Self? Meanwhile the rest of us are undergoing a metamorphosis in other parts of our lives.
Today Mercury reenters Capricorn, getting ready to meet the Sun, and eventually Pluto, before he goes direct. Here’s where we get a chance to go within, examine our thoughts and take ownership and response ability for those thoughts, from which we create what we say, and how we act. Here’s where we can slow up enough to decide how to respond in thought, word and deed to what comes into our experience (which we created, after all). Our Divine Director, our Source, is right there to guide us, and if we are honest with ourselves, we have the ability to change our Selves and our perceptions one thought at a time. It is no coincidence that Saturn, Capricorn’s dispositer, and Venus are coming together in a new cycle today also, adding Love to our inner authority, reminding us that Love is what we came here for, and we are authorized, if you will, to love our Selves unconditionally with loving thoughts and words to ourselves, to change negativity (our own or others’) into something positive. Happy Mercury retrograde!
By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experiences of your life. Gary Zukav