Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

Mars moves into Scorpio today, accompanied by the Moon, and forms a perfect stepping stone with Mercury. All of this is very layered, and depending on our choice of perspective, we can access some of that magic we became conscious of yesterday, or we can get hit with yet another Mercury storm, which in this case will be all about how we are taking or allowing action. If we have many questions, we are in the storm, and the themes brought up today will last until Mercury goes direct and forms a second stepping stone (square) with Mercury toward the beginning of February. The magic will last just as long, so today is a great day to get centered in your heart and resolve to come from there, trusting in the overall plan of the higher Self, aka the Cosmos.


1 3 16 Mars enters Scorpio


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