Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

It is so heartening to hear from so many of you,  all feeling pretty much the same way. Think on this for a moment: Isn’t it amazing that we are all basically lying on a spiritual operating table with our brains removed, hooked up to life support, being prepped for a replacement mind, all feeling the change very radically, yet so able to communicate this Truth to each other. Amazing isn’t it?

I heard from so many of you, and I chose to reprint one person’s description of what she’s going through, because I feel it so succinctly expresses what we are all going through. This is from Dawn:

“I feel so outside of myself. I’m fine one minute and having a great  productive day then my heart is heavy and I’m so outside of my zen happy cheerful and productive self. My heart feels so foreign in this heavy  day which is outside my typical day to day. My head hurts from the emotion of it all. I have needed more sleep than usual as well. I feel the need for a healthy work life balance and the need to expand my personal horizons to strive for the dreams I have kept buried inside. Took steps to produce them this week which was one of my 2016 goals, but also simultaneously facing the reality that we might have to cut some things loose from our lives and that has me a bit unsettled and scared a bit.  With all that I guess the best word to sum it all up is feeling a bit overwhelmed.”

Thank you Dawn… There is so much here to address:


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