Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

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Okay, I was way off.. My town, in Northern New Jersey, got hit very hard by the blizzard named Jonas. There are other areas in the country, further South, that got hit harder, but we have two feet of snow and still counting…I live in New Jersey. Down the shore in this state there is a high tide coming and flooding has already begun. There is a full Moon in 2 hours, and it seems this storm isn’t done with us yet.

I’ve been fortunate…no power outage…it is warm in my home. But as I reported earlier this week, I am in the midst of a major “red tape” storm of my own. It has not subsided, even a little bit. No matter how diligent I am, and I AM, believe me, I can’t seem to make PayPal understand that they already have what they are insisting they need from me, and now they have shut down my account, cutting me off from my income and even from the money in my account.

I feel the storm(s) are happening for the purpose of clearing out the muck at the bottom of the barrel. It sure is sticky. Somehow I am not at all perturbed. The more grateful I realize I am, the more ‘stuff’ gets piled on. This is counterintuitive to what we know about gratitude and holding a peaceful inner space. So it causes me to contemplate deeply and know that there is a reason that is a blind a spot as this wild snow storm can create.


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