VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL! TWO WEEKS ONLY... I am offering $50 off any relationship session or gift for a significant other if scheduled between ow and Valentine’s Day. Email me at
Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!
We are moving into a few days of Mercury, Venus and Mars interacting with Uranus and Pluto, along with the Aquarius New Moon, and that seems to me to be a great chance to find some important new mind/heart balance, and it just might also bring up the new gender fluid issues that have become such a significant part of our lives at this time. There are three important planetary events today, two involving Pluto and the third is a Mars Uranus Great Eliminator (inconjunct). The Mercury interactions with Pluto and Uranus a few days ago become Venus’ same journey today and tomorrow.