Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL! TWO WEEKS ONLY... I am offering $50 off any relationship session or gift for a significant other if scheduled between ow and Valentine’s Day. Email me at

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

We are in the middle of one very energized weekend, and it is showing at the personal, social and collective levels. Everywhere we turn, there is something intense happening, and it is very VERY easy to fly off the handle and become overly reactive. All it takes is the blink of an eye. Even when that happens, we have the capacity to stay centered and bring peace back into the situation. As a matter of fact, it’s our response ability to do so right now. We are the Love bringers and the keepers of the PEACE after all.


2 7 16 Sun Mars Stepping Stone

2 7 16 Venus Mars Resource


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