Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Please join me and Ray Rolando for our third Cosmic Enchantment Q&A, on Tuesday evening, MARCH 1, from 7-9pm EST. Here is your chance to get your most personal questions answered as Ray and I channel the Masters and Archangels. CLICK HERE to Register. Exchange: $33

VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL! THIS WEEK ONLY... $50 off any relationship session or gift for a significant other if scheduled between now and Valentine’s Day. (Appointments may be scheduled for any time in February). Email me at

CheckĀ out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

There’s a lot of winding down and gearing up taking place at the same time, and it can get confusing. It can be difficult to know what needsĀ letting go of and which path to choose going forward. With Mercury’s new operating system kicking in, and Mars’ physical domain preparing for a whole new transmutation process, there couldn’t be a better moment to do nothing, and to allow the higher Self to run on autopilot for just a bit longer. This is the most important realization we can achieve right now: If you have a question, do nothing.


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