Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

REGISTER NOW to join me and Ray Rolando for our THIRD COSMIC ENCHANTMENT Q&A, NEXT Tuesday evening, MARCH 1, from 7-9pm EST. Here is your chance to get your most personal questions answered as Ray and I channel the Masters and Archangels. CLICK HERE to Register. Exchange: $33

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal!

I had written in the margins of my aspect book a note about the next few days and how they focus on gender equality and fluidity, and I want to write about how Venus, Mercury and Mars are interacting with each other in the higher dimensions as well as this one all week. Watch for those themes, for sure, because the new gender fluid world is emerging as we speak. However, now that we are here, in this moment, there seems nothing else to discuss but the Virgo/Pisces polarity, and how eight planets and the Moon (on and off) are lighting that bridge up for each and every one of us to cross.


2 25 16 Mercury Saturn Resource


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