Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog



REGISTER RIGHT HEREĀ Ā for my SPRING EQUINOX TELECONFERENCE, THIS COMING SUNDAY March 20, from 4-5:30pm EDT, 1-2:30pm PDT, 8-9:30pm GT. I will offer a channeled message that deliversĀ all the Cosmic Consciousness there is to share about the game changing season ahead. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Exchange: $25

CheckĀ out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, andĀ Sylviane Gianina!

We are in the middle of a Piscean worm hole, and today the SUN, bringer of our consciousness, moves over the World Axis at the master degree, the 29th degree of Pisces. It has certainly been a wild ride, reminiscent of a wild west saga. Everything that could happen has happened, and so much more than that. So much has happened that was unexpected, and many of us would say totally undreamed of. But of course, we KNOW that can’t be True… if we’re willing to be totally honest.


MAR 19 2016


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