REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR MY NEW 2016/2017 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM! **If you’re considering studying with me, either to become a certified practitioner of Cosmic Consciousness, or because you are ready to understand your Self better, consider the following:
Today, and every day until August 10th, I am offering a free download of my ‘Introduction to Cosmic Consciousness’ MP3 with Powerpoint Presentation to give you a taste of the new language of Astrology. TO GET YOUR DOWNLOAD CLICK HERE AND ENTER THE CODE INTROCC at checkout to bring the cost down to $0.
And CLICK HERE for the course details!
AND PLEASE join me for the MT. SHASTA SPIRITUAL RETREAT on AUGUST 22nd through 28th, by signing up for REMOTE ATTENDANCE! Bring your Self energetically into the experience. Just go the registration page and click on the remote option….
Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal and Anne Harris!
DEREK O”NEILL will be in Paramus, New Jersey for an afternoon workshop on Saturday, September 17!!!
CLICK HERE for all the details! You don’t want to miss this…
There’s yet another version of the current ongoing Wisdom intersection activating today with the Mercury Neptune bridge that opens for traffic right in the middle of the day today. Mercury formed a stepping stone with Saturn yesterday, and Saturn and Neptune are within 2 degrees of manifesting a stepping stone of their own, and when Saturn goes direct in one week, these two planets will be doubly applying toward that square. It will not be exact until the first week of September. That means it will be building and dominating the atmosphere for most of the summer from here on in.