Cosmic Consciousness Weekly- Current Astro Events – September 1, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

By: Lisa Zimmerman


We welcome September with notable shifts, following Uranus Retrograde and the Pisces Full Blue Super Moon on Saturn, which may have activated changes, decisions or forced you to face situations that could no longer be avoided. Now we have Mercury Retrograde, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron all Retrograde, creating an undertow pulling you back into old territory, giving you the opportunity to course correct whatever isn’t falling into place easily or working smoothly for a chance to redo.


Sept 3 – Venus Stations Direct. After a long Retrograde, you can incorporate what you have learned since July 22, regarding quality-of-life issues about what you value, how you value yourself, how relationships are working for you, how you operate with $$ and what truly satisfies you – and what isn’t satisfying. Your everyday life matters and this is the time to change whatever you can to elevate any elements that make you feel or function better. Yes!


There are so many lessons to be learned about Venus – and in Leo, it’s all about YOU, your desires, your happiness, Self-expression and Self honoring. If you discovered anything was missing, lacking, limiting or neglected, you can realign your current life with new choices, ready for a fresh start at this time. You are important and your happiness is in your hands (which is always true, but it’s emphasized now).


Sept 4 – Mercury trine Jupiter. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is practical, dealing with plans or details and a trine to Jupiter indicates good news or a positive development. So things are unfolding smoothly, but there’s more to come. These planets will meet again when Mercury turns Direct on Sept 25, which will likely be the conclusion of this story arc.


Sept 4 – Jupiter Stations Retrograde. Jupiter rules your beliefs, higher truth, inspiration, meaning of life, long journeys, foreign travel (literal or figurative). This is a powerful time to review your morals and ethics, the codes you live by, those which actually align with your values. What has meaning for you now? With all the chaos in the world, what inspires you – do you have a vision? It’s not really time for expansion (another Jupiter theme), as the exploration is more internal than external. Outer growth will come later, but getting clear about where you are, who you’re with and what is true and real for you is primary.


Sept 6 – Mercury Retrograde Cazimi the Sun. This is when Mercury Retrograde is conjunct the Sun and you download info, communication is featured, you gain insight into a situation or something positive regarding Mercury (the mind). Clarity, focus, connection, a bright idea or adaptability occurs, and you suddenly find a solution or a knowing that puts things in place. Use it well!


Venus and Jupiter Stations are a time of hope and vision – and with Jupiter Retrograde you have the opportunity to widen back and see the big picture as you contemplate where you are. Just sit with it if you need to clarify and allow Mercury Cazimi the Sun on Sept 6 to download the info for you. Journal, walk in nature, choose your preferred spiritual practice and see what comes into your space, if you need direction. You never know what you might get…


As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.


© 2023 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.


Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️