Current Astro Events – April 19, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

April 19 – Although the Sun entered grounded, comfort-loving Taurus, this promises to be a profound week of unexpected shifts, intensity and illumination, ultimately ending with Mercury Stationing Direct. Focus on love, your intentions and intuition, release what’s complete and trust that you are being led to your Highest Good.

April 20 – The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is exact today, an dynamic aspect that brings beneficial changes that opens your world. This combo creates unexpected opportunities, resources, connections and activates sudden twists, turns and events that come out of the blue! Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus may bring you $$, so if you receive a windfall or cash gift, enjoy!

Jupiter-Uranus, can trigger breakthroughs if you’ve been stuck, genius insights, synchronistic events and innovative perspectives that create new paradigms. Lucky Jupiter-Uranus can work like magic – things just fall into place and expand your world!

Sudden external events that are an outpicturing of changes you desire but are afraid to make (you want to quit a job but you’re afraid – and you get laid off) are a Jupiter-Uranus expression – or a sudden change of heart after tolerating something for a period of time (like an ending or a move). This can help you break up or break out, especially if you want freedom. It can also give you the confidence to overcome fears and take action if you’ve been reluctant to do so before.

Just so you know, Uranus never takes anything you need for your Highest Good, so trust that if something leaves your life the Universe is doing for you what you won’t do for yourself. Your job is to get comfortable with endings, letting go and change, because that is our new normal. Therefore, it’s a spiritual practice to let go gracefully. As they say, “Let go or be dragged.”

April 23 – Full Moon in Scorpio @ 4:49pm PDT. The Full Moon brings things to light – and in Scorpio, it speaks to your subconscious mind and what is hidden. This Full Moon is squared by Pluto (Ruler of Scorpio), further highlighting shadowy issues that need to be seen and dealt with, such as manipulation, secrets, hidden agendas, control, betrayal and trust issues.

The Sun in Taurus rules security and values and Scorpio rules power and safety. You may have resources ($$), but fear losing them – or fear losing your rights. Decide what you want to release that is now complete – the perfect Full Moon ritual. Write it down or just do it. You may be dominant or submissive in any

power imbalance and the realization may be painful, but getting real is so worth it for your growth and evolution.

The Full Moon in Scorpio can facilitate a breakthrough or locate hidden beliefs, behaviors or attitudes that are causing problems, stress and dragging you down. Taurus loves the familiar, but it’s time for awakening on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Operating on autopilot is employing old decisions in the present moment. Be here now. What needs to go?

We have Venus, Chiron, Mercury and the North Node in Aries asking you to claim your will to fulfill your desires, with the South Node in Libra, sign of relationships. The South Node represents the lower energies you want to let go of regarding power issues in relationships with this Full Moon, (people-pleasing, sacrifice, withholding, gaslighting, manipulating, etc).

This is your mission – to come out of hiding and take back your power. As the Moon moves forward in the coming days, it will make harmonious trines with the Pisces planets to support your new, more empowered expression of Self, which should flow nicely.

April 25 – Mercury Stations Direct @ 6am PDT. Finally, Mercury in Aries stops to turn Direct and just at the degree of the North Node of Destiny. You are seeing yourself anew after the Solar Eclipse in Aries and all the astro events you’ve experienced, including the Mercury Retrograde. You have a new sense of who you are and how you want to go forward and you’re reconsidering your life, preparing for your next moves.

The pace will wind down as the week goes on, starting with sudden shifts (Jupiter-Uranus), then Full Moon mania (high emotions), with a move into slow- mo as we approach the Mercury Station later in the week.

Mercurial tasks (communication, technology, ground travel, shopping) can get mixed up, especially when Mercury stops to change direction, so be mindful with large purchases, plans and schedules. Double-check plans, communicate in writing, get receipts, be sure you can return purchases in case they’re not correct. No fear, just consciousness. Wait to take major actions until the New Moon in Taurus (May 7). So much will come together by then.

This is an amazingly fertile week, with rich energy available for discovering new aspects of your Self!

I stand by these ideas: Be open to changes and know that nothing is permanent, as we are experiencing multidimensional shifts that have not yet settled.

Impeccable Self-care is required, especially for sensitive nervous systems and extra space will serve you well.

If you experience a plot twist – even a *positive* one – it can be a jolt to your system to acclimate to the new setup, so don’t underestimate the effect that new circumstances have on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

Be willing to release old identities that no longer fit where you are being led. No matter what you think is happening, trust that All is in Divine Order and more will be revealed as you move forward.

“Even though I (fill in the blank), I deeply and profoundly accept myself.” ~ Emotional Freedom Technique mantra

“Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life.” ~ Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤