Current Astro Events – Nov 17, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Nov 17/18 – Focus on a vision for your future, as we kick off a powerful week with Mars conjunct the Sun – and both trine Neptune, activating a turbo-charged drive and perseverance that can propel you toward creating dreams come true. Mars-Sun in Scorpio has relentless determination, goes deep, and can release stale energies, while Divine Feminine Neptune brings a Higher Consciousness perspective, beyond 3D.

This initiates a new beginning for Mars, planet of action – and because it rules the North Node of Destiny, it has even more significance after a long period of feeling like we were spinning our wheels, unable to get any real traction. The Sun-Mars will be closely connected through Nov 22, so this can be a “cosmic launchpad” as we approach the end of the year. Don’t squander this opportunity to jumpstart a project, a dream, movement or to evolve your life!

Nov 20 – Sun sextile Pluto offers clarity of purpose, strength and conviction to your Sun-Mars vision. It also provides greater certainty and ambition to any decisions or actions needed to proceed or succeed on your mission. Tap into this powerful energy when making decisions, taking actions and making connections with others, as there is magnetic mojo if you are working
for the Greater Good.

Nov 20 – Mercury trine Chiron can be a healing, an amends, an apology from you to another or vice versa. You may have a new perspective that opens up your world – maybe you made yourself wrong (or someone else) and now you see another viewpoint with more compassion. The potential for healing is here around your thinking, words that need to be said or judgments
against yourself or others (including the global stage).

Nov 21 – Mars sextile Pluto. Continuing the theme of power moves, this high intensity duo can accomplish difficult tasks, so use it well. You will have great stamina for tasks that require major focus and energy, with enthusiasm and determination. What a way to close our Scorpio, on a high!

Nov 22 – Sun in Sagittarius. We enter into sunny, upbeat Sagittarius, sign of Higher Truth, meaning of life, belief systems, spirituality and foreign travel (and so much more!). You will feel a shift from deep, intense Scorpio feelings into the optimistic, impulsive energy of Sagittarius, inspired by social causes and sometimes zealous fervor, which is the day before Thanksgiving
and the shopping frenzy that kicks off the holiday season in the US. Sagittarius wants to say “Yes!” to everything, so be mindful — this can land you in overwhelm, with too many things going on…

Venus opposes Chiron. Take good care of your heart, as someone or something may trigger an old wound, an issue or something you didn’t even realize was still there. If so, give yourself nurturing, soothing TLC, either through Self-help tools, a loving friend or a loved one you can share with or other resources you have. But know, this is here to show you what still needs
healing. You are not meant to suffer forever. Get the help you need to integrate what is not You, so you can be whole, peaceful and free.

Nov 23 – Sun square Saturn. With the Sun in Sagittarius all hot to trot, Saturn is here to slow you down and give a reality check. This can be delays, obstacles and change of plans or disagreements about how to do things – the traditional way by the old guard vs. a fresh approach by the new generation. This is on Thanksgiving in the US, so be prepared to be flexible, as weather events or travel issues can affect what happens. Know in advance, it will be good to give yourself extra time and space for travel on the holiday, to add to relaxation – and easy does it with the elders.

With a world in chaos, it is imperative to recognize and be grateful for your blessings. Know what you stand FOR, not what you are against. What you stand for brings you into an expanded consciousness, whereas what you are against anchors you in duality (us vs. them).

That’s the trap the world is in – us vs. them – and we will never evolve from that space, which is
what we are here to do.

Wishing you a blessed, powerful, transformative week.

“We have passed the time when a leader can show us the way. We must find a new way – walking together into uncharted territory. This means we will spend time in the unknown. But that is exactly where creation lives.” ~ Ann Bradney

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions 

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.