Today’s focus is on movement, so stretch your thoughts, stretch your heart, stretch your body, stretch your ideas and goals. The more we stretch, the more “room” we have to hold the accelerated frequencies being gifted to us continually.
November Numerology
Welcome November!!! November is always the most intense month of the year due the fact that it is a Master Number 11 month. It is a month of revelation, clarity, acceleration, awakenings, and transformation.
As you all know, before we each incarnated, we each had a plan. We said to our Creator and to the Karmic Board “I want to do this and this and this and this…” We each had powerful intentions and plans for this lifetime. November’s energies powerfully assist us in living our truth, purpose, and destiny. It shows us through powerful and sometimes shocking revelations how to get on with it to accomplish what we came here to do. November is our enlightened assistant in showing us what we haven’t seen AND in revealing to us what our next steps are to move into greater alignment with our truth, purpose, and destiny.
We cannot change or adjust anything within our consciousness until we see how it is holding us back from what we want – complete unity and unlimited awareness. So November is the great revealer. It shows us through all our relationships where we have a belief, a pattern, or an agreement that is less than empowered and less than unified. The energies this month are so compassionate, so loving, and so powerful. They are 100% committed to assisting us in realizing our Greater Truth. This month everything is laid open for us to see, and along with the clarity we are also gifted this month with the revelations of what to do about it and how to take our next empowered steps. November shows us the issues and shows us the solution to each issue. Of course, we all know the solution is unconditional love and unconditional owning. In addition, once we truly “see” something that we haven’t seen before, we cannot “unsee” it. Once we are awakened to a truth, we can’t go back. So not only does November assist us in seeing what we need to see and revealing our next steps to us, it assists us in closing forever the door to illusion about that issue. Once we really “see” we cannot go back.
May we each greet the powerful and immense gifts of November with joy because we know we each will be transformed by the end of this gracious month.
Cosmic Numerology for the year 2016
2016, a “9” year, is a year of completion – not just a completion of a cycle that began 8 years ago, but a humungous completion of a cycle that began thousands of years ago – a final letting go of separation. Yes, we all have been working towards this for so long, but this will be a “big” year – completely letting go of separation – decision time – whether to cling to old patterns of limitation, or whether to embrace your Divine Nature – embrace that everything in your visible world and your invisible world is you – profound and unlimited – a year to fully commit to love – it’s all God, it’s all love – this is the year to no longer fluctuate back and forth but a year to completely and permanently align with Love. This is the year to move into 5D permanently, completely, and with the deepest commitment of will to never doubt yourself again; to never judge yourself again; to never blame yourself again; etc. etc. And of course, when we no longer judge, criticize, doubt, and blame ourselves, we no longer judge anyone or anything, within or without.
The “9” energy brings both endings and birthing within its energy so be ready to engage with the process of letting go and possibly, in the next moment, embracing the excitement of new ideas, new dreams, new passions, and new opportunities. These new birthings may not have a manifested form yet, but they will be very real to you in the form of revelation, passion, and inspiration. They will begin to be noticed in the womb of your visions. Allow them to gestate.
The energies of 2016 cannot be put into the limitation of words – its vastness is too great. It is the ending and the beginning and everything in between – it is like the profound moment between breaths.
While one aspect of our journey may seem to be completed, a new step or beginning is right around the bend or over the horizon – in fact, we have already taken our next step. Our steps to expansion never end. This year will require patience with your journey, trust in self, trust in life, trust in God, and faith that regardless of what it looks like, every step is a blessing and a gift. We will need to stay immersed in our love this year.
For more information about Marie’s work, or to set up a session, please visit her website: www.quietmountains.com Or call (720) 340-4670