Whatever shows up for you today is assisting in stretching and expanding your consciousness. Use these precious opportunities to support your evolution. Stretch as much as possible today.
February Numerology
Welcome February!!!! Arbitration; mediation; diplomacy; tact; persuasion; partnerships; agreement; consideration; sensitivity; sincerity; graciousness; spiritual insight; peacemaker; mother; nurturer; light-bearer; bringer of unity; harmonious vision; unconditional love. These are SOME of the powerful and dynamic qualities of this 2nd month of 2017 – these are the qualities of the Divine Feminine 2 energy. This month we have the opportunity to be aligned with and illuminated with these enlightening frequencies of the Divine Feminine that are powerfully emerging at this time.
In years past, we have all heard the adage, “behind every man is a powerful and effective woman.” We are entering into a time where the positive and dynamic feminine in every one of us must stand up and takes its place as an equal beside our inner masculine positive energies. Not behind our inner masculine, not in front of our inner masculine, but as an equal and dynamic partner beside our inner masculine. We need BOTH the qualities of the 1 energy (masculine) AND the 2 energy (feminine) in order to bring forth and to live in unity – in oneness – in balance – in equality. Neither polarity of the 1 alone or the 2 alone will work at this stage of our development. We are moving OUT OF polarity and the way is through union and merging these powerful qualities.
A loving and powerful mother figure INCLUDES ALL her children and loves them all equally. She can see each of their unique gifts without imposing on them her ideas of who they need to be but instead allows each of her children to be uniquely who they are, honoring and assisting them to develop their uniqueness. She finds ways to keep peace in the home while allowing each child to be respected fully, to be listened to equally, to be supported and cherished equally, to have full respect and to have equal opportunities. She encourages all her children, engages with all her children , enlivens all her children, supports all her children, displays patience and tolerance with her children, showers all her children with: compassion, support, education, discipline, healing, playfulness, attentive listening to, respect, and protects all her children. These are the qualities and energies and frequencies that we are being offered this month for us to align with and to develop within us this month. These are NOT weak qualities, but is the power that builds and sustains family, community, government, and countries. Just as she does not find fault with any of her children and she does not play favoritism with any of them, we too can use this vision to move forward this month without finding fault or blame as we move through each experience armed with all our divine feminine gifts. It may not be evident that we are making a difference or that life is becoming more unified, but as long as we stay true to our inner divine feminine qualities, success is guaranteed. She is illuminating our pathway step by step by step fully as we embrace our dynamic divine feminine gifts. These qualities will get us to where we are going.
I studied for several years with several shamans in Arizona approximately 15 years ago. One of the practices I experienced during those years was to attend a sweat lodge in the desert in southern Arizona. The male shaman who was holding the sweat asked each woman before she entered the tent if she “was on her moon time” (having her period). If she indicated that she was, she would not be allowed into the sweat lodge. I asked why. I was told that a woman at that time has access to such unlimited power that the shaman cannot manage the energy of the sweat lodge if she is inside it. That statement impressed me so much. I have never forgotten it. The Divine Feminine within us is too powerful for words. Her power is life giving – life supporting. It is time for every one of us to open to, activate, allow, and embrace our life affirming and life giving inner Divine Feminine.
Cosmic Numerology for the year 2017
Welcome Welcome Welcome 2017!!!! We are honored for your energy, your gifts, your Light, your opportunities, your courage, your wisdom, and your inspiration!!! This year offers us with profound and powerful energies to create our new world!!!!!
To name SOME of the gifts that 2017 bring us they are: Light, Illumination, Clarity, Courage, Independence, Empowered Choice, Originality, Will, Determination, Initiative, and Creative Thought. Wow!!! We are all SO READY for these powerful qualities to become enlivened in our lives after the deep and intense clearing and transformation we have all called forth for the past lifetime and even longer!!! Once again, Welcome 2017!!!
To delve more deeply into the energies of 2017, remember that not only are we calling forth these powerful qualities from within (2017 is our reflection of course) but we ARE READY to wield them with clarity, with empowerment, with awareness, with integrity, with LIGHT, AND in coming from our Center which is Unified in LOVE. It takes courage to stand in the face of opposition and to not “take sides – either one polarity or another” but to stand firmly in oneness and hold your truth. It takes a strong WILLINGNESS to want to see the Best in each and every situation, especially when there is pressure to do otherwise. It takes Illumination and Independence and courage to stand firmly in your truth when others pressure you to do what they want. This year we are truly being asked to walk our talk. We have all read the adage “to whom much is given, much is expected” – well, this year much will be required of us because much, much, much has already been given and much more will be given to us. We have the greatest opportunities before us this year to create our “heaven on earth” – maybe not in completion in one year, but certainly we have the opportunities to begin this new life from wherever on our journey we currently reside. And we already know that all beginnings begin within. So the profound Light we are being gifted with this year can be used, to illuminate every part of our consciousness so that we may ferret out any and all thought forms, ideas, and patterns that prevent us from living within ourselves a heaven on earth life. It HAS to begin within – we all know this. Can we awaken each day filled with the gratitude of what we experienced yesterday and the anticipation of this new day full of unlimited potential? Can we allow ourselves to live with joy; to live with excitement; to live with appreciation; to live in partnership with life; to live with a willingness to see and embrace something new; to live engaged WITH life. This year it will be critical to keep an inner eye on our inner attitude and climate to be sure we are living in love – living in Light – living in Connection – living in integrity – honoring our individuality – appreciating all our gifts – appreciating all that life is giving us this very moment – remaining in the now moment – having deep compassion for ourselves and others when we “mess-up” because our “mess-ups” are our greatest teachers and opportunities – allowing our true partnership with life – not through control but through trust and love and a willingness to open to life.
This year is HUGE!!! In order to take full advantage of all it is offering us, it will be helpful to embrace our own huge and unlimited nature in full faith and trust. Especially when our experience is different than we expect or want. When we can let go of our expectations of how things need to be and, without losing our own integrity and our own truth, allow life to unfold as it needs to, and if we can do this in full faith that life loves us and is “on our side” and that the outcome, regardless of what it looks like, IS in our very best interest, then we can and will create our own heaven on earth.
Our heart ALWAYS knows – our Body NEVER lies to us – our mirrors ALWAYS show us something about ourselves. These are the tools that will be so helpful for us to fully trust, engage with, and use to maneuver through this year. Our heart knows what we want and what we don’t want in an instant – it will tell us our truth in an instant, so connecting and LISTENING to our heart this year is more important than ever.
Our body NEVER Lies to us. Anytime we are at a crossroads or have a decision or a choice to make, consult your body – feel it deeply – listen to it – it will NEVER guide you astray – never. Check in with it daily this year. You can feel when you are in center – you can feel when you are on your true pathway – you can feel if a choice you have made is not in alignment with your heart – feel your truth and allow it to guide you this year.
Our mirrors ALWAYS tell us something about ourselves. They have to because all of our life is our own reflection. They may not be a “direct” reflection and you may have to work with the symbols of the mirror. For example, the external terror acts playing out externally do not indicate that you are a terrorist, however, you can ask yourself: how are you internally destroying your gifts, or your opportunities, or do you terrorize yourself with debilitating thoughts or feelings or beliefs, etc. Ask yourself numerous questions. Use your mirrors until you get that internal “yes, that is what this mirror is showing me.” The more you work with them the more they will reveal insights to you about yourself. If you are persistent with working with your mirrors, you will SEE yourself and discover so much about yourself and in that discovery move into creating your heaven on earth.
Another profound gift of 2017 is Inspiration!!!! This will be a major and daily gift during 2017. I will expand on this gift of inspiration during the blogs for each day and each month because there is so much to expand on here. So, please join me in opening your hearts and all of your being to this incredible and miraculous year 2017!!!
For more information about Marie’s work, or to set up a session, please visit her website: www.quietmountains.com Or call (720) 340-4670