THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 11/14/16

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

channeloftheweekTROJAN HORSE VICTORIES –

Well, well… Interesting times have befallen you again have they? Curve balls left and right? Americans, and the world, can hardly believe what you are witnessing at this hour. But it IS your creation… all of you, even non-voters, and non-Americans. You are creating such times because you need the lessons they bring. And need them you most certainly do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be creating this reality.

Now, what if we shed a little Cosmic “Awesome Sauce” [is that how you say it?] to the equation for you?! What if we let you in on a bit of a secret? You see, you cannot see… everything. You are not wired to do so. When you truly begin to trust that NOT being able to see it all IS perfect FOR you, is when everything will begin to change. Until then, just trust US – ha ha!

In all seriousness, you may well remember a story about the trojan horse, where from seeming defeat victory arose by surprise. You need to remember ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, even if this means you bring to yourselves the exact opposite of what you need first so that you can see exactly what you do need. However, what if the chair, the seat, the position CAN positively influence the man or woman who sits upon or within it? What if changing THAT soul changes everything?

It has been said that God will often send you on a detour of sorts while the road you called “my path” is being paved and maintained for you so that when you return to it, it is smooth sailing to your destination. Perhaps this kind of thinking should be carried at this hour.

You see, the American President-elect and all of the shock and awe that went into the election and outcome are ABSOLUTELY required, requisite, mandatory for you to get what you need, and not always what you want. There is hope, however, and it is great. For from the lowest of lows that a seeming split within a country or the world creates, comes the greatest potential for positive shift and re-unification. In order for truth and love to prevail, the world must stand united.

Let this victor feel the power of love the world sent to the White House leading up to the election – regardless of the vote you cast. Let him feel the hopefulness, and love, and admiration for a country and the inspiration for a free world that mass consciousness was sending to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue leading up to his election. That consciousness is not lost, for it still resides within you. And it was stirred up so greatly in preparation for the victor. For they are being prepared, as is mass consciousness, for a shift from the inside-out.

This is NOT about a person, but rather it is about perspective. This is about winning the “war with ego”, not about the battle with it. Perhaps the change chair has something in store for a powerful ego. Perhaps, if that ego is overcome by a soul’s heart, that the change that is promised becomes overwhelmingly great and courageous for the people. Perhaps real change occurs when the darkest of dark steps into the light. After all, the spot-LIGHT there is bright.

Despite what it looks like, the inside job calls for great surprise. Know this… surprise is upon you, and greater than you can possibly imagine in this moment. So dream big together and, as a collective, you may just create the world you all actually want.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


***This guidance column was written by Ray Rolando for and It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

Ray Rolando is a Transformational Coach, Divine Messenger, and Channel for the Archangels and the Ascended Masters. Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Meditations, and weekly channeled Divine Healing, Guidance, and Wisdom.

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