It is amazing the miraculous unfoldments when we allow is it not? At a time when so much seems driven by power struggles in an attempt to control outcomes, allowance remains the quantum neutralizer.
When there is no “where” to get to, no best new “thing” to be had, the competition with self ends, as the emergence of presence determines THIS moment AS the best one, for it becomes all that is.
It is in that awareness that a true allowance can unfold – one in which the next God-action can emerge from the heart into the conscious mind as a result of meditative contemplation.
The day will soon come again when you will contemplate not with the thinking mind but when, instead, the heart will lead conscious thought. It will happen in mass, and soon. From that place it becomes easier for one man, and then humanity, to return home to heart-based service to one another.
In this harmonic convergence of hearts, desire for greed, control and power begins to give way to the allowance of the heart, which leads back to truth… truth for one man… and then a planet, and then the Cosmos.
It is in the power of allowance that you are unified once more… and that WE are unified forevermore.
With so much love in our hearts for you,
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