Please welcome our newest member of the Cosmic Path family, Sylviane Gianina, who has been a cherished student of Cosmic Consciousness while an important Teacher in her own right. I am thrilled to have her writing the monthly column for us. Her intuitive grasp of Cosmic Consciousness is enlightening and impressive.
March, 2016:
This month we reach another crucial shifting point in the ensoulment/embodiment process that began at the Winter solstice of 2012.
A huge Light bridge has opened, created by Jupiter in Virgo opposing Neptune conjunct Ceres in Pisces a few days ago. It is lifting the veil created by residual blocks and patterns that have been preventing our ascension and reconnection with Source. What we experience as a veil always results from a fear-based local experience of ourselves. Choosing to focus on our non-local Self instead dissipates the veil instantly. Due to the raise in frequency we are now able to access our Higher Self easily.
Virgo is the sign emotional wisdom and the light shed on the Virgo-Pisces bridge shows that wholing equals surrendering to spiritual Love, nothing else is required. No matter what happens choose Love and surrender to it, that’s it!
Apart from inviting us to recenter ourselves and focus on our Higher Selves, thereby reconnecting with our limitless Being, recent massive downloads of Light codes have activated parts of our Selves we had no recollection of until now. We are coming back to Oneness, Love, Source
The Sun is currently in Pisces, as part of a stellium including Ceres, Chiron and the Earth Star Chakra (South node), and Mercury and Venus will join in in the coming weeks. A specific recalibration of mind and heart to Self or Love frequency happens at the Solar eclipse (Sun conjunct Moon) on Mrch 8th and 9th, which will be synchronised with the physical body at the Lunar eclipse, when Mars will fully integrate the newly upgraded frequency through a resource (sextile) with the Moon and own it through a manifestation (trine) with the Sun.
The Sun has just transited over Neptune, it will cruise over Ceres, Chiron and the Earth Star Chakra before hitting the vernal Equinox on the 20th of March. The Light transmission of the Sun from Ceres to Chiron dissolves definitively the illusion of healing. That is to say, at the moment the Cosmic Self is unveiled, we Know its very essence and perfection are eternal and can’t be altered or wounded ever. Similarly, as the Sun moves on from Chiron to the Earth Star Chakra, the deep-seated belief that the Earth is a place of sorrow and suffering de-manifests instantly. The recalibration is complete on the equinox day, when the stellium in Pisces is held together by Mercury, ruling the mental body, on the one end and Venus, ruling the emotional body, on the other, both of them owning jointly the upgraded potential of all the archetypes they embrace : divinity, creative power, dharma to be embodied on Earth.
The Pisces New Moon on 8/9 March is a Super Moon and also a total Soular eclipse, magnified by the exact bridge with Jupiter in Virgo and transmuted by the resource (sextile) with Pluto in Capricorn : focal point is merging with our Divine Self = Source
While Jupiter keeps holding the bridge with Ceres, Chiron and the Earth Star Chakra, another bridge opens when the Sun enters Aries on the Spring equinox and connects with Makemake, representing the universal order, in Libra, and also conjunct the Super Galactic Centre, the Source of our supercluster Laniakea, taking us straight back home and providing a full perspective on the cosmic order and future developments for humanity.
This Aries-Libra full Moon bridge is a liunar eclipse that determines the manifestation of the new order on a personal and collective level. Once we truly own our divine spark, full empowerment ensues and we can bring the highest frequencies down to Earth and embody our unlimited divine Selves. A phenomenal creative power is available for us to inseminate light into the world. This enables full embodiment as well as planetary ascension.
When the Sun enters Aries, it brings the essence of the cycle just completed into another dimension. On the Earth, the Spring Equinox it is the beginning of a new cycle, one level higher on a spiral of evolution. In Cosmic Consciousness, it is the initiation (entry into) the mental Portal of Truth, in which spirit begins its descent into matter by precipitation, a process by which a substance is transmuted to a greater level of density. Consciousness translates the essence of the limitless field of Pisces into the highest vision of Aries, bringing it one level lower into our human self.
This year’s Spring Equinox combines both view points. The end of something we know well and the manifestation of something else we have no clear idea about yet. And as the Equinox, the balance of day and night, of feminine and masculine, … happens in the middle of a wormhole, between the Solar and Lunar eclipses, the dimensions on which this is happening and of the implications for us are still beyond reach
On the day of the partial Lunar eclipse on 23 March, the Sun in Aries is conjunct Mercury, who rules the mental body and disposes of Uranus and Eris in Aries. It holds an enormous igniting power, just the impulse we need to kick off the process of embodying our divine Selves fully, starting with the enlightened mind, courtesy to Makemake, conjunct the Moon in Libra, and gradually slipping into our enlightened human Selves. The Sun will then move towards the tremendous awakening energy building up in Aries : Uranus and Eris, bound to come together for the first time (since Eris’s disruptive power became accessible to us) in early June before the Summer Solstice. This is another story.
Another facet of Self-recognition happens on Maundy Thursday (the day of the Last Supper as well) on 24 March. That day Chiron is in exact conjunction with the Earth Star Chakra, with Ceres mid-wifing. Maundy is the washing of the feet : Jesus washes the feet of his disciples, a humble task normally performed by servants, and says ‘what I do to you, you should do to one another’. He pours infinite Love (Piscean water) onto the feet (associated with Pisces) of his beloved followers, allowing them to remember who they are: One, Love, Source.
From that moment on, our entire body is symbolically Christened, and holds Christ frequency. Now we are becoming conscious that we are One, Love, Source (and always have been), the Light infused with this consciousness will spread all around the world.